Prince Vladimir arranges a noble feast, which attracts numerous guests. Everyone is satisfied with delicious dishes and good wine. The owner himself walks about the hall and looks thoughtfully at the noisy feast. Then he turns to the crowd with a question: who will do him a great service? Who will go to Polovetskaya’s distant land and bring to Tsar Batura a tribute not paid for twelve years?
Guests begin to bury each other and shyly keep quiet. Finally, out of the crowd, a young man steps out in green morocco boots and bows to Vladimir. This is the warrior Vasily Kazimirovich. He gives the prince the word: “I will serve you faithfully, / Do not change your eyes / I’ll take your gold and silver, / I’ll take your pearl beads, / I have forty forty clear falcons, / With forty forty black sables. .. “
After this vowel Vasily Kazimirovich leaves the feast, hanging his head in a roll. In the middle of a wide street he meets Dobrynya Nikitich. He is interested in the cause of sadness, but Vasily, just “exactly a bull,” passes by. Only from the third approach can Dobryna find out what happened. He himself guessed what had happened, and directly asked Basil: “Did you get caught in Ali where to go?” Dobrynya promises a friend, still keeping a gloomy silence: “I will not give you away from the military business, / And at that hour of death!”
Hearing this, Vasily rushes to Dobryne’s chest, embraces him, calls his older brother, confesses that he really did not restrain himself at the banquet and boasted to everyone, but now it’s time to hold the answer for bragging. Dobrynya resolutely says that they will not take any duty from the prince, but they will do the opposite – ask for a tribute “from the dog of Batura Batvesov.” The heroes fraternize and go together to white-stone chambers to Prince Vladimir, where an honest feast continues.
Well-wishers are met with proper honor, they sit down at the same table with the prince himself, they bring good wine to them, “there is not a spell of enchantment – one and a half buckets”. After that the bogatyrs expound their plan to the prince and ask him to write a handwritten letter to Batura with the demand for duty. Vladimir fulfills their request, then blesses both fellows, and they go on the road. On the heroic horses Dobrynya and Vasilii immediately disappear from sight and soon reach the land of Polovtsian.
On the enemy territory friends behave boldly and confidently. Having dismembered, they do not tie horses and without demand enter directly into Batura’s tower. Not bowing to their master, they arrogantly report that they brought tribute from Prince Vladimir, and immediately Vasily takes out of his pocket “short-cut labels” – the letter of the prince. After reading this letter, Batur gets furious. He insinuatingly declares to Vasily that he will not leave his house any more. But Vasily is not afraid of threats: “I hope for the mother of the miraculous, Holy Mother of God, / I hope for my dear boyfriend, / On whether the brother on the named, / On Dobrynia or Nikitich.”
And indeed, three times Batur arranges Vasily insidious traps – and three times Dobrynya takes the blow. First he sits down to play with Batur in the bone and beats him. Then Dobrynya defeats Batura in archery competitions. Finally, the annoyed master summoned the fellows to fight – and again Dobrynya gets the upper hand, despite the fact that Batur summoned many Tatars to help. Vasily is armed with a white-and-white axle and rushes to the aid of his named brother. Batur, frightened, runs out onto the porch and with a loud voice screams for mercy: “Leave me at least for the sake of the Tatars! ..”
As a result, the Tatar agrees to give Prince Vladimir a tribute for twelve years, if only the heroes were to leave home. Loaded with rich booty, Vasily and Dobrynya go to Kiev and face the prince’s eyes with reverence. The service is well served, the king treats them from the heart and bowing down for their heroic courage to the damp earth: “You have served me by faith, by the truth, / Faith-truth unchanged.”
Bylina “Dobrynya and Vasiliy Kazimirovich” in the summary