Oleg Ivanovich Dahl is an actor of theater and cinema.
Oleg was born in Moscow on May 25, 1941, but spent his childhood in Lublin. In the family, Dal had no actor roots – his father was an engineer, and his mother – a teacher.
As a child in his biography, Oleg Dal went in for sports, literature, painting. And when I decided to enter the theater institute, I faced the disapproval of my parents. In his childhood, Oleg kartavil, parents felt that he would not make a big career in the cinema.
But, nevertheless, Oleg entered the theatrical school Shchepkin, where he studied with the best teachers. The first role in the cinema in his biography Oleg Dahl played in 1962. The debut film was “My younger brother” directed by Zarkhi.
1967 was a turning point in the career of the actor. He starred in two films that became popular throughout the country: “Zhenya, Zhenechka and Katyusha,” The Chronicles of a Dive Bomber. “Since that time, the actor has been offered many interesting, diverse roles in films.
Simultaneously with filming in the cinema, Dal plays at the Sovremennik Theater. At first, Oleg gets only secondary roles in the theater. And in 1969 he made his directorial debut. Then the actor changed the theater, becoming a play in the Lenkom, and in 1975, finally left the “Contemporary”.
Deciding to continue the career of the director, Oleg Dal goes to the biography course for directing courses in VGIK. But he does not finish them. Among the last actor’s works of Dahl: “Townspeople”, “Duck Hunting”, “Can not be!”, “Uninvited Friend” and others. In his biography, Dahl has played in more than 40 films.
Dahl was a legible actor, but at the same time played every role with all his heart. Frequent refusals of filming, led to the fact that at the end of life it was difficult for him to get a decent role. Last months he was in exhaustion, moral and physical. And in addition to this the situation was aggravated by the craving for alcohol.
March 3, 1981 Oleg Dal died of a heart attack.
Vladimir Ivanovich Dal was born November 10, 1801 in the village of Lugansk plant in a highly educated family. His father was a doctor, a linguist, and his mother a pianist, she knew several languages, she was interested in literature. Vladimir Ivanovich received a wonderful home education.
In 1814, Dahl entered the St. Petersburg Naval Cadet Corps. Having finished it in 1819, he went to serve in the fleet. After several years of military service, Dahl, whose biography changed the current, entered the medical faculty of the University of Dorpat.
In 1827, the first poems of Vladimir Ivanovich were published in the magazine “Slavyanin”. In 1830, the novel “The Tziganka” was published in the Moscow Telegraph.
Military service and medical practice
With the beginning of the Russian-Turkish war, Dal had to interrupt his studies. After passing the exams ahead of schedule, Vladimir Ivanovich went to the front. During the war of 1828-1829, as well as the Polish campaign of 1831, Dahl showed himself as a talented doctor. He participated in battles, helped the wounded, operated in field hospitals.
Awarded, in 1832 Dahl began working in the military land hospital of St. Petersburg as an intern. Vladimir Ivanovich becomes known as a brilliant surgeon. During the war period, as well as during the period of medical practice, the writer Dal created several articles, sketches. In 1832, “Russian Tales., Fifth First” were published.
Public service
In 1833, Dalia was transferred to Orenburg, appointing special assignments for the post of military officer under the military governor VA Petrovsky. The writer traveled the South Urals a lot, collected folklore materials, which formed the basis of his works.
An important event in the brief biography of Dal was the acquaintance with Alexander Pushkin. Together with the poet Vladimir Ivanovich traveled along the Pugachev places. Dal was present at the death of Pushkin, he treated him after a duel with Dantes, participated in the autopsy.
In 1838, Vladimir Ivanovich became a member of the Petersburg Academy of Sciences.
In 1841 Dahl returned to Petersburg, served as secretary under L. Petrovsky, and then as head of a special chancellery attached to the Minister of Internal Affairs. Since 1849, the writer has been managing a specific office in Nizhny Novgorod.
The last years and death of the writer
In 1859, Dahl resigned and settled in Moscow. In 1861 – 1868 was published the most significant and extensive work in the biography of Vladimir Ivanovich – “Explanatory Dictionary of the Living Great Russian Language”, containing about 200 thousand words. Being well acquainted with many professions, crafts, signs and sayings, Dahl placed all knowledge in his work. In 1862 the second ethnographic book of ethics was published – “Proverbs of the Russian people”.
Vladimir Ivanovich Dahl died on September 22, 1872 in Moscow. The writer was buried at the Vagankovskoye cemetery.
Interesting Facts
- Dahl loved the picturesque native places – Lugansk region, later even took the pseudonym Kazak Lugansky. Among Dal’s close friends were such famous personalities as Gogol, Krylov, Zhukovsky. In the cadet school, Vladimir Ivanovich studied along with the future Decembrist D. Zavalishin and Admiral P. Nakhimov. Before his death, Pushkin presented Dal with a gold ring-a talisman with an emerald. For his biography, Vladimir Dal wrote more than a hundred essays in which he talked about Russian life, compiled textbooks “Botany” and “Zoology,” and created a collection of fairy tales for children. In 1869 the dictionary of Dahl was awarded the Lomonosov Prize.
Biography of Oleg Dal