Composition of the Unified State Examination in Text VM Peskova

How important it is to respect and appreciate what we have. After all, unfortunately, a person can not realize the importance of any object or event until it is lost or missed. Therefore, to protect what we have and invest all the forces in preserving this is our main task. This is what the writer, journalist and traveler Vasiliy Mikhailovich Peskov discusses in his text. In his text, he raises the problem of preserving and enriching culture. The author is deeply puzzled by this question and his excitement about preserving the village culture is fully justified.

The author’s position is clear to me, Vasiliy Mikhailovich believes that in Russia village life and culture are rapidly dying. If agriculture is lost, then a huge part of Russian culture will disappear, in our time this is all going. We see how the rituals of village life, customs, and historical events disappear. I fully agree with the opinion of VM Peskov and share his opinion that the village is the small homeland of man, it is with her that not only the history of this locality begins, but also the history of a huge country. Unfortunately, in our time this problem is urgent. Even in the Soviet Union, at the time of collectivization, many villages were ruined, not only houses, fields, burials were lost, memory was lost, the whole life of the people. The problem of preserving and enriching the culture is well covered in the literature, it has been touched by many well-known writers and poets.

For example, in the story of V. Rasputin’s “Farewell to the Mother,” the author reveals the eternal problems of mankind, one of them is the problem of preserving and enriching culture. We see how the rural way of life perishes, the traditions of the rural people are destroyed, the younger generation and power. On the one hand, the development of the country is necessary, but it is not necessary, in order to build a new break down of the old, to ruin human lives. This problem has always remained the focus of general attention. In the difficult post-revolutionary period, when the change in the political system was accompanied by the overthrow of the former values, the Russian intellectuals did their utmost to save cultural relics.

For example, Academician D. S. Likhachev prevented that Nevsky Prospekt was built up with typical high-rise buildings. The funds of Russian cinematographers were restored manors Kuskovo and Abramtsevo. So, from all of the above, we can conclude that the people of our generation should take care of the village, about the fields, meadows, orchards. After all, the growth of cities is so rapid that soon there will not be a single village left. In this connection, people, culture, and history are dying.



