I never went to music school, I did not dream to play any instrument, I did not write songs. Yes, and hearing, to be honest, I do not seem to have either – the music teacher always frowned when he called me to sing solo.
But despite this, I really love music, and it plays a crucial role in my life. Little is known about this – most of my friends are sure that I do not like music, because I rarely listen to it, especially with someone.
This is true: I do not like listening to music, doing some important thing (reading or preparing lessons). Then the music, even the most beloved, distracts and even irritates. This is because I strive to focus on two things at once, and this is impossible.
Yes, I really think that music requires careful and careful treatment of it. Listening to music is the same as reading a book. In music you need to sink completely – only then you will feel its mood, you will be able to catch all the emotions embedded in it, you will be able to fully understand and feel what the author wanted to express with his musical work.
Of course, there is such music that you can not listen thoughtfully. Its streams pour out on us from each radio and from television music channels. Under such music, among which, by the way, there are many worthy compositions, it’s good to dance, do something about the house, just walk quickly along the street. Dance music enhances the mood, liberates, makes you move. But such music, as it seems to me, does not saturate the soul. In fact, it is empty and lightweight. Therefore, I do not understand people who listen only to such works round the clock.
My music “for the soul” is quite different. I love rock, and the Russian rock, the “old temper.” In the first place for me is the group “DDT” and its leader Yuri Shevchuk. I consider him not only a talented musician, but also a very good poet.
It was thanks to the songs of this group that I fell in love with St. Petersburg with its richness of gray and black tones, buildings stretched out to the sky, an old, in many ways mystical, architecture.
But the “merit” of this group is not only this. Listening to “DDT”, I feel that their music is close to me, that we are talking with Shevchuk in one language, although we are completely different people by many criteria. Rock music makes me think and dream, being “in it”, I become myself, I take off all those “masks” that I put on in someone’s society. Rock imbues me with deep positive emotions, I rest, fill myself with new forces, get “food for the mind and heart”: The
old city, yawning, rose from the ground.
He shook off the debris, dispersed the ships.
… … … … … … … … … … … … … … ….
All houses are upside down, everyone is going crazy.
There, far away, behind the Neva – She, She! –
I got a love for rock music from my dad. He is a rock music lover with experience, listening to foreign and Russian rock. I also “taught” him to Russian rap – a direction that I also really love. It is interesting that I like St. Petersburg teams here. They can always be distinguished in the flow of rap music. These guys have their own style – namely, “gray-Petersburg”, more intelligent and intelligent, more diverse in sound and style.
Most of all in Russian rap I’m attracted by the sincerity with which the guys make their music. They sing about what they live and breathe. And this is the most valuable, I think, not only in music, but in art in general. Especially since the guys do it very talently:
Stop, taste the wind,
Breathe in, lowering your eyelids a little.
Red-red snow swept,
And the gloom shrouded me, where the sun?
I love music, as every person loves it. But everyone loves music for something, loves it in their own way. Music in my life takes a huge place (not in time, but in terms of impact), because it helps me to remain myself, remember my dreams, know where I’m going. Thank her for that.
Composition “What kind of music do I listen to”