Biography of Languages ​​Nikolay Mikhailovich

(1803 – 1846)

Languages ​​Nikolai Mikhailovich (1803 – 1846), a poet. Born March 4 (16 N. s.) In the Siberian province in a rich landlord family. He received a good home education, which enabled him to successfully study at the Mountain Cadet Corps at the age of 11 and then at the Institute of Railway Engineers in St. Petersburg (1814-20). In these years he wrote many poems.
To continue his education, he goes to Derpt, where he studies for seven years at the Faculty of Philosophy of the University (1822-29). He perfectly masters the German language, acquires profound knowledge in history, political economy. During the raids in Petersburg he first gets acquainted with Delvig and Ryleev, later with Pushkin. Verses of Yazykov are published in different magazines and newspapers. The years spent in Dorpat are the most fruitful period of his work. He quickly gained the reputation of an original poet, an exponent of the views of the advanced noble youth. His student songs “We are not looking for crawls”, “Hearts are on the altar of freedom”, “Our mind is not a slave of other people’s minds”, etc., the elegy of “Freedom is proud of inspiration!”, “The thunder of people is still silent.” . “.
In the summer of 1826, at the invitation of Pushkin, Yazykov visited Mikhailovskoye. This meeting was reflected in beautiful poems: “Evening”, “Trigorskoye”, two epistles “To PA Osinova”.
In 1829, he left Dorpat because of a serious illness and moved to Moscow, where he met with the Kireevskys, Aksakovs, Baratynsky and other writers, and joined their circle. After the debacle of the Decembrists, the tone of his poems changes, and the pathos goes away. After the poem “The Swimmer” (“Our Sea is Not Alone…”, 1829), full of courage and vigor, he proceeded to condemn the past (“Ay!”, 1831), and at the end of his life even attacked Chaadaev, Herzen (” To Nenashim, 1844).
In 1831 he enlisted in the Territorial Chancery, but in 1833 he retired. In 1838, as a result of a sharp deterioration in health, he was going to be treated abroad. Returns in 1843 and lives in Moscow. Two of his poetic collections (1844,1845) are published.
On December 26, 1846 (January 7, 1847), N. Yazykov died.
A short biography from the book: Russian writers and poets. A short biographical dictionary. Moscow, 2000.

Biography of Languages ​​Nikolay Mikhailovich