NV Gogol
Evenings on a farm near Dikanka
“Evenings…”, consisting of 8 stories, are divided into exactly 2 parts, and each is preceded by the foreword of the imaginary publisher. In the first, describing his farm, he gives the characteristics of some particularly colorful inhabitants of Dikanka that they woo in the evenings in the “Pasichnikov hamlet” and tell those strange stories, the diligent collector of which is Ruda Panko.
The description of the delicious luxuries of a summer day in Little Russia begins this story. Among the beauties of the August afternoon there are moving carts full of goods, and walking people to the fair in the town of Sorochinets. Behind one of the carriages, laden with not only hemp and sacks of wheat (for besides this there sit the black-browed girl and her wicked stepmother), the owner, weary with heat, wanders, Solopii Cherevik. Having barely entered the bridge across the Psel bridge, the cart attracts the attention of local pairs, and one of them, “dressed in a better way than the others,” admiring the parascoan’s hair, starts a quarrel with a wicked stepmother. However, after arriving at the kum, Kozak Tsybul, travelers temporarily forget this adventure, and Cherevik and his daughter leave for the fair soon. Here, pushing between the wagons, he learns that the fair is assigned to the “cursed place” they are afraid of the appearance of the red scroll, and they were sure signs. But no matter how worried about the fate of his wheat Cherevik, the sight of Paraska, that he embraces with a previous couple, brings him back to the “former carelessness”. However, a resourceful couple, calling himself Golupupenko’s son and using old friendship, leads Cherevik to the tent, and after a few mugs about the wedding is already arranged. However, upon the return of Cherevik, his stern wife does not approve of such a turn of events, and Cherevik retreats. A certain gypsy, trading at the grieving ox of Gritsko, does not entirely disinterestedly help him. calling himself Golupupen’s son and using old friendship, leads Cherevik to the tent, and after a few mugs about the wedding is already arranged. However, upon the return of Cherevik, his stern wife does not approve of such a turn of events, and Cherevik retreats. A certain gypsy, trading at the grieving ox of Gritsko, does not entirely disinterestedly help him. calling himself Golupupen’s son and using old friendship, leads Cherevik to the tent, and after a few mugs about the wedding is already arranged. However, upon the return of Cherevik, his stern wife does not approve of such a turn of events, and Cherevik retreats. A certain gypsy, trading at the grieving ox of Gritsko, does not entirely disinterestedly help him.
Soon “a strange incident happened at the fair”: a red scroll appeared, and many saw it. Because Cherevik with the godfather and daughter, who were going to spend the night under the waggons, hastily return home to the company of terrified guests, and Havronya Nikiforovna, his terrible companion, who was delighted with the hospitality of his priest Anatoly Ivanovich, is forced to hide it on the boards under the ceiling among all household utensils and sit at a common table as if on needles. At the request of Cherevik, the godfather tells the story of the red scroll – how he was expelled from the heat of the devil for some fault, how he got drunk with grief, nestled in the shed under the mountain, drank everything he had in the tavern and laid his red scroll, threatening to come for her in a year. The greedy shnikar forgot about the time and sold a prominent scroll to some road man, and when the devil came, then pretended, as if he had never seen him before. The devil left, but the evening prayer of the shnikar was interrupted by the swine snouts suddenly appearing in all the windows. Terrible pigs, “on their feet, long as stilts,” treated him with whips until he confessed to cheating. However, it was impossible to return the scrolls: she grabbed the gypsies on the way, sold the scroll to the purchase, and she again brought her to the Sorochinskaya fair, but she did not ask for trade. When she realized that the matter was in the scroll, she threw it into the fire, but the scroll was not burnt, and the repurchase slipped a “bloody gift” on someone else’s cart. The new owner got rid of the scroll, only when, having crossed himself, chopped it into pieces, scattered around and left. But since that time, during the fair, the devil “with a pig’s mask” is looking for pieces of his scroll, and now only the left sleeve is missing him. At this point in the story,
In the hut, everything mixed up: Popovich “fell with a thunder and a crash,” the cousin crawled under the hem of his wife, and Cherevik, grabbing a pot instead of a cap, rushed out and soon fell without power in the middle of the road. Since morning, the fair, though And full of terrible rumors about the red scroll, makes noises as before, and Cherevik, who in the morning got a red cuff of the scroll, grumbles the mare for sale. But, noticing that a piece of a red sleeve was tied to the bridle and ran in horror, Cherevik, suddenly seized by the boys, was accused of stealing his own mare and at the same time with the turned-up godfather that had fled from the devilry he had seen, tied up and thrown on the straw in the shed. Here both of the kum who were mourning their share, and Golopupenkov’s son finds. Speaking to himself Paraska, he releases the slaves and sends Solopia home, where he is waited not only by the miraculously acquired mare, but also its bidders and wheat. And although the violent stepmother tries to prevent a cheerful wedding, soon everyone dances, and even old old women, who, incidentally, are not attracted by the common joy, but only hops.
