Telman Mardanovich Ismailov is an entrepreneur, billionaire, president of the group of companies “AST”.
Telman was born on October 26, 1956 in Baku in the family of a merchant. In total there were 12 children in the family. Telman Ismailov received higher education in his biography at the Azerbaijan People’s Institute. Then he served in the army, and then began to study in Moscow, at the Plekhanov Institute. After graduating from the institute in 1980, he began working at the Ministry of Trade. Trade with Ismailov in the blood, for the first time he started seriously at the age of 18, opening a commercial store.
The first cooperative of Telman Ismailov was the “Commercial Charitable Firm”, founded in 1988. And already in 1989 the entrepreneur created his famous group of companies “AST”. Shortly after the opening, the company began to expand rapidly, and a year later it included more than 50 stores. Then Ismailov opened the Luzhniki market. After that the group of companies “AST” began to engage in various business areas. At the moment, the group includes 31 companies, and activities are carried out in the following areas: hotel, publishing, transport business, construction, transportation of passengers, jewelry production and others. The company includes the following markets: Cherkizovsky, Warsaw. However, at the end of June 2009, the functioning of the Cherkizovsky market was suspended by the authorities.
In the 1990s, he defended himself against racketeers and bandits by his own means, while at the same time, engaged in new activities. Now the group “AST” Telman Ismailov shares with his two sons.
Also, the biography of Talman Ismailov is known as the former investor of Abraham Russo. In addition, Ismailov sponsors the theaters: Lenkom and Shalom. Also, Telman owns the Prague restaurant in Moscow, although the restaurant does not bring enough profit, does not plan to close it.
The businessman is famous for his extravagance. He even got on the list of the most extravagant people in the world according to the Financial Times. At the festivities Ismailov invites the most popular and expensive foreign stars. So to him came Jennifer Lopez, James Brown. In 2009, Ismailov opened the hotel “Mardan Palace” in Antalya, the total cost of which is about 1.5 billion dollars. At the opening of the chic hotel at the invitation came Monica Bellucci, Paris Hilton, Richard Gere, Tom Jones, Sharon Stone and other stars.
The general condition of Ismailov at the moment is estimated at more than a billion dollars.