At the end of November, a train approaches St. Petersburg Station. In one of the carriages of the third class, two passengers sit opposite each other. “One of them was short, about twenty-seven years old, curly and almost black-haired, with gray small but fiery eyes, his nose was wide and flattened, his face was bilious, his thin lips were continually forming into some sort of brazen, mocking and even wicked smile, but his forehead was tall and well formed and brightened the ignobly developed lower part of his face… This is Parfen Semyonovich Rogozhin, the son of a recently deceased rich man who is warmly clothed in contrast to his companion, on whom is a cloak without sleeves and with a large hood, absolutely unsuitable for Russian “The owner of a cape with a hood was a young man, also about twenty-six or twenty-seven, growing a little higher than average, very blond, thick-haired, with sunken cheeks and with a small, sharp-pointed, fully white beard. His eyes were large, blue and pointed; in their glance there was something quiet, but heavy, something full of that strange expression, by which some guess at first sight in the subject a falling sickness. This is Prince Leo Nikolayevich Myshkin, the last in the Myshkin family, who has been treated for a long time abroad from mental illness. He calls himself an idiot. Last years Myshkin lived in Switzerland on the maintenance of his doctor Schneider, because his trustee Pavlishchev died suddenly and money for treatment stopped coming to the hospital. Now the prince returns to his homeland; of things he has only a small bundle. The interlocutors are joined by an official Lebedev, constantly inserting into their conversation unnecessary and superfluous cues, in every way fussing and trying to inspire the idea of his own need. He manages to do this, because he and Rogozhiym are already leaving the train together. Among other things Rogozhin mentions the name of a certain Nastasya Filippovna, the custodian of the capitalist Thonky. She is a woman of extraordinary beauty. The first time she saw her in the theater, Rogozhin immediately falls in love and completely loses his head. On the money of his father, a man cruel and tight-fisted, Rogozhin buys diamond pendants for ten thousand and brings them as a gift to Nastasya Filippovna. Old man Rogozhin brutally beat his son, and he goes to Nastasya Filippovna and asks her to return the suspension. She takes out ornaments and declares that Parfen was much dearer to her because she went for her against her father. Upon arrival in St. Petersburg, the prince immediately leaves with the vis-a-vis his distant relatives Epanchin. The prince falls in with the reception to General Ivan Fyodorovich, who, somewhat puzzled by the prince’s naive manner of sticking and the complete tranquility with which he talks about his illness, first decides to get rid of Myshkin as soon as possible. The latter notices that he would like to work, and writes a few lines of the perfect calligraphic handwriting. The General likes this very much, and he gives a promise to find the prince a place in the service. Immediately the prince gets acquainted with the secretary of Epanchin, Gavril Ardalionovich Ivolgin. and he gives a promise to find the prince a place in the service. Immediately the prince gets acquainted with the secretary of Epanchin, Gavril Ardalionovich Ivolgin. and he gives a promise to find the prince a place in the service. Immediately the prince gets acquainted with the secretary of Epanchin, Gavril Ardalionovich Ivolgin.
According to the plan of Totsky and Epanchin, Ganya should marry Nastasya Filippovna, who tormented Totsky with his willfulness and does not allow him to marry a normal girl from a decent family. If she marries, then any of her claims to Totsky will be considered unfounded, and, in addition, she will receive seventy-five thousand dowry. Ganya at the prince tells Epanchin that tomorrow, on Nastasya Filippovna’s birthday, she promises to announce her final decision. Epanchin recommends that the prince triple in an apartment to the parents of Ghani. The prince notices on the table a portrait of Nastasya Filippovna. He is struck by the beautiful face of this woman – “a cheerful face, and she suffered terribly… This proud face, terribly proud…”
After an audience with the general, the prince is accepted in the female half of the Epapchins’ house. Myshkin acquainted with Lpaveta-Prokofievna and her daughters – Alexandra, Adelaide and the beautiful Aglaya. Despite his prejudiced attitude towards him, the prince succeeds in first attracting women to his simplicity and sincerity of judgments, then to flash with erudition, and, finally, to amaze their imagination with a description of the scene of the death penalty that he once saw with his own eyes. He recalls in detail what he thought the perpetrator felt in the last moments of his life, and suggests that Adelaide try to paint the face of a person sentenced to guillotine in color. “Draw the scaffold so that only the last step can be seen clearly and close, the criminal stepped on it: head, face, pale as paper, the priest holds out the cross, he greedily hands out his blue lips, and he knows everything. “The prince also tells the details of his life in Switzerland, he loved children very much, talked with them a lot, for which he made a lot of detractors, because his influence on the children was enormous.” The prince was not in love, but felt pity and looked after the sick girl Marie, who had been dishonored by the stranger, and his mother was put to shame in front of the neighbors. The prince and the children suggested that Marie was worthy of love and compassion, so that Marie died almost happy. the most striking features their characters. “Suddenly he declares that Aglaya is as beautiful as Nastasya Filippovna, he is caught in a word, and the prince has to tell that he saw a portrait in the general’s office, and then take it at the request of Lizaveta Prokofievna. Aglaya from the note.