The sexton Foma Grigoryevich had once told this story, and a certain “panich in a peasant caftan” had already managed to release it with a little book, but this paraphrase did not satisfy the author so much that he undertook to tell this story again as it should, and the honest pasichnik – the words.
The story heard by the deacon from his own grandfather (glorious in the fact that he never lied to his life) and many details of which belonged to his grandfather, who at that time contained a tavern, occurred one hundred years before, in the place of Dikanka, who was then “the most poor farm “. Every people staggered around, many without business, and among them was Basavryuk, “the devil in the human form.” He did not go to church on Bright Sunday either, but gave red presents to the red girls who pressed them, biting and causing all sorts of horrors at night. Meanwhile in the village lived Cossack Korzh with a beautiful daughter, and he had an employee Petrus, nicknamed Bezrodny. Having noticed once that young people love each other, the old Korzh nearly beat Petrusya, and only the tears of six-year-old Pidorkin’s brother Ivas saved a poor couple: Petrus was expelled. And soon some corn broke out to Corzha, “lined with gold,” and that’s all going to the wedding. Pidorka sends Ivas to tell Peter that he will rather die than go after the Llah, and when the shocked Petrus floods the mountain in the tavern, Basavriuk approaches him and offers untold riches for a trifle, for a fern flower. They agree to meet in the Bear’s ravine, for only this night, on the eve of Ivan Kupala, the fern blooms. At midnight they make their way through a marshy swamp, and Basavryuk points Petrusya with three hills, where there will be a lot of different flowers, and only the fern should be broken and kept without looking back. Everything, as is the case, is made by Petro, although it is scary for him that hundreds of hairy hands are stretching beyond the flower, and behind him something is moving incessantly. But the flower is torn off, and Basavryuk appears motionless and blue as a dead man on the stump, reviving only from a terrible whistle. He tells Petrusya to obey everything in everything, what will become of them. Suddenly there is a hut on chicken legs, and the dog that has jumped out of it turns into a cat, and then into an ugly witch. She whispers something over the flower and tells Peter to leave it – the flower floats with a fireball amid the darkness and falls to the ground in the distance. Here, at the request of the old woman, Petrus begins to dig and finds the chest, but laughter is heard behind, and the trunk goes into the ground, deeper and deeper. Having said that you need to get the blood of a human, the witch brings a child of six years under a white sheet and demands cutting off his head. Strips Petrus from the child’s sheet and, seeing the little Ivas, rushes to the old woman and puts his hand. But remembered Basavryuk Pidorka, and the witch stamped her foot, and everything that was in the ground under the place where they stood stood.
Then the real coven began, Petrus runs, everything seems to him as if in red light, he falls in his house and sleeps for two days and two nights without waking up. Awakened, Petrus does not remember anything, even finding two bags of gold in his feet. He carries Korzh bags, and he rolls up such a wedding, which the old people will not remember. There is no Ivas at that wedding, the gypsies passed by him. Miraculously to Pidorka, what Petrus does not remember. the faces of her little brother. But Petrus can not remember something important, and he sits day after day, remembering. To what witch doctors Pidorka turned – all to no avail.
And the summer has passed, and autumn and winter, Petrus is terrible, and is wild and angry, and everything is tormented by his vain recollection. And the unfortunate Pidorka decides on the last resort – to bring a sorceress out of Bear’s ravine, that he can cure all illnesses – and leads her in the evening before Kupala. And looking at everything, he remembered Petrus, burst out laughing and started up an ax with an old woman. And the child, instead of the old woman, was covered with a sheet. Pidorka Ivassa recognizes, but, covered in blood, he lights the house, and Pidorka runs away in fear. When the door opens, there are no people in the hut, only a handful of ashes instead of Petrusya, and in the bags – broken shards. Pidorka goes on a pilgrimage to Kiev, to the laurel. Basavryuk soon appeared, but everyone shunned him (for they realized that he took the human form to pick up treasures, and lured the fellows, since treasures are not given to unclean hands) and my grandfather’s aunt keeps on leaving his former tavern on Oposhnyanskaya road so that she can move to the village. For this, Basavryuk also pushes at her and other good people for years, so that the deacon’s father remembered his tricks as well.
