Darwin Charles Robert is an English scientist, naturalist, traveler, author of one of the first studies on the origin of man.
Charles Darwin was born on February 12, 1809 in Shrewsbury, Shropshire, in the UK to a doctor’s family. The future scientist received his primary education in a regular school. Even in those years of his brief biography, Darwin was fond of collecting and natural history.
In 1818, Charles was given to the Shrewsbury School. Classical languages and literature were given to the boy very badly, while he spent much of his time hunting, collecting a collection of minerals and butterflies, chemistry.
In 1825, Darwin entered the University of Edinburgh, where he studied first medicine, and then taxidermy, a natural history. At this time, Charles participated in an expedition to South America, assisted R. E. Grant, attended R. Jameson’s lectures.
In 1828, at the insistence of his father, Darwin entered the College of Christ at Cambridge University to receive the priesthood of the Anglican Church. During his studies, Charles began to closely associate with the professor of botany DS Genslow, was carried away by the works of W. Paley, Herschel, A. von Humbolt.
Trip around the world. Life in England
In 1831, Charles Darwin, whose biography has already testified of him as a future biologist, with the assistance of friends goes on a round-the-world voyage on the ship of Captain R. Fitzroy “Beagle.” During the expedition, Charles collected a huge collection of marine animals, kept notes.
Returning in 1836 to London, Darwin since 1838 worked as secretary of the London Geological Society. In 1839, the book of the scientist was published, written on the notes of a round-the-world expedition – “The Journey of a Naturalist around the World on a Beagle Ship.” In 1842, Darwin moved to the city of Kent in the city of Dawn, where he lived until the end of the days, actively engaged in scientific activities.
Charles Darwin died April 19, 1882 in the city of Down. The great scientist was buried in Westminster Abbey.
Achievements in science: the main works of the scientist
In 1842, biologist Darwin wrote the first essay on the origin of species. For more than ten years, the scientist worked on his fundamental work and only in 1858 he presented the theory to a scientific society.
In 1859 the work “The Origin of Species by Natural Selection, or Preservation of Favored Races in the Struggle for Life” was published in a separate edition.
In 1868, Darwin published his second significant work, “Changing Animals and Plants in the Home State.” In 1871 the work of the scientist “The Origin of Man and Sexual Selection” was published. In 1872, the work “Expression of emotions in humans and animals” was published.
Darwin’s work on the evolution of living organisms had a huge impact on the history of human thought, marked the beginning of a new era in the development of biology and other disciplines.
Interesting Facts
- Darwin’s grandfather, Erasmus Darwin, was a famous English physician, naturalist and poet. During the round-the-world trip, Darwin visited the islands of Cape Verde, Uruguay, Argentina, the coast of Brazil, Tenerife, Tasmania, etc. In 1839, Charles Darwin married Emma Wedgwood, they had ten children during their years of marriage. For a significant contribution to science Darwin was awarded a huge number of awards, among which – a gold medal from the Royal Society of London.
Biography of Darwin