Aglaya sends the note back to the prince and dictates to him in the presence of Ganp the phrase: “I’m not entering the auction.” The prince returns a note to Ghana; he does not believe that the prince has acted honestly, tears off anger on him, calls him an idiot, but then apologizes and escorts the prince to his house. Mother Gani, Nina Alexandrovna, and his sister Varya give rooms to the tenants. One room will be taken by the prince, another one by Ferdyshchenko. Gani’s father, General Ivolgin, constantly lies in talking about absolutely everything, is fond of, but demands respect for himself. He is followed by the thirteen-year-old brother of Ghani, Kolya. For Varya, Ivan Petrovich Birdy, a business man, looks after her. Ferdyshchenko immediately and without ceremony declares to the prince, warns that he does not need to give money, examines the only Myshkin banknote – twenty-five rubles, borrowed from him by Epanchin. Then the prince visits Ivolgin. Among the unmerciful lies, he notes that a monstrous marriage is being prepared, which is possible only through his corpse. All household members take turns trying to take the general away. When the prince flashes a family conflict because of the upcoming wedding; Varya also resolutely opposes such a humiliating marriage with the “fallen” woman. A bell rang at the door, and the prince leaves to open. Nastasya Filippovna is standing on the threshold; she came to get acquainted with her “future” family. She takes Prince Myshkin for the footman, throws his coat in his arms, the fur coat falls to the floor. Everyone is shocked by the visit, Ganya is terribly embarrassed. A general appears, again he starts to lie, Ganya and Varya try to remove him. Ivolgin tells the story of what happened to him. Nastasya Filippovna cheerfully curses him in a lie and remembers that the other day she was reading the same thing in one of the newspapers. At this moment, new guests appear – Rogozhin, Lebedev and the whole company, which differed “not only in diversity but also in disgrace”. Ganya is trying to expose the company, but it does not work.
Rogozhin, breaking the scandal, offends Ganyu, suggests Nastasya Filippovna one hundred thousand if she agrees to marry him. Varya demands to bring out “shameless” out, Gania grabs her sister, by the hand, yells at her. The prince intercedes for Varya. Enraged Ganya brings down all his irritation on Myshkin and gives him a slap in the face. The prince steps aside, warns Ganya that he will be ashamed of his deed. Everyone sympathizes with him, even Rogozhin shames Ganya. The prince declares Nastasya Filippovna that she is in fact not at all what she is trying to set herself up for. She rejoices, leaves, reminding Ghana that she is waiting for him tomorrow for her birthday. Before leaving, she kisses Nina Alexandrovna’s hand.