On a quiet and clear evening, when girls and women gather in a circle and sing songs, a young Cossack Levko, the son of a village head, comes to one of the huts, singing a clear-eyed Ganna. But the timid Hanna does not immediately come out, she is afraid of the girls’ envy, and the courage of the couple, and the maternal rigor, and something else that is not clear. Nothing to Levy to comfort the beautiful: his father once again pretended to be deaf when he spoke of marriage. Sitting on the threshold of the hut, he asks Hannah about the house with the shutters hammered, which is reflected in the dark water of the pond. Levko tells how a centurion who lived there with his daughter, “clear pannochkoy, married, but disliked stepmother pannochku, plagued her, tortured and forced the centurion to drive her daughter out of the house. The pannochka rushed from the high bank into the water, became the main one over the drowned women and once dragged the witch stepmother into the water, but she herself turned into a drowned woman and thus avoided punishment. And on the site of that house they are going to build Vinnitsa, for which the distiller has arrived today. Here Levko said goodbye to Hanno, having heard the returning pairings.
After the well-known description of the Ukrainian night, Kalenik, who has been walking pretty well, bursts into the narrative, and, cutting his head on anything, “indirectly”, not without the help of evil devious women, is looking for his hut. Levko, having said goodbye to his comrades, returns and sees Ganna talking about him, Levka, with someone indistinguishable in the dark. The stranger scolds Leo, offering Hannah his more serious love. Unexpected appearance of the cheesy pairings and clear moon opens the angry Levka, that this stranger is his father. Having spooked his head, he persuades his fellow students to teach him a lesson. The very head (of whom it is known that once he accompanied Tsarina Catherine to the Crimea, which she likes to remember at the occasion, is now crooked, stern, important and widows, lives somewhat under the heel of her sister-in-law) already talking in a hut with a distiller when Kalenik, , constantly shaking his head, falls asleep on the bench. Feeding the host’s ever growing anger, a stone flies into the hut, smashing the glass, and the wine culprit with the appropriate story about his mother-in-law is stopped by curses that boil on the lips of the head. But the offensive words of the song outside the window force the head to action.
A ringleader is caught and thrown into a dark coma in a black sheepskin sheepskin, and a head with a distiller and a tenth goes to the scribe, so that after catching the brawlers, this same hour, “a resolution to make them all do it.” However, the clerk himself had already caught the same tomboy and put him in a barn. Challenging each other’s honor of this capture, the clerk and head before in the lump, and then in the shed find a sister-in-law, who they want already and burn, considering the devil. When the new prisoner turns out to be Kalenik in the sheepskin sheepskin, the head falls into a frenzy, equips the fierce Tzatskys by all means catch the instigator, promising merciless reprisals for negligence.
About this time Levko, in his black sheepskin coat and with a smeared sooty face, approached the old house by the pond and was struggling with the slumber that seized him. Looking at the reflection of the master’s house, he observes that the window in it was opened, and there are no gloomy shutters at all. He sang the song, and the closed window was reopened, and a clear pannochka appeared in it. Crying, she complains about her concealed stepmother and promises a reward to Lev, if he finds a witch among drowned women. Levko looks at the leading dancers of the girls, they are all pale and transparent, but they start a game in a crow, and the one that volunteered to be a crow does not seem so light as the others. And when she misses the victim and in her eyes flashes of anger, “Witch!” – says Levko, and pannochka, laughing, gives him a note for the head. Then Levku awoke, holding a piece of paper in his hand and cursing his illiteracy, grab the tenth with the head. Levko gives a note that it turns out to be a scribbled “commissar, a retired lieutenant Kozma Dergach-Drishpanovsky” and contains among the rebukes the head order to marry Lev Makoyonenka on Gunn Petrychenkova, “and also repair the bridges along the high road” and other important assignments. On the questions of the bewildered head, Levko concocts the story of a meeting with the commissioner, who promised to go to his head for dinner. Encouraged by such an honor, Lev’s head promises, besides a whip, tomorrow and a wedding, starts her eternal stories about Queen Catherine, and Levko runs to a famous hut and, crossing the sleeping Hanna in the window, returns home, unlike the drunk Kalenik, that he is still looking for and can not find your hut. retired Lieutenant Kozma Dergach-Drishpanovsky “and contains among the rebukes the head of the order to marry Lev Makoyonenka on Gann Petrychenkova,” and also repair the bridges on the high road “and other important assignments.” To questions of the bewildered head, Levko concocts the story of a meeting with the commissioner who promised to call to his head Encouraged by such honor, the head promises Levka, besides the whip, tomorrow, and a wedding, starts her eternal stories about Queen Catherine, and Levko runs off to a famous hut and, crossing the sleeping Ganna in a window, return sits home, unlike the drunk Kalenik, that he is still looking for and can not find his hut. retired Lieutenant Kozma Dergach-Drishpanovsky “and contains among the rebukes the head of the order to marry Lev Makoyonenka on Gann Petrychenkova,” and also repair the bridges on the high road “and other important assignments.” To questions of the bewildered head, Levko concocts the story of a meeting with the commissioner who promised to call to his head Encouraged by such honor, the head promises Levka, besides the whip, tomorrow, and a wedding, starts her eternal stories about Queen Catherine, and Levko runs off to a famous hut and, crossing the sleeping Ganna in a window, return sits home, unlike the drunk Kalenik, that he is still looking for and can not find his hut. On the questions of the bewildered head, Levko concocts the story of a meeting with the commissioner, who promised to go to his head for dinner. Encouraged by such an honor, Lev’s head promises, besides a whip, tomorrow and a wedding, starts her eternal stories about Queen Catherine, and Levko runs to a famous hut and, crossing the sleeping Hanna in the window, returns home, unlike the drunk Kalenik, that he is still looking for and can not find your hut. On the questions of the bewildered head, Levko concocts the story of a meeting with the commissioner, who promised to go to his head for dinner. Encouraged by such an honor, Lev’s head promises, besides a whip, tomorrow and a wedding, starts her eternal stories about Queen Catherine, and Levko runs to a famous hut and, crossing the sleeping Hanna in the window, returns home, unlike the drunk Kalenik, that he is still looking for and can not find your hut.
