Iosaph Platonovich Vislenev, who was sentenced in the past for political affairs, returns to the district town. He is met by Sister Larissa, the former bride of Alexandra Ivanovna, who later unexpectedly married General Sintyanin, whom “terrible glory” is about. Among those meeting also Major Forov, declaring that he would never marry anyone except his “smart fool” Katerina Astafyevna. Shortly before the arrival of his brother, Larissa makes an offer “a Spanish nobleman” landowner Podozerov. Vislenev arrives with Pavel Gordanov. At the evening at the Bakharevs Gordanov declares himself an opponent of praising the feminine mind and emancipation, and afterwards meets with the former mistress Glafira Akatova, who married the rich man Bodrostin, to help with money “common cause”, but all outmaneuver Glafira requires ” convict “Gordanova murder of her” zazhivshegosya. “At night, Vislenev opens a briefcase with the money, which he hands over to the Gordans for storage, but sees in the garden a female figure in a green dress. In the morning, Vislenev tries to find out who owns the green dress he has stolen, and, not she finds her mistress and goes to the Forens. Forova meets the general’s daughter and stepdaughter Vera, who are leaving for the farm, and learns that at night Vera with a cry of “Blood!” pointed to the Vislenevsky wing Wislenev gets acquainted with the priest Evan-gel Minervin, who wrote in the past article, and is linked with him and Foren on fishing, they talk about the essence of Christianity, but Vislenev neither Baron von Feuerbach, nor Renan, nor Chrysostom read and declares the superiority of the use of knowledge. “He admits that he does not like Russia, where” neither nature, or people. ” After the storm, the travelers meet the old man Bodrostin, who takes Visslenev away, leaving Forov to consider Josaph as a “mezhek”. Glafira Vasilevna receives a letter from Podozerov, who reads that he “runs it”. Heinrich Ropshin, an “unpleasant and unbloody” young man, brings her another letter, Glafira reads and, declaring herself a beggar, faints. The narrator “migrates” to St. Petersburg, where in the vinegar “forty robbers” are selected in the light of the new “mezhoumki.” a young man, brings her another letter, Glafira reads and, declaring herself a beggar, faints. The narrator “migrates” to St. Petersburg, where in the vinegar “forty robbers” are selected in the light of the new “mezhoumki.” a young man, brings her another letter, Glafira reads and, declaring herself a beggar, faints. The narrator “migrates” to St. Petersburg, where in the vinegar “forty robbers” are selected in the light of the new “mezhoumki.”
Gordanov, the son of a Moscow gypsy and elder brother Mikhail Bodrostin, quickly realizes that many benefits can be gained from the “delirium” of young people. He proclaims among his comrades “Jesuitism”, replaced by “nihilism.” Against the last, the “Old Believers”, led by Anna Skokova, nicknamed Vancock, rise up, and Gordanov explains the new doctrine “Darwinism”: “swallow others so that they do not swallow you.” Vanscock, which, according to Forova, does not spoil her beliefs, experiments, but she can not even strangle a cat. Like Akatova, many girls from the “new”, like the polka Casimir or Tsypri-Kypri, marry rich people, steal them and arrange a personal destiny. Returning to St. Petersburg after a three-year absence, Gordanov learns from Vanscock, that the small newspaperman Tikhon Kishensky became very rich by receiving money stolen by his mistress Alina Figurina from her father. Vanskok tells Gordanov the theory of “fresh wounds”, which can not be touched. Vislenev is engaged in “prolonged croaking”, that is, he writes articles based on lies and overexposures, but Vanskok brings him “Polish correspondence”, handed over by Gordanov for a possible article. He is approached by a “dense seminarian” neighbor of the Meridians and proposes to marry a prince for a certain bribe, but Vyslenev denies him insulted. built on lies and overexposures, but Vancock brings him “Polish correspondence,” handed over by Gordanov for a possible article. He is approached by a “dense seminarian” neighbor of the Meridians and proposes to marry a prince for a certain bribe, but Vyslenev denies him insulted. built on lies and overexposures, but Vancock brings him “Polish correspondence,” handed over by Gordanov for a possible article. He is approached by a “dense seminarian” neighbor of the Meridians and proposes to marry a prince for a certain bribe, but Vyslenev denies him insulted.
