Biography of Jacques Louis David

Jacques Louis David is a French artist. In fact, David was a dictator for his generation. Leaving far beyond the boundaries of paintings, his influence guided the style of fashion, furniture and interior design, and also reflected on the development of moral philosophy. Art throughout the biography of David was an unexpected, decisive destruction of … Read more

Biography of Xzibit

Xzibit – rapper, actor, TV presenter. Alvin was born in Detroit on September 18, 1974. At the age of 9 years after his death, his mother moved with his father to New Mexico. In 17 years in the biography of Xzibit moved to California. His musical career began as part of the American hip-hop group … Read more

Biography Gershuni Vladimir Lvovich

(18.03.1930 – 19.09.1994) Gershuni Vladimir Lvovich (18.03.1930, Moscow – September 19, 1994, Moscow). Nephew of the leader of the militant organization of the Socialist Revolutionaries, GA Gershuni (1870-1908). He spent his childhood in an orphanage. During his studies at the institute he was arrested for taking part in the youth anti-Stalin group. Condemned by the … Read more

Biography Andersen Hans Christian

(1805-75), a Danish writer. The glory of the world brought fairy tales, which combine romance and realism, fantasy and humor, satirical beginning with irony. Based on folklore (“Fire”), imbued with humanism, lyricism and humor (“Steadfast Tin Soldier”, “Ugly Duckling”, “Little Mermaid”, “Snow Queen”), tales condemn social inequality, selfishness, self-interest, self-righteousness of the powerful (“The New … Read more

Biography of Anna Rudneva

Anya Olegovna Rudneva – guitarist of the band “Ranetki”, an actress. Anya was born in Moscow on January 11, 1990. The fascination with music in the biography of Ani Rudneva manifested itself in her childhood. Then she, not knowing which tool to choose, tried herself in the game of the violin, piano. But still the … Read more

Biography Uspensky Gleb Ivanovich

(1843 – 1902) Uspensky Gleb Ivanovich (1843 – 1902), the prose writer. He was born on October 13 (25 N.) in Tula in the family of an official. Children’s years passed in a calm, kind-hearted atmosphere, among loving native people. Already at an early age he read fairy tales and poems of Pushkin, Lermontov, read … Read more

Biography of Marie Antoinette

Marie Antoinette is the queen of France, the daughter of Emperor Franz I Stefan, the wife of the French King Louis XVI. Born Marie Antoinette November 2, 1775 in Vienna in the family of Emperor Franz I and Queen Maria Theresa. After the death of Franz Stefan Maria Theresa became the ruler of the Holy … Read more

Biography of John Stuart Mill

John Stuart Mill was a famous British philosopher who gained fame as his contribution to the cause of the struggle for women’s rights. Childhood and Adult Life John Stuart Mill was born on May 20, 1806 in London, in the Pentonville area. His father, James Mill, was an outstanding historian, philosopher and economist. The boy’s … Read more

Biography of Victoria

Victoria is the Queen of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Ireland, Empress of India. Victoria was born on May 24, 1819 in the family of the Duke of Kent. In the early years of her life in the biography of Queen Victoria, she received an excellent education in the field of music, botany, … Read more

Biography of Mikhail Kalashnikov

The Russian inventor Mikhail Kalashnikov is the creator of the most popular weapon in history – AK-47. This machine was first born in 1947, and it is produced to this day. Early years Mikhail Timofeevich Kalashnikov was born November 10, 1919 in a large peasant family in the village. Kurya, Altai Territory, Russia. He is … Read more

Biography Sokolov Sasha

(born 1943) Sokolov Sasha (Alexander Vsevolodovich) (born 1943), writer and poet. He was born in Ottawa in the family of an assistant military attache. After graduation, he entered the Military Institute of Foreign Languages, then moved to the Faculty of Journalism of Moscow University. M. V. Lomonosov. Labor activity began with journalistic work, but, having … Read more

Biography Volodin Alexander Moiseevich

(born 1919) Volodin (real name Lifshits) Alexander Moiseevich (born 1919), playwright, prose writer. He was born on February 10 in Minsk. He received a pedagogical education, worked as a rural teacher. At the beginning of the war, the soldier goes to the front. In the postwar years he studied at the scenario faculty of the … Read more

Biography of John Tolkien

John Ronald Ruel Tolkien is a world-famous science fiction writer. He is better known as the author of works “The Hobbit” and the trilogy “The Lord of the Rings”. Early years John Ronald Ruel Tolkien was born January 3, 1892 in Bloemfontein, South Africa, in the family of Arthur Tolkien and Mabel Saffild Tolkien. After … Read more