This began with Foma Grigoryevich’s lamentations at those listener, that they were trying to get him a “yak-some insurance kazochku”, and then all night trembling under the blanket. Then, however, he proceeds to the story of what happened to his grandfather, whom the noble hetman sent with a letter to the queen. The grandfather, having said goodbye to his wife and small children, was already in the morning at Konotop, where a fair was about that time. My grandfather with a diploma with a diploma went to seek for himself a flint and tobacco, and met a Cossack steward, and such a “booze started” between them that the grandfather soon forgot his business. Having been bored by the fair soon, they went on together with the other reveler who joined them.
Zaporozhets, courting his friends with strange stories all evening, to the night, quieted, and at last opened himself, that he sold the soul to the unclean and this night the time of reckoning. Grandfather promised not to sleep at night to help the Cossacks. Widespread all the darkness, and travelers were forced to stop at the nearest birch, where everything was already asleep. Both the grandfather and his companion soon fell asleep, so he had to carry the guard alone. As could, the grandfather struggled with a dream: and he examined all the carts, and watched the horses, and lit a lyulyuk – but nothing, and even the horns that seemed to him under the next carriage could not cheer him up. He woke up late in the morning and did not find much of a Cossack woman, and horses also disappeared, but, worst of all, the grandfather’s hat with a letter and money, which yesterday had changed his grandfather with a Zaporozhye for a while, was gone. And grandfather scolded the devil, and asked advice from the former in the tire chumak – all to no avail. Thank you shinakyu,
Deaf at night, my grandfather stepped into the forest and walked along the barely visible path indicated by the barman. As he had warned, everything in the forest was knocking, for the gypsies, leaving their holes, were forging iron. Passing all the above signs, the grandfather went out to the fire, around which there were terrible faces. Sel and grandfather. They remained silent for a long time, until his grandfather began to tell his story at random. “The faces and ears have been trained, and their paws have been stretched out.” Grandfather threw all his money, the earth trembled, and he found himself almost in the heat. Witches, chudis, devils – all around danced “some devil’s trash.” Suddenly he found himself at a table breaking with dishes, but all the pieces he took fell into the mouths of others. The disgruntled grandfather, forgetting his fear, began to scold. Everyone laughed, and one of the witches suggested that he play thrice thrice: he will win – his hat, he will lose – and he will not see the light of God. Both times remained a foolish grandfather, although in the second he himself gave cards and they were quite good at first. He guessed for the third time quietly under the table of the map to cross – and won. Having received the cap, the grandfather coughed and demanded his horse, threatening to cross the entire demonic assembly with a holy cross. Ranged before him only horse bones. Grandfather cried, and the devils gave him another horse, that he carried him through the failures and swamps, over the abysses and the steepness of the terrible. I could not resist and my grandfather broke, but I woke up on the roof of my own house, covered in blood, but whole. In the house frightened children rushed to him, pointing to his mother, that the sleeping one was jumping, sitting on the bench. Grandfather woke his wife, who dreamed the real devilry, and, having decided soon to consecrate the house, immediately went to the queen. There, after seeing the wonders, he forgot about time and about the devil. Yes, it seems, in revenge,
In the preface, which precedes further stories, the Pasichnik tells of a quarrel with the “pea panic” from Poltava, which was mentioned before. The guests who came to the patronymic began to discuss the rules for pickling apples, but the brave panich declared that, first of all, it was necessary to pour the apples with a kanuper, and indecent remarks caused general perplexity, so that the pasichnik was forced to sip him quietly and explain the absurdity of such a judgment. But Panich was offended and left. Since then, and did not come, which, however, did not damage the book, issued by the Pasichnik Rudy Pank.