The prince leaves to his room, Kolya comes to him, pacifies him, speaks of his deep respect to him. Varya comes also. She is convinced that the prince guessed the true nature of Nastasya Filippovna, notes his influence on the strange guest. Ganya comes to ask the prince for forgiveness, and at the same time, under the influence of Myshkin, and the sister, who for the first time tries to understand and sympathize with her entangled brother. Ganya says that he used to love Nastasya Filippovna, but such women as she do not suit his wife, but only as mistresses. Ganya is very unsound, his humiliated position, lack of money completely exhaust him. He breaks down on households and on meek people like Myshkin; Nastasya Filippovna himself, he can not repulse and hopes to recoup it with a tyut, already being her husband. Myshkin appeals to Ivolgin to bring him into the house of Nastasya Filippovna: in the afternoon, in a hurry, she forgot or did not want to invite the prince personally. In the evening Ivolgin gets drunk and deepens into the jungle of his traditional lies. He leads Myshkin to a false address, on the way leads to the house of his mistress, captain Terentyevoy. The captain meets him with a curse. There the prince meets Kolya, who is in close friendship with the captain’s son, Hippolytus. The prince throws Ivolgin and asks Kolya to take him to Nastasya Filippovna; he decides to penetrate into her evening uninvited, at her own peril and risk, having lost her pricings. Contrary to expectations, Nastasya Filippovna meets the prince with great joy and even apologizes that she did not invite him to her the day before. Among her guests, people are completely different; they could hardly meet together anywhere else. Here also Totsky, and General Epanchin, and Ferdyshchenko, and an unknown old man-teacher. At the suggestion of Ferdyshchenko, everyone is accepted to play the game, according to the rules of which each participant should honestly tell the most unseemly act. Ferdyshchenko begins; he sets out the story of one minor robbery in which he was the protagonist, but a different person was punished. Ptitsyn misses his turn. Topkiy tells how in his youth he crossed the road to a young man who was in love with a woman, to whom Totsky himself had no particular feelings. When the turn comes to Nastasya Filippovna, she unintentionally turns to the prince with a question, to marry her Tanya or pet, saying that as he decides, so be it. The prince gives a negative answer, and the hostess rejects Gapi’s proposal, thereby upsetting the plans of Totsky and Epanchin. Everyone is amazed, no one wants to take what happened for the truth. But Nastasya Filippovna immediately publicly rejects Totsky’s seventy-five thousand and declares that he “so” releases him from the will. Rogozhin arrives with his company and brings a hundred thousand. Nastasya Filippovna reprimands Ghana for greed, for dishonesty and indecision, for always obeying someone. She swears she will return everything to Totsky and go to work as a laundress: no one will take her as a wife without a dowry. Unexpectedly silent before, the prince declares that he marries Nastasya Filippovna and without a dowry, and will earn money for bread. He is confident in the honesty and purity of his chosen one and promises to always respect her, Myshkin feels that Nastasya Filippovna is a little out of herself; advises her to go to bed. The prince promulgates a letter, according to which he owes a great inheritance. Nastasya Filippovna orders Rogozhin to remove a bundle of money; she decides to marry the prince. Then she changes her mind, not wanting to “ruin the baby.” She throws money into the fire and declares that if Gania pulls out a pack, she will receive all one hundred thousand, and she will “admire” his soul. Many, including Lebedev, are begged to allow them to get money, but Nastasya Filippovna is adamant. Ganya does not move from his place, then, taking a step towards the door, falls into a faint. Nastasya Filippovna is leaving with Rogozhin. but Nastasya Filippovna is adamant. Ganya does not move from his place, then, taking a step towards the door, falls into a faint. Nastasya Filippovna is leaving with Rogozhin. but Nastasya Filippovna is adamant. Ganya does not move from his place, then, taking a step towards the door, falls into a faint. Nastasya Filippovna is leaving with Rogozhin.
Part two
Myshkin follows Nastasya Filippovna and disappears, to Lizaveta Prokofievna’s great annoyance, out of the eyes of the Epanchins. Ganya is sick, he leaves after the recovery; Varya marries the Bird, and the whole Ivolgin family moves to their house. To Prince Epiphany, Prince Shchuk often begins to walk, who, after all, makes an offer to Adelaide. Aglaya suddenly receives a warm letter from Myshkin, with whom he confesses that Aglaya needs him very much. Soon Epanchins move to a dacha in Pavlovsk.
