Remizov Alexei Mikhailovich (1877 – 1957), prose writer, playwright.
He was born on June 24 (July 6, 2006) in Moscow to a merchant family.
Received a good home education. He studied at the commercial school, after which he entered the Physics and Mathematics Department of Moscow University. He was interested in the works of Herzen, Chernyshevsky, Mikhailovsky, and read Marxist literature.
In 1896 he was arrested for participating in student riots, was deported to the Penza province under police supervision. For the attempt to organize the workers’ union was arrested again. Spent 6 years in prison and exile.
In 1902 the translation of Remizov (together with Meyerhold) was published by A. Rode “Hauptmann and the Beggars”; In the same year, Remizov’s own works “Mist”, “Autumn Song” and others were published. He became a professional writer, he always departs from the revolutionary movement.
The first original book by Remizov – “Lemonade, or the Spiritual Meadow” (1907) – a retelling of legends, legends, an attempt to restore the language. The following works were also written in this vein (“Posolon”, 1907, “Page”, 1918, “Moscow’s favorite legends.” Three sickles, 1929).
Periodically appeals to dramaturgy – “About Judas, Prince Iskariotsky”, 1908; “The Devil’s Deeds”, 1919; “The Tsar Maximilian”, 1920.
Impressions of trips to the deaf corners of Russia were reflected in the novel “Hours” (1908), novels “The Fifth Ulcer” and “Tortuous Tambourine” (1909). The story “The Cross Sisters” was published in 1910.
Remizov met the October Revolution hostilely. In the works of this period, pain is felt for “holy Russia” (“The Word of the Destruction of the Russian Land,” 1918).
In 1921 he emigrated from Soviet Russia: first he lived in Berlin (until 1923), then moved to Paris, where he wrote such autobiographical books as Vzvikhrennaya Rus (1922), On Eaves (1929), Clipped Eyes (1951) ), etc. The book “The Fire of Things: Dreams and Thrill” (1954) is dedicated to Russian classics.
In recent years, he showed interest in the life of the USSR, accepted Soviet citizenship. Died November 26, 1957 in Paris.
A short biography from the book: Russian writers and poets. A short biographical dictionary. Moscow, 2000.
Biography Remizov Alexey Mikhailovich