Briefly about the tale of A. de Saint-Exupery “The Little Prince”

Shortly before the death of A. de Saint-Exupery wrote a fairy tale “The Little Prince”, which was destined for the glory of the masterpiece of world literature. She became a kind of spiritual testament of the writer, and a testament addressed not only to children, but also to adults.

“This sad and mocking tale is this,” the Russian translator N. Gal noted, “of course, more for adults than for children… You will smile over it and grow sad, and most importantly, you will always think… This fairy tale is wise and humane, and the author is not only a poet, but a philosopher… Simply and sincerely… he talks about the most important thing: about duty and loyalty, about friendship and love, about a hot, active love for life and for people. And about how to be a man on this yet not very arranged, sometimes unkind, but beloved and only our planet Earth e. ” In this fairy tale, in an amazing artistic form, the writer expressed his most cherished, most piercing thoughts about finding ways to fill human life with a higher meaning and real happiness.

Briefly about the tale of A. de Saint-Exupery “The Little Prince”