Gordanov, meanwhile, goes to Kishensky and offers him “to buy” a husband for Alina and father for their children. Bargaining, they conspire and only then find out that Vyslenev was sold. Gordanov asks Kishensky, who works in the police, to arrest Gordanov for a short while and gives him a copy of Vyshlenev’s “Polish” work. Vanskov, Visleneva and Gordanova are searched, and Gordanov tells Vislenev that he transferred his work to Kishensky. Visleneva is imprisoned, and Alina, on pain of issuing articles, forces him to marry. The wedding resembles the picture “Unequal marriage”, just the opposite. Vislenev falls “at the corvee”: he writes all the children in his own name, and at the end of the year he is presented with an account for several thousand. This figure should increase every year, and unwilling to raise debt Gordanov tries to rebel, complaining about fate. Gordanov tries to agree with Kishensky, and he himself dreams of a mysterious and grandiose plan. But Kishensky and Alina make a “piece” and burn the apartment, where the documents of Gordanov, who is engaged in a pair of usury with us, are stored. Left without money, he receives a call from Bodrostin and leaves with Vistlenev. In a letter to an old friend, the brother of Glafira Gregoire, Podzierov describes Gordanov and Vislenev, because of whom he is declared an unreliable and “dangerous” person. Vislenev takes away from her sister the previously given half of the estate, Gordanov deceives his men and accuses Forov and the father of Evangel in inciting them. Glafira sees the ghost of Bodrostin in a cut cuirassier’s uniform. Kishensky is writing articles in the accusation of Podozerov,
At this time in the province, Larissa moves to live with Bodrostina, who considers her a “dummy”, but encourages courtship for the girl from the seriously interested Gordanov, Forova is angry with Larissa, and the general’s wife persuades Podozerov to fight for his love and achieve the feelings of Larissa. Faith joyfully baptizes them and reduces them. Bodrostin ceases to trust his wife, and she tames Joseph, and Gordanova takes everything in the city. With the help of Ropshin Bodrostin replaces the will, which the husband brings to St. Petersburg. To Glafira comes landowner Vodopyanov or “crazy bedouin,” who tells a mysterious story about a student Spiridonov, reminiscent of some information from the life of his mother, Podozerov. Podozerov sends Glafira a letter from which she learns that Bodrostin has lured Kishensky and his company into his network and is trying to ruin him. Podozerov finds Gordanov, who is trying to kiss Larissa, and challenges him to a duel. But Larissa declares that the past is “buried”, although he remains her friend. Before the duel, Podzierov receives a blessing from Alexandra Ivanovna, and Gordanov comes to Larissa at night, and Forova sees their embraces. Alexandra Ivanovna writes a confession telling that she married in order to save innocent people whom Vislenev – a “hopeless” person – entailed after arrest. In the same place, she mentions the case when the general wanted to shoot her, but Vera did not let it happen. Sintyanina admits that he loves Podozerov, and Vistleneva, who exchanged it for “freedom,” only regrets. The late Sintyanin’s wife Flora, Vera’s mother, departs from the portrait and gives the general the ring. The next morning, that Podzierov was seriously wounded, and the general who received the news of his resignation because of Gordanov’s denunciation of Vorov and Evangel’s father had a stroke. According to the prisoner, the duel turned out to be a “murder”: Gordanov shot before the put, and when he ran from the scene of the crime, Faurov shot him a heel. Bodrostin sends Gordanova, still confident in permissiveness, to St. Petersburg, punishing finally luring her husband in a network of scammers.
Sintyanin, Forova and Lisa do not depart from Podzierov, but when his house is threatened by a fire, Larissa takes the patient to her, does not allow a general to come to him, asks for protection and inclines her to marriage. Vislenev escapes from the city in an unknown direction, Gordanov, having hushed up the scandal, leaves for St. Petersburg. On the way, he meets with Glafira in Moscow, demonstrating his “primacy and domination.” She tells him to look at the image, but Gordanov sees a green dress. Glafira declares this dress, in which Flora is dressed in the portrait, “conscience”, and with her happens a nervous attack. Having received from Bodrostin the instruction to reduce Mikhail Andreevich to Polish Kazimira and to present him as the father of her child, Gordanov left for St. Petersburg. Glafira meets with Vyslenev and goes to Paris, where she attends spiritualistic sessions and issues Iosaph Platonovich for a medium. Larissa proves that there is jealousy without love, and ceases to communicate with Sintyanina, who continues to defend her, Forova, married to the major only seven years of their life together, uses every effort to bring the released husband from prison to God. Offended by the denunciation Sintyanin suspects that old Bodrostin wants to lime.
