“Life is a dream” of Calderon in brief

In a deserted mountainous area, not far from the court of the Polish king, Rosaura, a noble lady dressed in a man’s dress, and her servant, lost their way. The night is approaching, and

Summary Oles Semenovich Chishko

Oles Semenovich Chishko The genus. in 1895 Chishko is a prominent Soviet composer who has worked extensively and successfully in various fields of musical art. Being a professional singer, Chishko paid much attention to

A tale of how one man fed the two generals

M. Ye. Saltykov-Shchedrin. A tale of how one man of two generals fed. Two frivolous generals retired on an uninhabited island. “Generals served the whole life in some registry, they were born, brought up

“Icelandic Bell” of Laxness in brief summary

The action of the trilogy novel Halldor Laxness unfolds in the late 16th – early 17th century. in Iceland and Denmark, as well as in Holland and Germany, where one of the main characters

Summary of the Adventures of Nisadhod

Sriharsha Adventures of the Nishadchy Epic poem translating the legend of Nahl and Damayanti from the “Mahabharata” In the middle of India in the mountains of Vindhya is the country of Nishadha, and its

Summary of “Youth” Bunin

Bunin – a great Russian writer of the XIX – XX centuries. His works have always been restrained and rhythmic. In the poem Bunin always affirms not the importance of events, but their philosophical

Summary Salamei

P. Calderon Salamei alcalde In the village of Salameya enters the regiment of soldiers under the leadership of the captain. They are very exhausted by a long, exhausting transition and dream of rest. This

Summary of “Lusiade”

The poem is written in honor of King Sebastian. The author begins with a description of the expedition headed by Vasco da Gama. During her time, Vasco paved the sea route to India. Team

“The mother-in-law” Terence in brief summary

The young man Pamphil was very partial to the Bacchides. But under the pressure of his parents, reluctantly, he married a neighbor – a respectable Filumen. She loves her young husband. But the heart

“Family of Antiquary, or Mother-in-law and daughter-in-law” Goldoni in brief summary

The affairs of Count Anselmo Terraciani more or less recovered when he, neglecting a class pride, married his only son Giacinto in Doradice, the daughter of the rich Venetian merchant Pantalone dei Bisogniosi, who
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