(1930 – 2001)
Kozhinov Vadim Valerianovich (1930 – 2001), Russian critic, literary critic, philosopher, historian. The main works are devoted to the theory of literature, Russian literature of the XIX century, the modern literary process (primarily poetry). Books: “Kinds of art” (1960), “The origin of the novel” (1963), “The book about Russian lyrical poetry of the XIX century.” (1978), “Articles on Contemporary Literature” (1982), “Tyutchev” (1988), “Reflections on Russian Literature” (1990), etc.
The last years of his life Vadim Valerianovich devoted to historical research, debunking pseudo-historical myths about the past of Russia. The transformation of Kozhinov-philologist into Kozhinov-historian was marked by the book History of Russia and the Russian Word (Moscow, Algorithm, 1999), in which the literary and historical interests of Vadim Valerianovich were combined. A year earlier, he published his research on the Black Hundreds and the Revolution (Moscow, 1998). Then – Russia XX century (1901 – 1939). Moscow, 1999 and Russia XX century (1939 – 1964). Moscow, 1999. These books belong to the series “The History of Russia: A Contemporary View”, that is, the view of Vadim Valerianovich on the past of the country.