To replace the last day before Christmas comes a clear frosty night. The girls and the sailors had not yet come out to carouse, and no one saw smoke coming out of the chimney of a house and a witch on a broomstick. It flashes black in the sky, picking up the stars in the sleeve, and the devil flies towards her, to whom “the last night remained staggering in the white light.” Having stolen a month, the devil hides him in his pocket, suggesting that the coming darkness will keep the houses of the rich Cossack Chub, invited to the clerk’s house, and the hated blacksmith Vakula (who drew a picture of the Last Judgment and the shamed devil on the church wall) will not dare to come to Chubov’s daughter Oksana. As long as the devil builds the witch chickens, out of the hut Chub with the godfather do not dare to go to the sexton where a nice society will meet for a cookie, or, in view of such darkness, to return home-and leave, leaving in the house a beautiful Oksana, dressed up in front of a mirror, for which Vakula finds her. A harsh beauty mocks him, not at all touched by his gentle speeches. The disgruntled blacksmith goes to unlock the door into which Chub, who has lost his way and is gone, knocks, deciding to return home on the occasion of the blizzard. However, the voice of the blacksmith leads him to the idea that he was not in his hut (and in a similar, lame Levchenko, to whose young wife the blacksmith probably came), Chub changes his voice, and the angry Vakula, after punching, pushes him out. The battered Chub, after having noticed that the blacksmith had left his own house, went to his mother, Solokha. Solokha, who was a witch, returned from her journey, and with her flew the devil, dropping a month in the pipe. A harsh beauty mocks him, not at all touched by his gentle speeches. The disgruntled blacksmith goes to unlock the door into which Chub, who has lost his way and is gone, knocks, deciding to return home on the occasion of the blizzard. However, the voice of the blacksmith leads him to the idea that he was not in his hut (and in a similar, lame Levchenko, to whose young wife the blacksmith probably came), Chub changes his voice, and the angry Vakula, after punching, pushes him out. The battered Chub, after having noticed that the blacksmith had left his own house, went to his mother, Solokha. Solokha, who was a witch, returned from her journey, and with her flew the devil, dropping a month in the pipe. A harsh beauty mocks him, not at all touched by his gentle speeches. The disgruntled blacksmith goes to unlock the door into which Chub, who has lost his way and is gone, knocks, deciding to return home on the occasion of the blizzard. However, the voice of the blacksmith leads him to the idea that he was not in his hut (and in a similar, lame Levchenko, to whose young wife the blacksmith probably came), Chub changes his voice, and the angry Vakula, after punching, pushes him out. The battered Chub, after having noticed that the blacksmith had left his own house, went to his mother, Solokha. Solokha, who was a witch, returned from her journey, and with her flew the devil, dropping a month in the pipe. deciding on the occasion of a blizzard raised back home. However, the voice of the blacksmith leads him to the idea that he was not in his hut (and in a similar, lame Levchenko, to whose young wife the blacksmith probably came), Chub changes his voice, and the angry Vakula, after punching, pushes him out. The battered Chub, after having noticed that the blacksmith had left his own house, went to his mother, Solokha. Solokha, who was a witch, returned from her journey, and with her flew the devil, dropping a month in the pipe. deciding on the occasion of a blizzard raised back home. However, the voice of the blacksmith leads him to the idea that he was not in his hut (and in a similar, lame Levchenko, to whose young wife the blacksmith probably came), Chub changes his voice, and the angry Vakula, after punching, pushes him out. The battered Chub, after having noticed that the blacksmith had left his own house, went to his mother, Solokha. Solokha, who was a witch, returned from her journey, and with her flew the devil, dropping a month in the pipe.
It became light, the blizzard subsided, and crowds of caroling people poured into the streets. The girls resort to Oksana, and, noticing on one of them new gold-embroidered cobblestones, Oksana declares that she will marry Vakula, if he brings her the cherevichki, “which the queen wears.” Meanwhile, the trait, which had grown faint at Solokha, was frightened off by a head that had not gone to the clerk’s house. The devil quickly walks into one of the sacks left by the blacksmith in the middle of the house, but in the other one he soon has to climb to his head, as a deacon is knocking at Solokha. Praising the dignity of the incomparable Solokha, the clerk is forced to climb into the third bag, because it is Chub. However, and Chub climbs there, avoiding meeting with the returned Vakula. While Solokha is explained in the garden with the Cossack Sverbiguz who came after him, Vakula is carrying away the bags thrown in the middle of the hut, and, saddened by the quarrel with Oksana, does not notice their severity. A crowd of caroling people is surrounding him on the street, and here Oksana repeats her humiliating condition. Throwing all but the smallest bags in the middle of the road, Vakula is running, and after him rumors are circling that he is either damaged in his mind or hanged himself.
