Biography of Mary Golubkina
Maria Andreyevna Golubkina is an actress of theater and cinema.
Maria was born in the family of the famous and popular actress Larissa Golubkina on September 22, 1973. Biological father in the biography of Mary Golubkina was Nikolai Shcherbitsky. But soon after the birth of Mary, her mother Larissa parted with her husband, and when the girl was a year, began to meet with Andrei Mironov. Mironov at that time was married to Catherine Gradova, but no longer lived with his wife. After the beginning of a joint life with Larissa and the official divorce, Mironov adopted Mary. So Maria Golubkina had a second father in her biography.
Masha was brought up in a creative family, where both mother and father were famous actors. It is no wonder that the girl already in her childhood also chose her acting profession. She entered the Shchukin Theater School, which she graduated in 1995. Immediately after receiving her education she began to work as an actress in the Moscow Theater of Satire, – Mironov once worked in the same theater.
She made her debut in the movie Masha Golubkina in her biography in 1990. The first film with her participation was the ribbon “Adam’s Edge”. At that time, the girl was only sixteen years old, but her acting roots made themselves felt by the excellent skills on stage. The following roles did not take long to wait. In 1992, Masha starred in the film “Fandango for the Monkey”, in 1993 – “Detective Bureau” Felix “, in 1994 -” Horovod “, in 1995 -” Tomorrow.. Love in the restricted area. “
Role, which brought success in the biography of Masha Golubkina, became the role of Sveta in the film “The Wedding”.
Maria Golubkina was married to Nikolai Fomenko – an actor, musician, racing driver. In marriage, two children were born: son Ivan and daughter Anastasia. For Fomenko, this marriage was the second in a row. It seemed that the idyll in the family would be eternal, because the 12-year marriage was happy and successful. Therefore, the news about the separation of the couple shocked not only relatives, but also all the fans. Nikolay left the family, married for the third time, on Natalia Kutobaeva.
Maria Golubkina in her biography successfully continues her acting career. In 2004 she starred in the films “Personal number”, “Moscow heat”, “Jackpot for Cinderella”, in 2005 – in Esenin, Brezhnev, in 2007 – Leningrad, “Scenic adventure”, in 2009 – Village comedy. “