- The central importance of the search for the true “I”; “analytical composition” drama, suggesting that the main event is biased into the prehistory, and the plot of the play is an analysis of its consequences; while the fact of the past serves as a manifestation of the internal driving forces of the individual, and the resolution of the conflict, as a rule, takes the form of an open final; concentration of action around several characters, revealing in the course of the development of the plot their new spiritual qualities; the presence of several, fatefully interwoven with each other storylines, which at the end of the play pour out into an open clash of heroes; the transfer of the center of gravity from the “external” action to the “inner” one; the type of hero-individualist and rebel opposed to accepted social norms of conduct; the embodiment of the ideological programs of the characters in their actions and interaction with other characters, which is the reason for the predominance of dialogues over monologues; building of dramatic conflicts on the basis of “collisions of ideas”; cross-cutting motives of mystery and fate; the presence of symbolic overtones in the details and titles of the plays.
Characteristics of the artistic world of G. Ibsen