Vakula comes to Zaporozhye Puzatyu Patsyuk, who, as they say, “is a little bit like a devil.” Finding the owner for eating dumplings, and then dumplings, which themselves poked Patsyuku in his mouth, Vakula timidly asks the road to hell, relying on his help in his misfortune. Having received a foggy answer that the devil is behind him, Vakula runs away from the ram’s dumpling dumpling. Anticipating easy prey, the devil jumps out of the bag and, sitting on the neck of the blacksmith, promises him the same night Oksana. The sly blacksmith, grabbing the devil by the tail and crossed it, becomes the master of the situation and orders the devil to take himself “to Pietmburg, straight to the queen.”
Finding about that time Kuznetsov sacks, the girls want to take them to Oksana to see what Vakula did. They follow the sleds, and Chubov the godfather, summoning a weaver to help, drags one of the sacks into his hut. There, for the obscure, but seductive contents of the bag, there is a fight with the godfather. In the bag are Chub and the deacon. When Chub, returning home, in the second bag finds his head, his disposition towards Soloha is greatly reduced.
The blacksmith, having galloped to St. Petersburg, is to the Zaporozhians, who passed through Dikanka in the autumn, and, clutching a line in his pocket, wants to be taken to an appointment with the tsarina. Marveling at the luxury of the palace and the marvelous painting on the walls, the smith appears before the queen, and when she asks the Cossacks who came to ask for their Sich, “what do you want?”, The smith asks her for her royal shoes. Touched by this simple-mindedness, Catherine draws attention to this passage of Fonvizin standing at a distance, and Vakule gives shoes, having received what he esteems for the benefit of going back home.
In the village at this time, the Dikan women in the middle of the street argue over how Vakul’s hands have been laid on him, and the rumors that have reached this confuse Oksana, she does not sleep well the night, and not having found a devout blacksmith in the church, she is ready to cry. The smith simply overslept the matins and mass, and waking, takes out a new hat and belt from the chest and goes to Chuba to make a match. Chub, hurt by the treachery of Solokha, but deceived by gifts, answers with consent. He is also echoed by Oksana, who came in, ready to marry a blacksmith “and without cherevikov.” Having got a family, Vakula painted his house with colors, and in church painted a feature, yes “so nasty that everyone spat when they passed by.”
Celebrated once in Kiev captain Gorobets wedding of his son, at which a lot of people gathered, and among others the named brother of the captain Danilo Burulbash with his young wife, the beautiful Catherine, and a one-year-old son. Only the old Katerynin father, who recently returned after a 20-year absence, did not come with them. I still danced when I took out two wonderful icons to bless the young. Then the sorcerer opened in the crowd and disappeared, afraid of images.
Returned at night Dnepro Danilo with the household to the farm. Scared of Catherine, but her husband is not afraid of the sorcerer, and the lax that are going to cut off the road to the Zaporozhye, thinks about this, passing by the old sorcerous castle and the cemetery with the bones of his grandfathers. However, there are crosses in the cemetery, and, worse, the dead are dead, pulling their bones to the very month. Comforting the awakened son, he gets to the house of Pan Danilo. Its hut is not large, it is not spacious for its family and for ten select young people. The next morning a quarrel arose between Danilo and his gloomy, absurd father-in-law. Came to the swords, and there and to the muskets. Danilo was wounded, but if it were not for Katerina’s pleas and reproaches, which, incidentally, remembered her small son, he would continue to fight. Cossacks reconciled. Katerina soon tells her husband a vague dream, as if her father is a terrible sorcerer,
After dinner, during which the father-in-law disdains and dumplings, and pork, and a burner, in the evening Danilo goes to scout around the old sorcerer’s castle. Clambering to the oak tree to look through the window, he sees a sorcerer’s room, more than lighted, with a miraculous weapon on the walls and flashing batters. Entered father-in-law is accepted to revive, and his whole appearance changes: he is already a sorcerer in a filthy Turkish vestment. He evokes the soul of Katerina, threatens her and demands that Katerina fall in love with him. The soul is not inferior, and, shocked by the discovery, Danilo returns home, awakens Catherine and tells her everything. Katerina renounces her apostate father. In the basement of Danila, in the iron chains, a sorcerer sits, his devil’s castle is burning; not for witchcraft, but for the conspiracy with the Lyahs, tomorrow awaits him
Execution. But, promising to start a righteous life, retire to the caves, propitiate God with fasting and prayer, asks the sorcerer Catherine to let him go and save his soul. Fearing his act, Katerina releases him, but hides the truth from her husband. Chuya his death, asks his wife, sadden Danilo, to protect his son.
