Summary of Gorky’s Passion

In a provincial town, a young merchant of Bavarian kvass meets a walking woman in the evening. She, drunk, stands in a puddle and stomps her feet, sprinkling mud like children. The trader leads

The summary of “Duck Hunting” by Vampilov

The action takes place in a provincial town. Victor Alexandrovich Zilov wakes up a phone call. With difficulty waking up, he picks up the phone, but there is silence. He slowly gets up, touching

“The Ship of Fools” KE Porter in brief

August 1931. From the Mexican port of Veracruz the German passenger steamer “Vera” sails, which in mid-September is due to arrive in Bremerhaven. From the torn by the political passions of Mexico, the ship

Summary of “Mermaid” Dargomyzhsky

The first action. Natasha sits on the bank of the Dnieper in deep thoughtfulness. She is troubled by her heart, and it is not easy for her to listen to the instructions of her

Summary: Ray of light in the dark realm

The article in the article “The Ray of Light in the Dark Kingdom” is about the work of Ostrovsky “The Thunderstorm”, which undoubtedly became a classic in Russian literature. In the first part, the

“Raven” Boccaccio in brief summary

The name of the work is symbolic: the raven is a bird, pecking out the eyes and the brain, that is, blinding and depriving the mind. We learn about such love from the story

Summary Sleep Makar

VG Korolenko Son of Makar Makar is the main character, a peasant. The author himself referred his work to “holy stories”. Written in the Yakut exile (the winter of 1883), the story was inspired

Summary “Irkutsk History”

Valya is a young girl who works in a store on one of the construction sites of the distant Irkutsk. Vale is twenty-five and she’s a cashier. Merry and frivolous, she does not think

Summary “The Man in a Case” by Chekhov

The end of XIX century. Countryside in Russia. Mironositskoe village. Veterinarian Ivan Ivanych Chimsh-Himalayan and teacher of the grammar school Burkin, having spent the whole day, are staying for the night in the barn

Summary of the “Malice” Chekhov

Before the court investigator was a very skinny peasant. In his eyes, a sullen severity could be seen from behind thick brows. His hair was tangled and uncombed, which gave him a spider’s harshness.
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