Biography of Henry Armstrong

Henry Armstrong – American boxer, was born in Columbus, Mississippi. At birth in the biography of Henry Armstrong was given the name of Henry Jackson. The athlete began his professional career in 1931. Soon he became known as a strong, tireless boxer. Armstrong won the title of champion in a very lightweight title in 1936. … Read more

Biography of Napoleon Bonaparte

Napoleon Bonaparte is a great French emperor, commander, statesman. Napoleon’s education was received at the Otien College, then at the Brienne Cadet School. In the biography of Napoleon, military service began as a junior lieutenant in 1785. In 1793 he became a battalion commander, then chief of artillery. After the brilliant campaign of Napoleon on … Read more

Biography Leonov Leonid Maksimovich

(1899-1994) Leonov Leonid Maksimovich (1899-1994), prose writer, playwright. Born May 19 (31 N. s.) In Moscow in the family of a poet of a peasant trend, known at the time. His publishing activities more than once brought him police reprisals. Children’s years of the future writer were held in Moscow Zaryadye, where he studied at … Read more

Biography Astafiev Viktor Petrovich

(1.05.1924 – 29.11.2001) May 1, 1924 in the village of Ovsyanka, which is on the banks of the Yenisei, near Krasnoyarsk, in the family of Peter Pavlovich and Lidia Ilyinichna Astafyev, son Victor was born. At the age of seven, the boy lost his mother – she drowned in the river, catching a scythe behind … Read more

Biography of Nancy Lopez

Nancy Lopez is a golfer, born January 6, 1957 in Torrance, California. Most known as a great golfer. Nancy Lopez was the most famous among the other athletes involved in golf for ten years after her debut in 1978. Starting to play golf as a little girl, Nancy achieved perfection in amateur golf, then engaged … Read more

Biography of Isaac Babel

A Ukrainian with Jewish roots Isaac Babel, whose stories about the Russian army and life in the ghetto made him a popular author in the 1920s, compromised his credibility with the Soviet authorities and was executed in 1940. General information Isaak Emmanuilovich Babel was born in a family of Jews on July 13, 1894 in … Read more

Biography Zhukovsky Vasily Andreevich

(1783 – 1852) Zhukovsky’s father – Afanasy Ivanovich Bunin, landowner of the Tula province, owner with. Mishensky, mother – Salcha, a Turkish woman by birth, captured by the Russians during the storming of Bender in 1770. According to family legends, she was brought to Mishenskoye and presented to Bunin by one of his serfs, a … Read more

Biography of Evgeny Zamyatin

Evgeny Ivanovich Zamyatin is a writer. Yevgeny Zamyatin was born on January 20, 1884 in the Tambov province, in the town of Lebedyan. The first education in the biography of Yevgeny Zamyatin was received at the local gymnasium. Then, trying to improve his level, Eugene entered the Voronezh gymnasium. This educational institution in the biography … Read more

Biography of Rebecca Lobo

Rebecca Lobo – basketball player, was born on October 6, 1973 in the town of Souswick, Massachusetts. Most known as the star of the basketball team at the University of Connecticut in 1995. Rebecca Lobo showed herself as an excellent forward, a center player, bringing a large number of points to the team. In the … Read more

Biography London Jack

(1876-1916) is an American writer. Grow in poverty. His father, W. H. Cheney, left his wife before the birth of his son, who was adopted by a ruined farmer John London, the second husband of the future writer’s mother. London in his youth changed many professions: he worked at a cannery, at a power plant, … Read more

Biography Adamovich Alexander Mikhailovich

(born 1927) He was born on September 3 in the village of Konyukhi, Minsk region, to a doctor’s family. Since 1928 the family lived in Bobruisk, where it was found by the Patriotic War. From the age of 14, together with his relatives, he took part in the activities of the anti-fascist underground, from 1943 … Read more

Biography of Stendhal

Stendhal is a writer, the founder of a realistic novel. Born Stendhal January 23, 1783 in the city of Grenoble. The father of the future writer was a lawyer. As a child, Stendhal lost his mother in his biography. And the education of the boy was mainly engaged in the grandfather, who was familiar with … Read more

