In Rome, in the temple of Accord, Caesar delivers a speech. He fought a lot and finally returned to Rome. Rome is mighty, it inspires fear of all nations. For the greater glory of Rome, it remains only to subdue the Parthians and take revenge on them for the victory over Crassus. Defeat in the battle with the Parthians laid down a shameful stain on Rome, and Caesar is ready either to fall on the battlefield, or to deliver to Rome a captive Parthian king. Caesar did not in vain gather the color of Rome in the Temple of Concord. He expects the Romans consent and readiness to march against the Parthians. Kimvre objects: now it’s not up to the Parthians; the civil slaughter that began under the Gracchus does not cease, the Roman Empire is flooded with blood: “First you need houses / Order to lead and avenge Rome / Not before he becomes the same Rome.” Antony supports Caesar: there was no case that the Romans did not avenge the death of the Roman commander. If you do not take revenge on the Parthians, many conquered peoples will decide that Rome has faltered, and will not want to tolerate its domination. The march to the Parthians is necessary, it remains only to decide who will lead the troops, but who, under Caesar, dares to call himself a leader? “Rome” and “Caesar” mean now the same thing, and one who today wants to subordinate the common greatness to personal interests is a traitor. The word takes Cassius. He is opposed to the military campaign, he is worried about the destiny of his fatherland: “Let the consul be consul, the Senate – / Senate and tribunes – rostrums, / And fill the true people / As before, the forum.” Cicero says that he is still true to the dream of common good, peace and freedom. In the Roman Republic have long ceased to honor the laws. When the order in Rome triumphs, it will not need a weapon, “so that the enemies / The fate of the clouds be driven by the wind.” Brutus begins his speech, that he does not like Caesar, because, in his opinion, Caesar does not like Rome. Brutus does not envy Caesar, for he does not consider him higher than himself, and does not hate him, for Caesar is not afraid of him. Brutus reminds Caesar, as an obliging consul wanted to put a royal crown on him, but Caesar himself pushed his hand away, because he realized that the people are not such an unthinking mass as he would like, people can tolerate a tyrant for a while, but not an autocrat. In the soul, Caesar is not a citizen, he dreams of a royal crown. Brutus calls Caesar to become not the oppressor, but the liberator of Rome. He, Brutus, is a citizen and wants to awaken civil feelings in Caesar’s soul. Antony condemns Brutus for his impertinent speeches. Caesar wants the issue of the campaign against the Parthians to be decided here in the Temple of Concord, and to resolve the remaining issues, he proposes to meet tomorrow morning in the Pompey Curia.
Cicero and Kimvre are waiting for their like-minded people – Cassius and Brutus. They understand that the country is in danger and can not be delayed. Cicero sees that Caesar, making sure that the general fear for him is more reliable than the love of the corrupt mobile, relies on the army. Leading the Roman soldiers into battle with the Parthians, he deals the last blow to Rome. Cicero regrets that he is already an old man and can not fight for his homeland with a sword in his hands. Cassius comes to the rescue with bitterness, saying that Cicero no longer has worthy listeners, but Cicero objects: people are always people. However much a person is insignificant with himself, in public he is invariably transformed. Cicero wants to make a speech before the people. The dictator relies on force, Cicero, however, relies on the truth and therefore is not afraid of force: “Caesar will be lost / As soon as he is exposed.” Kimvr is sure, that Cicero will not be able to climb the forum, because the way is closed there, and if he could, his voice would be drowned in the cries of the bribed people. The only remedy is the sword. Cassius supports Kimvra: do not wait until the cowardly people declare Caesar a tyrant, must first be sentenced to him and lead him to execution. The best means – the fastest. To end slavery in Rome, one sword and one Roman are enough, why sit and waste time for hesitation? Appears Brutus. He was late because he spoke with Antony. Caesar sent Antony to Brutus to arrange a meeting. Brutus agreed to meet with Caesar here, in the temple, for he believes that Caesar the enemy is more terrible than Caesar the friend. Cassius says that he, Kimvre and Cicero are unanimous in their hatred for Caesar, in their love of their country and in readiness to perish for Rome. “But there were three plans: / In the civil war, the homeland to plunge, / Il, lie lie calling, disarm / the people, il Caesar finish off in Rome. “He asks Brutus’s opinion. Brutus wants to try to convince Caesar, he believes that the thirst for honor Caesar is more valuable than the thirst for the kingdom. sees Caesar as not a villain, but an ambitious man. In the battle of Pharçal, Brutus was taken prisoner by Caesar, Caesar saved his life, and Brutus does not want to respond to ingratitude with ingratitude. Bruht believes that Caesar alone can return Rome today freedom, power and life, if he becomes a citizen again. t believes that Caesar is a noble soul and he will become a defender of the laws, and not their offender. If Caesar remains deaf to his arguments, Brutus is ready to stab him with a dagger. Cicero, Kimvre and Cassius are sure that Brutus has too high a view of Caesar and the plan it is impossible.
