Biography Arbuzov Alexey Nikolaevich
(1908 – 1986)
Arbuzov Alexei Nikolaevich (1908 – 1986), playwright.
Born May 13 (26 N. s.) In Moscow in an educated, intelligent family. The most powerful child’s impression of the child was the sea, where the family went to rest every year. The beginning of the war of 1914 caught Arbuzov on the Riga seashore, and they urgently had to leave. The Arbuzovs moved from Moscow to Petrograd, where six-year-old Alyosha joined the theater, listened to the opera, and went to the cinema. She studies at a private gymnasium (1916). The revolution of 1917 prevented him from receiving a systematic education.
At the age of 9 he had to face the collapse of his former life, and he eagerly absorbs new impressions. Hard days come: hunger, scurvy, typhus. At 11 years, there is only one left in the colony for the hard-to-learn. The theater became a salvation for him. At the Bolshoi Drama Theater, the boy happened to see the play “Robbers” by Schiller, who was shown for the Red Army soldiers who were leaving for the front. With an introductory speech made. A. Block. The impression was so strong that in this theater he revised all the performances, knew the whole repertoire.
His life is slightly ordered: he lives with his aunt V. Savich. School refused to attend, and has not received secondary education.
At the age of 14 he began working as an extrasist at the Mariinsky Theater. At the age of 16, he entered a dramatic studio, directed by P. Gaydeburov, a brilliant actor and director. In the autumn, after graduating from the studio, Arbuzov entered the company of Gaydeburov. In the spring of 1928 he left the theater to create his “Experimental drama workshop” together with a group of young actors. After its disintegration takes part in the organization of a theater on wheels (agitvagon), which travels with performances on small cities of Russia. The theater had no own dramatist, so Arbuzov himself took up his pen. The first multi-act play “Class” was staged in Leningrad, but was not successful. After the failure, Arbuzov went to Moscow and entered the Meyerhold Theater. There are new friends: V. Pluchek, I. Stock and other actors and directors. In the spring of 1932 he married, he had a daughter.
The first play, which was staged in Moscow, Leningrad and other cities and received the recognition of viewers and critics, was the comedy “The Six Beloved” (1935). In the same year, a new comedy “The Long Road” was written. Arbuzov has always admired the talented play of the actress Vakhtangov Babanova and the play “Tanya” wrote specifically for her. “Tanya” was staged in 1939 by the Moscow Theater of the Revolution and was noisy. It was put in the 1960s and 1970s by many Soviet theaters.
The premiere of the play The City at Dawn took place on February 5, 1941, but the war prevented the long life of this play.
After the war, Arbuzov wrote the comedy “Meeting with Youth” (1947), about five years working on the drama “Years of Travel” (1954). Arbuzov becomes one of the most famous playwrights of the country, whose plays are staged in many theaters. Long years of joint creativity connected the playwright with the theater. E. Vakhtangov, in which there were seven plays Arbuzov: “Irkutsk history,” “The Twelfth Hour” (1959), “The Lost Son” (1961), etc. Abroad begin to put plays A. Arbuzov: in London – “Happy days unhappy person “,” Old-fashioned comedy “, it is also put in Paris. April 20, 1986 Arbuzov died. He was buried in Moscow.
A short biography from the book: Russian writers and poets. A short biographical dictionary. Moscow, 2000.