Glafira watches everything that is happening in St. Petersburg from Paris. Vislenev is already getting used to the role of lackey, Bodrostin beckons him with his love, wants to “test” and leads to the idea of the possible death of her husband, after which she will be able to remarry. Glafira for two years passionately loves Podozerova and dreams of forgetting all past sins. On the way to Petersburg, Vishlenev, fearful of arrest for his debts, changes appearance, and arriving in the city, locked himself in the bathroom and arranges a flood. He is declared a madman, and Alina and Kishensky are released “to freedom.” According to Gregoire’s patronage, Glafira meets an important person, tells him about her “misfortunes” with her husband and Kazimira, but finds no support: The Sintyanin already warned this general about possible villainy. The general punishes his subordinate Perushkin “to catch” Glaphira. Meanwhile, Glafira “frees” her husband from requiring money for the child of Kazimira, who was handed over to the educational home, and in gratitude he writes a new testament according to which the wife inherits everything. Podorozvy live unhappily, and after the return of Glafira Larissa moves to Bodrostin, Vislenev lures money from Gordanova on her behalf and finally sells her sister. Podozerov tries to reason with his wife and point out to her true friends, but she replies that she “hates everything” that he likes and runs away with Gordanov. Forova seeks them in Moscow and St. Petersburg, where he meets Podzierov, but to no avail. and after the return of Glafira Larissa moves to Bodrostin, Vislenev lures money from Gordanova on her behalf and finally sells her sister. Podozerov tries to reason with his wife and point out to her true friends, but she replies that she “hates everything” that he likes and runs away with Gordanov. Forova seeks them in Moscow and St. Petersburg, where he meets Podzierov, but to no avail. and after the return of Glafira Larissa moves to Bodrostin, Vislenev lures money from Gordanova on her behalf and finally sells her sister. Podozerov tries to reason with his wife and point out to her true friends, but she replies that she “hates everything” that he likes and runs away with Gordanov. Forova seeks them in Moscow and St. Petersburg, where he meets Podzierov, but to no avail.
Gordanov and married Lara are married and live in Moldova, where Larissa remains even when Gordanov leaves for Russia. Unexpected Larissa returns and soon, to everyone’s surprise, settles in Gordanova’s apartment. The general receives from her a note and, having arrived, finds the patient. Larissa says that in the house soon someone is going to kill, and asks Sintyanin not to take his eyes off Josap. She shows the general the pipe of the stove heater, through which you can hear everything that is said in the house. Tragically, the Vodopyanov, who fell from the bridge, is dying, whose horses, as it later turns out, were frightened by Vyslenev, who decided to kill him, confusing them with the Bodrostians.
Perryushkin comes to the Sintyanins under the guise of a surveyor. Gostinov, Vistlenev and Sintyanin gathered on behalf of Bodrostin’s birthday parties to watch the fiery peasant rite, which they do not far from the estate, in order, according to popular belief, to “get a cow’s death”. Shortly before this, Bodrosteen accidentally pours her husband’s shirt like wine with blood. Lisa admits the remaining Sintyanina in dvoydemezhestve, but at this time appears Vislenev, in an agiotage announcing the murder of an old man Bodrostin and demanding an immediate wedding with Glafira. Visleneva is taken to the police station, but the murder is attributed to peasant rebellion. Ropshin tells Glafira that on the body of the old man a trace from her Spanish stylet has been found, and blackmails her by promising to hide the first, forged testament of Bodrostin. Iosaph admits, that in fact he did not kill the old man, but only burned him with a cigarette, and blames Bodrostin and Gordanov for inciting to the atrocity. Lara disappears, but her, slaughtered, find Forov and the father of Evangel. They are taken to the police station and accused of inciting people’s rebellion. Gordanov notices that Ropshin starts to manage in the house, and after him, who injured his hand during the murder, begins to follow. At the funeral, the dead man is untied and arms are spread, and this is so frightening to Glafira that she betrays Gordanova. Faith throws at his feet found in the woods and for a long time, according to Bodrostina, belongs to him a stylet. Gordanov notices that Ropshin starts to manage in the house, and after him, who injured his hand during the murder, begins to follow. At the funeral, the dead man is untied and arms are spread, and this is so frightening to Glafira that she betrays Gordanova. Faith throws at his feet found in the woods and for a long time, according to Bodrostina, belongs to him a stylet. Gordanov notices that Ropshin starts to manage in the house, and after him, who injured his hand during the murder, begins to follow. At the funeral, the dead man is untied and arms are spread, and this is so frightening to Glafira that she betrays Gordanova. Faith throws at his feet found in the woods and for a long time, according to Bodrostina, belongs to him a stylet.
Gordanova is arrested and amputated suffering from “Antonova fire” hand. Ropshin promises money, and he shields Glafira, and then he is poisoned. Bodrostina marries the brutal and stingy Ropshin, who is caught up in the money and lives on the money of a good Faur. Recognized as guilty, Vislenev lives in a madhouse and is quite happy with his situation. Vera and Katerina Afanasyevna, who, according to the general’s wife, “have committed all the earthly things,” die. “Sintyan before his death bequeaths his wife to Podozerov. Farov is present at their wedding, who unsuccessfully tried to marry a” superb person “, Vanskov. with the message of Forov’s death, he is sure that everything that is happening “on knives” is a prologue to something more that must be irrevocably come.
“At the knives” Leskov in brief