Biography of Raphael Nadal

Rafael Nadal – tennis player, was born on June 3, 1986 in Manacor, Mallorca, Spain. Best known as the champion on a tennis court with clay covering, which won four French championships in a row. At birth in the biography of Raphael Nadal was given the name of Rafael Nadal-Parera. Rafael was 19 years old … Read more

Biography of Sergei Bondarchuk

Sergei Fedorovich Bondarchuk – actor, film director, screenwriter, People’s Artist of the USSR. Sergey was born in a small village of Belozyorka in the Kherson region of Ukraine on September 25, 1920. Childhood in the biography of Sergei Bondarchuk was held in Yeisk and Taganrog. There he became interested in acting. Later he began to … Read more

Biography Venivtinov Dmitry Vladimirovich

(1805 – 1827) Venevitinov Dmitry Vladimirovich (1805 – 1827), poet, critic. Born September 14 (26 N. s.) In Moscow in a noble family. He received a wonderful home education (seriously engaged in languages, painting, music). In 1822 – 24 as an auditor attended lectures at the Moscow University. He was fond of not only history, … Read more

Biography of Louis Pasteur

Louis Pasteur is a French chemist, one of the founders of microbiology and immunology. Has opened a new direction of chemistry – stereochemistry. He was a professor of chemistry and physics, a member of the Paris, French, and St. Petersburg Academy of Sciences. Has made an invaluable contribution to medicine, chemistry, biology. Louis Pasteur was … Read more

Biography of Tony Harding

Tonya Harding – a figure skater, was born on November 12, 1970 in Portland, Oregon. She is best known as the figure skating champion, who injured her competitor’s leg. At birth in the biography of Tony Harding was given the name Tonya Maksin Harding. Harding is a notorious figure skater who attacked her opponent Nancy … Read more

Vladimir Semenovich Vysotsky. Biography

Life and work of VS Vysotsky in dates and facts 1938, January 25 – Birth of the poet 1945 – entered the school number 273 1947-1949 – living in Germany 1949 – return to Moscow and admission to the 5th grade of the men’s secondary school No. 186. 1955 – the end of secondary school … Read more

Biography Dostoevsky Fyodor Mikhailovich

(1821 – 1881) Dostoevsky Feodor Mikhailovich (1821-81), Russian writer, corresponding member of the St. Petersburg Academy of Sciences (1877). In the stories “Poor People” (1846), “White Nights” (1848), “Netochka Nezvanova” (1849, not finished), etc. described the suffering of the “little” man as a tragedy social. In the story “The Double” (1846) he gave a psychological … Read more

Biography of Dmitry Nagiyev

Dmitry Vladimirovich Nagiev – actor, presenter. Dmitry Nagiyev was born on April 4, 1967 in Leningrad. As a child, in his biography Dmitry Nagiyev was fond of sports, practiced sambo and judo. Career began on the radio – was the host on the radio “Modern”. His ethers were a great success, and soon Dmitry was … Read more

Biography of Sigmund Freud

Sigmund Freud is a neurologist, psychiatrist, psychologist. Born May 6, 1856 in Freiberg, Czech Republic. Then, because of the persecution of Jews in the biography of Freud, moved with his family to the city of Tysmenytsya, Ivano-Frankivsk region of Ukraine. Freud’s psychoanalysis is based on the study of previously experienced traumatic experiences. Exploring the dream … Read more

Biography of Friedrich Schiller

Friedrich Schiller is a German poet, historian and philosopher. Childhood and youth Johann Christoph Friedrich von Schiller was born in Marbach-on-Neckar, Württemberg, Holy Roman Empire. His parents were Johann Kaspar Schiller – military paramedic and Elizabeth Dorothea Code. In 1763, his father was appointed a recruiter in the German city of Schwäbisch Gmünd, because of … Read more

Biography Ostrovsky Alexander

(1823 – 1886) Ostrovsky Alexander Nikolayevich (1823-1886) – playwright, theatrical figure. In 1840 Ostrovsky graduated from the First Moscow Gymnasium with a humanitarian bias. In the years 1840-1843. studied at the Moscow University at the Faculty of Law. But still in the gymnasium Ostrovsky was carried away by literary creativity and left his studies as … Read more

Biography of Aristotle

Aristotle is an ancient Greek scholar, philosopher. Aristotle’s parents died when he was only 15 years old. The first education in the biography of Aristotle was given to him by the guardian Proxena, who carried Aristotle to reading. Aristotle’s teaching encompassed all the sciences at that time. He was engaged in philosophy, as a set … Read more