As it was foreseen, flies sweep across the clouds, light up the huts and steal cattle. Brave Dan Danilo beats bravely, but the bullet of the sorcerer who appeared on the mountain overtakes him. And even though Gorobets jumps to the rescue, Katerina is inconsolable. Broken down by the llahs, the marvelous Dnieper rages, and, fearlessly ruling the canoe, the sorcerer sails to his ruins. In the dug-out, he creates incantations, but not Katerina’s soul is him, but someone uninvited; Though he is not terrible, he is terrifying. Katerina, while living at Gorobets, sees previous dreams and trembles for her son. Having woken up in a hut surrounded by intrepid guards, she discovers him dead and goes insane. Meanwhile, from the West, a giant rider with a baby jumps on a black horse. His eyes are closed. He drove into the Carpathians and stopped here.
Mad Katerina everywhere is looking for her father to kill him. A visitor comes by asking Danila, she mourns for him, wants to see Katerina, talks to her for a long time about her husband and, it seems, introduces her into her mind. But when he says that Danilo in case of death asked him to take Catherine, she recognizes her father and rushes to him with a knife. The sorcerer himself kills his daughter.
Behind Kiev, “it seemed an unheard-of miracle”: “suddenly it seemed to be far to the ends of the world” – and the Crimea, and the swampy Sivash, and the land of Galich, and the Carpathian Mountains with a gigantic horseman on the tops. The sorcerer, who was among the people, flies in fear, for he recognized in the rider an uninvited face that appeared to him during the divination. The nightly horrors are pursued by the sorcerer, and he turns to Kiev, to holy places. There he kills the holy schemer, who did not undertake to pray for such an unheard-of sinner. Now, wherever he rules the horse, he moves to the Carpathian mountains. Then the unmoving horseman opened his eyes and laughed. And the sorcerer died, and, dead, he saw the rising dead from Kiev, from the Carpathians, from the land of Galich, and was thrown into the abyss by a rider, and the dead pierced his teeth. One more, higher and more terrible, wanted to rise from the earth and shook it mercilessly,
It ends with an ancient and wonderful song of the old man of the bandura player in the city of Glukhov. It is sung in it about the war of King Stepan with Turchin and brothers, Cossacks Ivan and Petra. Ivan caught the Turkish pasha and shared the royal award with his brother. But the envious Peter pushed Ivan and his baby son into the abyss and took all the good to himself. After Peter’s death, God allowed Ivan himself to choose execution for his brother. And he cursed all his offspring and predicted that the last in his kind would be an unprecedented villain, and, as he came to an end, Ivan would come from a failure on a horse and throw him into the abyss, and all his grandfathers would be pulled from different parts of the earth to gnaw it, and Petro will not be able to get up and gnaw his own self, wishing to take revenge and not knowing how to take revenge. God marveled at the brutality of the execution, but decided that there should be one.
“There was a story with this story”: told by Stepan Ivanovich Kurochka from Gadyach, she was written down in a notebook, the notebook was put in a small table and from there she was partly tucked away by the pasichnikovaya lamb into pies. So there is no end to it. If you wish, however, you can always ask Stepan Ivanovich himself, and for convenience, a detailed description of it is attached.
Ivan Fedorovich Shponka, who now lives in his farm Vytyretenki, was distinguished at school by diligence and did not take off his comrades. By his graciousness he attracted the attention of even the terrible teacher of the Latin language and was audited to them, which, incidentally, did not avoid the unpleasant incident, as a result of which he was bit by bit by the same teacher and kept his timidity to the core so much that he never had the desire to go in civilian service. Therefore, two years after the news of the death of the priest, he joined the P *** infantry regiment, which, though standing in the villages, was not inferior to other cavalry regiments; for example, several people danced in the mazurka, and two of the officers played in the bank. Ivan Fedorovich, however, kept himself apart, preferring to clean his buttons, read a fortune-telling book and put mousetraps in the corners. For serviceability, eleven years after receiving the ensign, he was promoted to lieutenant. Died his mother, the aunt took care of his estate, and Ivan Fedorovich all served. At last he received a letter from his aunt, in which, complaining of old age and infirmity, she asked him to take care of himself. Ivan Fedorovich received resignation with the rank of lieutenant and hired a tent from Mogilev to Gadyach,
On the road that took two and a
half weeks, “nothing happened too remarkable,” and only in the tavern near Gadyach was the acquaintance of Grigory Grigorievich Storchenko, who had a neighbor from the village of Khortysh and
