“Death of Danton” by Buchner in brief

Georges Danton and Ero Seschel, his companion in the National Convention, play cards with ladies, among them Julie, Danton’s wife. Danton apathetically rant about women, their charm and cunning, about the inability to know and understand each other. At the soothing words of Julie Danton melancholy notes that he loves her, as they love the “grave”, where you can find peace. Ero flirts with one of the ladies.

Friends, other deputies of the Convention come. Camille Desmoulins immediately involves everyone in the conversation about the “guillotine romance”. In its second year, the revolution requires more and more victims every day. Ero thinks that with the revolution it is necessary to “finish off” and “start” the republic. Everyone has the right to enjoy life as he can, but not at the expense of others. Camille is confident that state power should be open to the people, a “transparent chiton” on his body. Knowing Danton’s magnificent oratorical gift, he calls on him to launch an attack with a speech in the Convention in defense of true freedom and human rights. Danton does not seem to refuse, but does not show the slightest enthusiasm, because up to this point, you still need to “live”. He leaves, showing everyone how tired of politics.

There is a storm of applause, the meeting is being postponed. It is not in the interests of judges to hear that at one time it was Danton who declared war on the monarchy, that his voice “forged weapons for the people from the gold of aristocrats and rich men.” Then Danton appeals to the people, demands the creation of a commission to charge those for whom freedom “walks through the corpses”. Prisoners are forcibly taken away from the hall.

The crowd is buzzing in the square in front of the Palace of Justice. There is no unanimity in shouting and cries, some for Danton, others for Robespierre.

The last clock in the cell. Camille misses his wife Lucille, who stands in front of the camera window and sings. He fears death, suffers from the fact that his wife is going crazy. Danton, as usual, is ironic and mocking. Everyone is bitterly aware of themselves as “pigs” slaughtered with sticks to death, so that “it was more delicious at the royal feasts.”

At the moment when the convicts are taken out of the cell, Julie takes poison in their with Danton’s house. Singing “Marseillaise” convicts are driven in wagons to the Revolution Square to the guillotine. From the crowd there are mocking cries of women with hungry children in their arms. Convicts say goodbye to each other. The executioners take them away. Everything is over.

The guillotine appears Lucille, singing a song about death. She seeks death to unite with her husband. A patrol approaches her, and in a sudden lightening Lucille exclaims: “Long live the king!” “In the name of the Republic,” a woman is arrested.

“Death of Danton” by Buchner in brief