Biography Aksenov Vasily Pavlovich

Aksenov Vasily Pavlovich is a writer. Was born in Kazan. The son of a memoirist Evgenia Semenovna Ginzburg. He graduated from the Leningrad Medical Institute. The first stories were published in 1959. In 1960, the magazine “Yunost” published the story “Colleagues”, and in 1961 the novel “Star Ticket” about the life of modern youth, after the publication of which Aksenov becomes one of the recognized leaders of the so-called youth confessional prose.
In the 60-ies. in the same magazine “Youth” other works of Aksenov v “Oranges from Morocco”, “It’s time, my friend, it’s time”, “Overstuffed barrel”, stories are printed. Some of them become the subject of fierce disputes. He was a member of the editorial board of the journal Yunost, in 1969 he was expelled from it together with EA Evtushenko. In the 70-ies. is published a little. One of the books of this period is the tale of L. B. Krasin “Love of Electricity” in the series “Fiery Revolutionaries”.
Aksenov v one of the organizers and participants of the samizdat almanac Metropol, which led to repression against some of its authors. As a sign of protest, he left the USSR Writers’ Union (together with IL Lisnyanskaya and SI Lipkin). The last work of this period, published in the USSR, was a novel (experimental novel) “The Quest for a Genre.” In the same year, Aksyonov left for an invitation abroad, and a few months later issued a decree of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR on depriving Aksenov of Soviet citizenship.
Since 1979 in the USA. He worked at the University of Southern California, the Institute of Cannon, then a professor at the University of George Mason (Washington). Already in the US he published works written in the USSR: the story “Golden Our Gland”, the novel “Burn”, “The Island of Crimea”, as well as new novels “The Paper Landscape”, “Say the Raisins”, the collection of stories “The Right to the Island” a collection of plays “Aristofanika with frogs”, a book about America “In search of a sad baby”, etc. In English, the novel “Yolk of the egg” is written. Aksenov also deals with scenarios for theater and cinema, translations from English (E. Doctorow, etc.).
Aksenov’s realistic prose is involved in fantasy, parody, grotesque, irony and lyricism are fused in it. Many works are emphatically experimental. In the most multifaceted novel “Burn” Aksenov touches on the Jewish theme. Since 1987, the writer’s works are being published in Russia again: “Burn”, “Crimean Island”, “Right to the Island”, etc. In Garborse (USA), the collected works of V. Aksenov are published in six volumes.