Biography Aikhenvald Yuri Alexandrovich

(16.11.1928 – 28.06.1993) Eyhenvald Yuri Alexandrovich (16.11.1928, Moscow – 28.06.1993, Moscow). The grandson of the well-known literary critic and essayist Aikhenvald Yulia Isayevich, expelled from the RSFSR for his anti-communist views in 1922. His father, Aikhenvald Alexander Yulievich, – a Communist, a prominent member of the party (Bukharin) opposition, since 1933 was imprisoned, subsequently shot. … Read more

Biography Janet Guthrie

Janet Guthrie – avtogonschitsa, was born on March 7, 1938 in Iowa City, Iowa. Most known as the first woman to compete in Indy for 500 miles. Biography Janet Guthrie is glorified by the fact that the woman for the first time in history took part in motor racing in the Indianapolis 500 and Dayton … Read more

Biography of James Agee

James Agee is an American writer who was born in Knoxville, Tennessee. In 1932, James graduated from Harvard. Soon James Agey joins the literary and journalistic life of New York. In 1932 he became a writer at the magazine “Fortune”; a reviewer of books and a film critic for “Time”; as well as a film … Read more

Alexander Block. Biography

Block is Blok’s biggest lyrical theme. This topic attracts both the theme of the novel… Yury Tynyanov Your name is a bird in the hand, Your name is a piece of ice on the tongue, One single movement of the lips, Your name is five letters. A ball caught on the fly, A silver beater … Read more

Charles Dickens. Biography

Charles Dickens – the largest English novelist, the author of socio-psychological novels, recreating the way of life, customs and views of the British era of early Victorianism, as well as features of the national character and world perception. A sharp criticism of the shortcomings of a society built on social inequality and the cult of … Read more

Biography of Albina Akhatova

Akhatova Albina – Russian biathlete, Honored Master of Sports. Albina was born on November 13, 1976 in the city of Nikolsk, Vologda region. The fascination with skiing in the biography of Albina Akhatova manifested itself in her childhood. To teach the skill of the ski ride took her father – Honored coach. However, the athlete … Read more

Biography Mordecai Brown

Mordecai “Three Fingers” Brown is a baseball player, born October 19, 1876 in Nesville, Indiana. The fame of Mordecai Brown is due to his reputation as an energetic pitcher with a crippled hand. Mordecai “Three Fingers” Brown lost part of his hand at the age of 7 years. Brown actually lost only one finger, the … Read more

Biography of Tatyana Doronina

Tatiana Doronina – People’s Artist of the USSR, actress of theater and cinema, head of the Moscow Art Theater. Gorky. Tatyana was born in Leningrad on September 12, 1933. After the war began, she moved with her family to the city of Danilov, Yaroslavl Region. It was there that childhood passed in the biography of … Read more

Biography Troepolsky Gavriil Nikolayevich

(1905 – 1995) Troepolsky Gavriil Nikolayevich (1905 – 1995), the prose writer. Born November 16 (29 N. p.) In the village of Novospasivka Tambov province in the family of a priest. He received a thorough home education. He studied at the agricultural school, which he graduated in 1924. He worked as a village teacher, then … Read more

Biography of Irina Muravyova

Irina Muravieva is an actress of theater and cinema, People’s Artist of the Russian Federation. Irina was born in Moscow on February 8, 1949 in the family of a film director and producer. The first education in the biography of Irina Muravieva was received in a regular school. Even during school I was carried away … Read more

Biography of Nicholas Roerich

Nicholas Roerich is a Russian artist, writer, traveler, archaeologist. Artistic education in the biography of Nicholas Roerich was received at the Academy of Fine Arts. There from 1893 to 1897 he studied with the famous master – Kuinjy. Then he continued his studies at the Cormona studio in Paris. Roerich was a member of the … Read more

Biography of Jan Fleming

Ian Lancaster Fleming is a journalist, a writer who created a series of books about James Bond. Born Jan Lancaster May 28, 1908 in London. Yan’s father was a politician, a member of parliament. The first education in his biography Ian Fleming received at Eaton College. After that, he continued his studies, enrolled in the … Read more

Biography of Oleg Polyakov

Polyakov Oleg Vladimirovich was born July 6, 1977 in Tuymazy in the family of workers. Father – Vladimir Vasilyevich, worked as a mechanic at the plant. Mother – Tamara Ilinichna, an accountant in a kindergarten. Childhood He spent his childhood and youth in his native town of Tuymazy, where in 1994, graduated from secondary school … Read more