(1915 – 1965)
Toušnova Veronika Mikhailovna (1915 – 1965), poetess.
Born March 14 (27 N. s.) In Kazan in the professorial family. I graduated from school there. Since childhood, she wrote poetry. Then, together with her family, she moved to Leningrad and, at her request, entered the medical institute. The Institute did not graduate, although I studied for four years. I took up painting, at the same time a serious passion for poetry began.
In 1941 she entered the Literary Institute. M. Gorky, but did not have to learn. The war began, and she began to work in hospitals, having in her arms a small daughter and a sick mother. He continues to write poetry.
In 1945, the publishing house “Young Guard” published a poem “The First Book” by Tushnova. In the 1950s, Tushnova published the poem “The Road to Klukhor”, “Roads-roads”.
Truly talented Tushnova was revealed in the last period of her work: the collections “Memory of the Heart” (1958), “The Second Breath” (1961) and “Hundred Hours of Happiness” (1965). Love is a cross-cutting theme in her poems, with her connected with grief and joy, loss and hope, the present and the future. She spoke loudly about love, called for truly human relations between people. Her poems were very popular.
After a serious illness at the age of 50, Veronica Tushnova died July 7, 1965 in Moscow.
A short biography from the book: Russian writers and poets. A short biographical dictionary. Moscow, 2000.
Biography Toušnova Veronika M