Calling by all means a visit. Soon after this incident, Ivan Fyodorovich is already at home, in the arms of Aunt Vasilisa Kashporovna, whose burly and gigantic growth does not match her complaints in the letter. Auntie regularly leads the farm, and the nephew is always in the field with reapers and mowers and so, it used to be captivated by the beauty of nature, that he forgets to taste his favorite dumplings. In between, my aunt noticed that all the land behind their village, and the village of Khortysh itself, was recorded by former owner Stepan Kuzmich on Ivan Fedorovich (the reason that he visited Ivan’s mother long before his birth), there is also a gift, somewhere – that’s why Ivan Fyodorovich goes to Khortysh and follows him there and meets his acquaintance Storchanka,
The bakery owner locks the gate, unharnesses the horses of Ivan Fedorovich, but when he says about the gift, suddenly he stinks and remembers the cockroach that he once sat in his ear. He assures us that there is no donation, and, after presenting it to his mother and sisters, draws Ivan Fedorovich to the table where he meets Ivan Ivanovich, whose head sits in a high collar, “like in a britzka.” During dinner the guest is treated with a turkey with such zeal that the waiter is forced to kneel, begging him to “take a stitch”. After lunch, the terrible owner goes to sleep, and a lively conversation about making pastilles, drying pears, cucumbers and potato planting is taken by the whole society, and even two young ladies, Storchenka’s sisters, take part in it. Returning, Ivan Feodorovich retells his aunt to his aunt, and, extremely annoyed by the dodge of a neighbor, when mentioning ladies (and especially blond) she is animated by a new idea. Thinking of a nephew “is just a little denser,” she is mentally nurturing her grandchildren and falls into perfect scattered dreaminess. Finally they get together to the neighbor. Having started talking about buckwheat and taking away the old woman, she leaves Ivan Fedorovich with the young lady alone. Having exchanged, after a long silence, considerations regarding the number of flies in the summer, both are hushed hopelessly, and the conversation about the necessity of marrying Ivan Fyodorovich unusually embarrasses on the way back by the aunt on his way back. He has wonderful dreams: a wife with a goose’s face, and not one but several, a hat in his wife’s hat, a wife in his pocket, in the ear a wife, a wife, raising him to the bell tower, as he is a bell, a wife, that is not a man at all, but a fashionable material (“
This was at the time when the narrator was still a child. The father with one of his sons went to the Crimea to sell tobacco, leaving his wife at home, three more sons and grandfathers to guard the tower – it’s a profitable business, a lot of travelers, and most of all – chumaks, which told strange stories. Somehow by the evening comes a few wagons with chumak, and all the old grandfather’s acquaintances. They kissed each other, lit a cigarette, went conversation, and there was a treat. Grandfather demanded that his grandchildren dance, guests amused, but did not last long, he went himself. Grandfather danced gloriously, he pretended to pretend that a miracle, until he reached one, places near a garden with cucumbers. Here his legs became. I tried it again – the same. Already scolded, and again began – to no avail. From behind, someone laughed. He looked around the grandfather, but he did not recognize the place: both the turret and the chumaks all disappeared, around one smooth field. All the same I understood where he is, behind the private garden, behind the threshing volost clerk. “That’s where the evil spirit dragged!” He began to get out, there was not a month, he found a path in the dark. A light flashed on the grave nearby, and the other a little further away. “Treasure!” – the grandfather decided and piled up for a sign a fair branch, since he did not have an edge with himself. Late he returned to the tower, there were no chumaks, the children slept.
The next evening, seizing the spade and shovel, he went to the priest’s garden. That’s all the signs left in the field to the next place: and the pigeon sticks out, and the threshing floor is not visible. He walked closer to the threshing floor – the dove was gone. And then he hit the rain, and the grandfather, never finding a place, ran back with a scolding. The next evening he went with a bush to dig a new patch, and, bypassing the damned place where he did not dance, struck his heart in the hearts – and found himself in that very field. He recognized everything: the threshing-floor, the pigeon-house, and the grave with the fallen branch. A stone lay on the grave. After digging, his grandfather flung him off and wanted to sniff the snuffbox, as someone sneezed over his head. I looked around – there was nobody. Grandfather tried to dig and found a cauldron. “Ah, my dear, that’s where you are!” exclaimed the old man. The bird’s nose, the ram’s head from the top of the tree, and the bear said the same. “
About this time on the Bashtan, both the children and the mother who came were perplexed as to where the grandfather had gone. Otuzhinav, her mother went to pour hot slops, and towards her the cask creeps: it is clear that one of the children, sham, pushes her from behind. Mother splashed it into her scum. It turned out that this is my grandfather. They opened the potter’s grandfather, and in it rubbish, squabbling and “it’s embarrassing to say what it is.” Since then, the grandfather had sworn to believe the devil, the cursed place had been blocked by a fence, and when the neighboring Cossacks had hired a field for the cobbles, something “the devil knows what!” Always appeared on the bewitched place.
Brief Evening on a Farm near Dikanka