Prince Mishkin arrives from Moscow and visits Lebedev. The swan is disgustingly-helpful and humiliated; he collects gossip and spies on everyone, and also interprets the Apocalypse. He tells the prince that the Epanchins, as well as Rogozhin and Nastasya Filippovna are in Pavlovsk. He is aware of the Moscow events: Nastasya Filippovna, repeatedly rushed between Roogozhin and Myshkin, promised Rogozhin to marry him, but fled directly from under the crown. The prince is sure that she is ill and that she needs sympathy. The prince makes a visit to Rogozhin, is interested in the date of the wedding, to which Rogozhin responds that nothing depends on him; Rogozhin admits that he loves the prince when he is near; and when he is not, he hates. Rogozhin insists that she is afraid of Nastasya Filippovna, talks about her insanity – so often she is chased by a change of mood, so often hysterics happen with her. The prince swears not to interfere with Rogozhin, but does not understand why Nastasya Filippovna is following him. Rogozhin himself feels that their marriage will never take place, that for the bride it is equivalent to suicide. He announces to the prince that Nastasya Filippovna loves him, but is afraid to disgrace the honest name of Myshkina, and she constantly insists that she is a low and fallen woman, unworthy of the prince. The prince pays attention to the fact that Rogozhin has a new knife for cutting books. Already on the stairs Rogozhin suddenly asks the prince, he believes in God or pet. He tells the story of a devout peasant who stabbed his friend because of a beautiful watch. The prince recalls how he bought a pewter cross from a simple soldier in the street and put it on himself. Rogozhin proposes the prince exchange crosses, then brings the prince to his mother. why Nastasya Filippovna is following him. Rogozhin himself feels that their marriage will never take place, that for the bride it is equivalent to suicide. He announces to the prince that Nastasya Filippovna loves him, but is afraid to disgrace the honest name of Myshkina, and she constantly insists that she is a low and fallen woman, unworthy of the prince. The prince pays attention to the fact that Rogozhin has a new knife for cutting books. Already on the stairs Rogozhin suddenly asks the prince, he believes in God or pet. He tells the story of a devout peasant who stabbed his friend because of a beautiful watch. The prince recalls how he bought a pewter cross from a simple soldier in the street and put it on himself. Rogozhin proposes the prince exchange crosses, then brings the prince to his mother. why Nastasya Filippovna is following him. Rogozhin himself feels that their marriage will never take place, that for the bride it is equivalent to suicide. He announces to the prince that Nastasya Filippovna loves him, but is afraid to disgrace the honest name of Myshkina, and she constantly insists that she is a low and fallen woman, unworthy of the prince. The prince pays attention to the fact that Rogozhin has a new knife for cutting books. Already on the stairs Rogozhin suddenly asks the prince, he believes in God or pet. He tells the story of a devout peasant who stabbed his friend because of a beautiful watch. The prince recalls how he bought a pewter cross from a simple soldier in the street and put it on himself. Rogozhin proposes the prince exchange crosses, then brings the prince to his mother. that for the bride it is tantamount to suicide. He announces to the prince that Nastasya Filippovna loves him, but is afraid to disgrace the honest name of Myshkina, and she constantly insists that she is a low and fallen woman, unworthy of the prince. The prince pays attention to the fact that Rogozhin has a new knife for cutting books. Already on the stairs Rogozhin suddenly asks the prince, he believes in God or pet. He tells the story of a devout peasant who stabbed his friend because of a beautiful watch. The prince recalls how he bought a pewter cross from a simple soldier in the street and put it on himself. Rogozhin proposes the prince exchange crosses, then brings the prince to his mother. that for the bride it is tantamount to suicide. He announces to the prince that Nastasya Filippovna loves him, but is afraid to disgrace the honest name of Myshkina, and she constantly insists that she is a low and fallen woman, unworthy of the prince. The prince pays attention to the fact that Rogozhin has a new knife for cutting books. Already on the stairs Rogozhin suddenly asks the prince, he believes in God or pet. He tells the story of a devout peasant who stabbed his friend because of a beautiful watch. The prince recalls how he bought a pewter cross from a simple soldier in the street and put it on himself. Rogozhin proposes the prince exchange crosses, then brings the prince to his mother. The prince pays attention to the fact that Rogozhin has a new knife for cutting books. Already on the stairs Rogozhin suddenly asks the prince, he believes in God or pet. He tells the story of a devout peasant who stabbed his friend because of a beautiful watch. The prince recalls how he bought a pewter cross from a simple soldier in the street and put it on himself. Rogozhin proposes the prince exchange crosses, then brings the prince to his mother. The prince pays attention to the fact that Rogozhin has a new knife for cutting books. Already on the stairs Rogozhin suddenly asks the prince, he believes in God or pet. He tells the story of a devout peasant who stabbed his friend because of a beautiful watch. The prince recalls how he bought a pewter cross from a simple soldier in the street and put it on himself. Rogozhin proposes the prince exchange crosses, then brings the prince to his mother.
