Biography Ananiev Anatoly Andreevich

(born 1925)

Ananiev Anatoly Andreevich (born 1925), a prose writer. He was born on July 18 in the city of Dzhambul (Kazakhstan) in a working family. He graduated from seven classes, entered the technical school. When the war began, he passed his summer practice – he was a pupil at the factory. A year later he entered the artillery school in Kharkov. After graduating from the school as a junior lieutenant, he enters the Kursk with an active army, being directly involved in the famous Kursk battle. The events and experiences of this time will be reflected in the pages of the novel “The Tanks Come By the Rhombus” (1963).
After the war he graduated from the philological faculty of Kazakh University. In his student years he began to write poetry and prose. Since 1958 he has been given literary activity: he publishes the series “The Verny Stories”, the novel “The Small Screen” (1959), then the essays “The Shadow of Jesus” (1961), “Zhernovtsy” (1962), “The Trumps of Monk Gregory” (1964). in the late sixties he moved to Moscow, the memories of war revived in works on peaceful topics – the novels Mezh (1969), The Versts of Love (1971), The Years Without War (1975-79).
In 1990 his novel “Tablets and Bells” appeared, in 1993 – the novel “Faces of Immortal Power”, dedicated to the reign of Ivan the Terrible; in 1996 – “The Call of the Rurik, or the Millennial Mystery of Russia.” The artistic interpretation of historical evidence, facts, documents reveals an increasingly clear original author’s concept of the history of Russia.
Since 1973 he is the editor-in-chief of the journal “October”. A. Ananiev lives and works in Moscow.
A short biography from the book: Russian writers and poets. A short biographical dictionary. Moscow, 2000.

Biography Ananiev Anatoly Andreevich