Biography Ivanov Vsevolod Vyacheslavovich

(1895 – 1963)

A prose writer, a playwright.
He was born on February 12 (24 n.) In the village of Lebyazhye in Semipalatinsk province, in the family of a village teacher. After graduating from the village school and studying for a year at the Pavlodar agricultural school, Ivanov went to work as an assistant to the clerk in a shop, then as a typewriter, a sailor, a loader and even a circus artist. He traveled extensively in Siberia, the Urals and Kazakhstan.
From 1915 he began to publish – the first was the story “The Son of Autumn”, followed by “Gold”, “Hatred” “Dream of Ermak”, “Two Galleys” and a story “On the Irtysh,” which was sent to M. Gorky and received his approval.
In 1921 Ivanov with great difficulty, having the certificate from the newspaper “Soviet Siberia”, where it was written “… is sent to the disposal of M. Gorky,” gets to Petrograd. M. Gorky took an active part in the fate of the young writer. In the first issue of Red Novi, the first “fat” Soviet magazine created with the assistance of Gorky, Ivanov’s novel Partisans (1921) was published, and in the fifth there was the story Armored Train 14-69 (1922). At the same time, the book “Colored Winds” is published. A year later, all three novels were combined into a collection of “Sopki, Guerrilla Tales”, which became a phenomenon of Soviet prose, which made its author a famous writer. In the 1920s he wrote stories and novels, in 1927 – the play “Armored Train 14-69”, which was among the best works of Soviet drama. After the autobiographical novel The Adventures of the Fakir (1934-35), the writer again turns to the historical-revolutionary theme. In 1939 he published the novel “Parkhomenko.”
During the Patriotic War, Ivanov appeared with journalistic articles, wrote stories on military and historical topics (“At the Borodino Field,” 1943). In 1947 Ivanov’s memoirs “Meetings with Maxim Gorky” came out, over which the writer worked for almost a quarter of a century.
In the postwar years, Ivanov spoke much as a publicist in defense of peace and culture. In 1953 he published the play “Lomonosov”, in 1960 – the novel “We Go to India”. However, part of the works created by him did not see the light during the author’s lifetime (“Sisyphus, son of Aeolus”, “Agasfer”, the novel “Vulcan” were published posthumously). He died. Ivanov July 15, 1963 in Moscow.

Biography Ivanov Vsevolod Vyacheslavovich