Anthony reports to Caesar that Brutus agrees to meet with him. He hates Brutus and does not understand why Caesar tolerates him. Caesar says that of his enemies Brutus is the only one who deserves it. Caesar prefers not to win by arms, but by grace: to forgive a worthy enemy and enlist his friendship better than to destroy him. So in due time Caesar acted with Brutus, so he intends to continue to do so. He wants to make Brutus his friend at any price. When Brutus comes, Antony leaves them alone. Brutus appeals to the mind of Caesar. He conjures him to become a citizen again and return Rome to freedom, glory and peace. But Caesar certainly wants to conquer the Parthians. He fought so much that he wants to meet death on the battlefield. Caesar says that he loves Brutus as a father. Brutus also feels all the senses to Caesar in turn, except envy: When Caesar manifests himself as a tyrant, Brutus hates him, when in Caesar the person and citizen speaks, Brutus feels for him love and admiration. Caesar reveals to Brutus that he is his father. As evidence, he shows Brutus the letter of his mother Servilia, confirming that Brutus is her son from Caesar. Brutus is stunned, but this news does not change his convictions. He longs to save his homeland or perish. Caesar hopes that Brutus will change his mind and tomorrow he will support him in the Senate, otherwise he will meet in Caesar not the father, but the master. Brutus invites Caesar to prove his father’s love and give him the opportunity to be proud of his father, otherwise he will have to believe that his real father is that Brutus who gave Rome life and freedom at the cost of his own children’s lives. Left alone, Caesar exclaims: “Is it possible,
Cicero, along with other senators, leaves Rome: he is an old man, and there is no fearlessness in him already. Kimvre and Cassius ask Brutus about his conversation with Caesar. Brutus tells them that he is the son of Caesar. “To cleanse the blood of this stain / Horrible, I must shed it for Rome”. Brutus could not convince Caesar. Kimvre and Cassius believe that Caesar must be killed. Brutus goes for advice to his wife Portia – the daughter of the great Cato. Portia, in order to prove her courage, cut off her breast with her sword and endured the pain, so her husband did not even know about it. And only after this test she dared to ask Brutus to entrust her with her secrets. Kimvre and Cassius admire the courage of Portia.
Antony comes to Brutus. Caesar tells him that he hopes for a voice of blood that will lead Brutus to love and respect the person who gave him life. Brutus asks if Caesar is ready to give up dictatorship, revive laws and obey them. Brutus asks Antonia to convey to Caesar that tomorrow in the Senate hopes to hear from him a list of effective measures to save the fatherland. Brutus also yearns to save Rome for the good of the Romans, as well as to save Caesar for Rome’s sake. After the departure of Antony, the conspirators decide to draw some more worthy Roman citizens to their side.
In the curia of Pompey, senators gather. Cries of the crowd come from the street. Cassius tells Brutus that, by his sign, the conspirators with swords will pounce on Caesar. Appears Caesar. He asks why many senators did not attend the meeting. Brutus replies: “Those who sit in the senate, / came out of fear, those who are not here, / Scattered fear.” Brutus makes a speech, where he extols the dignity of Caesar, who overcame himself and over other people’s envy. He congratulates Caesar, who wants to become a citizen, equal among equals, as before. Brutus explains to the crowd that he speaks on behalf of Caesar, because he and Caesar are now one, because he is the son of Caesar. Caesar is shocked by Brutus’s inspired insolence. He says that he wants to make him his successor. Caesar did not depart from his decision to go on a campaign against the Parthians. Brutus, he wants to take with him, and after the victory over the enemies of Rome, he is ready to give himself into the hands of his enemies: let Rome decide who he wants to see Caesar: a dictator, a citizen or none at all. Brutus cries for the last time to Caesar, but Caesar declares that he who does not obey him is the enemy of Rome, a rebel and a traitor. Brutus draws a dagger and shakes them over his head. The conspirators rush to Caesar and spread his swords. Brutus stands aside. The wounded Caesar crawls to the statue of Pompey and emits a spirit at her footsteps with the words: “And you… my boy? ..” The people are running to the senators’ cries. Brutus explains to the people that Caesar is killed, and he, Brutus, although his dagger is not blood-stained, together with others killed a tyrant. The people want to punish the murderers, but they hide, in the hands of the people only Brutus. Brutus is ready for death, but reminds the people of freedom and calls on those whom she cares about, to rejoice: Caesar, who thought of himself as king, sleeps with eternal sleep. Hearing inspired speeches of Brutus, the people are imbued with confidence, and when he heard that Brutus the son of Caesar, he appreciates all his nobility. Brutus mourns Caesar, for he honors his dignity, which he can not find equal. He is ready for death, but asks for a reprieve. Having fulfilled his duty as a liberator and citizen, he will put an end to his life over the grave of his murdered father. The people are ready to follow Brutus. Waving his sword, Brutus leads the people to the Capitol to expel the traitors from the sacred hill. The people follow Brutom repeating: “Freedom or death!”, “Death or freedom!” equal to which can not be found. He is ready for death, but asks for a reprieve. Having fulfilled his duty as a liberator and citizen, he will put an end to his life over the grave of his murdered father. The people are ready to follow Brutus. Waving his sword, Brutus leads the people to the Capitol to expel the traitors from the sacred hill. The people follow Brutom repeating: “Freedom or death!”, “Death or freedom!” equal to which can not be found. He is ready for death, but asks for a reprieve. Having fulfilled his duty as a liberator and citizen, he will put an end to his life over the grave of his murdered father. The people are ready to follow Brutus. Waving his sword, Brutus leads the people to the Capitol to expel the traitors from the sacred hill. The people follow Brutom repeating: “Freedom or death!”, “Death or freedom!”
“Brutus the Second” by V. Alfieri in brief summary