Summary of the novel by F. M. Dostoevsky “White Nights”

Night One The work begins with the nightly lyrical reflections of the hero. He is romantic, shy and lonely. The young man in his imagination communicates with strangers on the street, talks and is

Summary The Adventures of Perigrin the Piklia

T. Smollett The Adventures of Perigrin the Piklia “The Adventures of Perigrin Piklyon” – the second of three novels that brought glory to Smollet – reveals the features inherent in the “novel of education,”

“Lysistrata” by Aristophanes in a brief summary

The name “Lysistrata” means “The Destroyer of War.” Such a name gave Aristophanes the heroine of her fantastic play about how women, with their feminine means, achieved what men could not, put an end

Summary “Steppe” by Chekhov

From the county town of the N-provincial province, a battered britzka departs in the July morning, in which the merchant Ivan Ivanovich Kuzmichev, the rector of the N-th church of Fr. Christopher of Syria

“Molotov” Pomyalovsky in the summary

In one of the St. Petersburg apartment houses on the Catherine’s canal lives the family of an official Ignat Vasilich Dorogov. He has six children, the oldest of them is Nadya, she is twenty

“Winter of our anxiety” Steinbeck in summary

“I would advise readers who are looking for real people and places under fictitious names and names to look around themselves and look into their own souls, since this novel tells what is happening

Summary “Korolek birdie singing” Gyuntekina

Feride, the main heroine, was left without a mother, even when she was 6 years old, spent her early childhood in the barracks, since her father was a military man. After the mother died,

Bylina “Alyosha Popovich and Tugarin Zmeevich” in brief

The young hero Alyosha Popovich and his servant Ekim drive up to the stone, on which it is written, where three roads lead: to Tugarin, to Vuyandin and to the Kiev prince Vladimir. Well

Summary Eduard Franzevich Napravnik. Dubrovsky

DUBROVSKY Opera in four acts (five scenes) Libretto by M. I. Tchaikovsky Characters: Andrey Dubrovsky Vladimir, his son Kirill Petrovich Troekurov Masha, his daughter Prince Vereisky The chief of police Assessor Deforge, Frenchman Shabashkin,

Summary of the City and the Years of Fedin

KA Fedin Cities and years In the autumn of 1919 Andrey Startsov comes from the city of Mordovia Semidol to Petrograd. He was mobilized in the army and arrived at the duty station. But
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