Unexpectedly, she herself blesses the prince. Rogozhin suggests that the prince “take” Nastasya Filippovna herself, because this is “fate.” The prince wanders around the Summer Garden. His epileptic condition intensifies. At times, he turns off and loses touch with reality. He feels the approach of the fit. He is tormented by the question of the love triangle, he does not know whether Rogozhin is able to give Nastasya Filippovna happiness and bring her to light. In the crowd, Rogozhin’s eyes show themselves to him. The prince comes to his hotel, in the niche on the staircase again notices those same eyes that pursued him half a day. Rogozhin comes out of the niche, swings the prince with a knife, with the prince comes an epileptic fit. Rogozhin runs away. Directed at this moment to Prince Kolya finds him in a fit, makes the necessary orders, finds a doctor and transfers the prince to his room.
Lebedev and his daughter Vera take care of the prince, he is visited by the Epanchins, Ptitsyns and Ganya. Llagaya read aloud to a ballad about a poor knight, who died without knowing other women, except his Beautiful Lady. At the same time, Aglaya changes the text a little, and in it appear hints of Nastasya Filippovna. At this time, General Epanchin and Yevgeny Pavlovich Radomsky are entering, a young man who has just retired. A strange company of very young people followed them, among them Ippolit Terentyev, Keller from Rogozhin’s entourage, a certain Burdovsky, a very tongue-tied and pretentious young man. The essence of their claims and the requirements of “rights” are as follows. At the instigation of the lawyer Chebarov, Antip Burdovsky declared himself the illegitimate son of Pavlishchev and demanded that the prince recover material damage in large amounts, for two years Pavlishchev paid for the treatment of the prince abroad. The article published by Kellard, which contains a lot of direct indications of the prince, deliberately admitted inaccuracies and unverified information, presented as an absolute truth. Young people demand “conscience” and “rights”. Ippolit is particularly heated, he has consumption in the final stage, he constantly promises that he will soon die. The prince, however, parries the attack, although, to the indignation of all those present, he promises to spend ten thousand on Burdovsky. On instructions from Prince Ganya, he had long since discovered that Burdovsky could not be the son of Pavlishchev, and the help of the sick Myshkin was explained only by the strange love of the late Pavlishchev to the wretched and mutilated. On the contrary, the deceased cared about Burdovsky’s mother, because in his youth he was not indifferent to her sister. The prince offers Burdovsky friendship and money, but Ippolit, constantly insulting Myshkin, declares that everything is offered “in such a dexterous form… that now it is impossible for a noble person to accept them in any case.” Lizaveta Prokofievna is losing patience. She is deeply offended by the fact that she is present at all this “nonsense”, but she is even more angered by the humility of Myshkin, who, she said, will go to Burdovsky on the next day and beg him to accept ten thousand on his knees. She calls things by her own names, accuses young people of being ungrateful and unable to behave. Finally, she threw herself on Hippolytus, but he, declaring that he would soon die, took a long cough. Everyone starts to feel sorry for him and tries to put him to bed. Ippolit, on the same level, answers that he considered her a woman three times older than herself, “capable of development.” Hippolytus is also mentally ill: he changes his mood too sharply, then indulging in lyrical memories of the wall on which the windows of his Petersburg room go, then again coming to denounce those around him. As a result, the prince asks Lebedev to leave Hippolytus in the house for the night, and friends of Ippolit retreat, without asking anyone for an apology. When the guests are already standing on the stairs, Nastasya Filippovna’s carriage is passing by. She calls Eugene Pavlovich, demonstrating his close relationship with him, which in reality there. Her plan is to disgrace him before the Epanchins, she knows that Yevgeny Pavlovich cares for Aglaya, and seeks to upset this marriage in order to free Aglaya for Myshkin. For his part, Varya is trying to arrange Aglaia’s marriage with Ghana, and finally receives a refusal from the Epanchins’ house. Lizaveta Prokofievna requires Prince Myshkin to report on his own relationship with Aglaya, and recalls the letter sent to her by the prince. Myshkin swears he’s not going to marry Nastasya Filippovna any more, but she does not sound very sure about it. Lizaveta Prokofievna also promised on her part to prevent the marriage of the prince and Aglaya. She also finds out that Burdovsky, in extremely categorical form, severed relations both with his friends and with the prince himself, and arrogantly returned some of the money given to him by the prince. The prince also litsitsiruet Lizaveta Prokofievna, that Aglaya refused him from the house in writing. She takes his hand and drags him to his dacha. but says this somehow not very confident. Lizaveta Prokofievna also promised on her part to prevent the marriage of the prince and Aglaya. She also finds out that Burdovsky, in extremely categorical form, severed relations both with his friends and with the prince himself, and arrogantly returned some of the money given to him by the prince. The prince also litsitsiruet Lizaveta Prokofievna, that Aglaya refused him from the house in writing. She takes his hand and drags him to his dacha. but says something about it is not very confident. Lizaveta Prokofievna also promised on her part to prevent the marriage of the prince and Aglaya. She also finds out that Burdovsky, in extremely categorical form, severed relations both with his friends and with the prince himself, and arrogantly returned some of the money given to him by the prince. The prince also litsitsiruet Lizaveta Prokofievna, that Aglaya refused him from the house in writing. She takes his hand and drags him to his dacha.
Part Three
Lizaveta Prokofievna is very worried about her daughters. The oldest, Alexandra, is 25 years old, and none of the girls is yet married. Eshschin’s guests. Yevgeny Pavlovich talks about Russian and non-Russian liberalism, declares that the changes in society are not of a national character. The prince listens with naive attention, agrees that Russian liberals tend to hate Russia. Evgenie Pavlovich recalls the case at the trial, when the lawyer of the criminal who killed six people explained that the poverty of his client did not give him the opportunity to act differently. The prince, who hardly lived in Russia, however, claims that this is not a special case, but a regularity. At the suggestion of Lizaveta Prokofievna, the society is going to go for a walk. The prince walks about like a lost one, asks everyone to forgive him for his behavior, says that he can not discuss many subjects, that he does not know how to hold on, etc. Aglaya stands up for him, those around her are making fun of her and the prince, and he publicly declares that he does not have the honor to ask for her hand. Aglaya laughs loudly, her sisters support her. On a walk, Aglaya walks with the prince on arm and specially shows him the green bench on which she likes to sit in the mornings. Epanchins and their guests are surrounded by friends. A fun conversation is tied up. Rogozhin’s eyes again appear in the crowd to the prince. His anxiety is not groundless, Nastasya Filippovna appears with a lady nearby. Nastasya Filippovna again calls Eugene Pavlovich and announces to him about the death of his uncle, who has squandered official money. He turns away from her in a frenzy, his comrade, an officer, trying to stand up for the unjustly offended Yevgeny Pavlovich, notices that such as Nastasya Filippovna, must be brought up with a whip. She takes away the whip from a completely unfamiliar person and beats the officer in the face. The officer rushes at her, but Myshkin grabs his arms. Appeared from the crowd Rogozhin leads Nastasya Filippovna. Everyone thinks that, in all likelihood, an officer will summon Myshkin to a duel. The Epanchins return home. Aglaya teaches the prince to load a gun and choose gunpowder. In the evening she sends him a note asking to be on a date by the bench. The prince wanders about the dark park for a long time, not realizing that he is in love with Aglaya and that he will go to her on a date. Suddenly Rogozhin appears at the bench, he calls the prince to Nastasya Filippovna. The prince has long persuaded Rogozhin not to hold on to evil, assures him that he is not at all angry that Rogozhin tried to kill him. Suddenly, the prince recalls that he has a birthday tomorrow and bids farewell to Rogozhin; Arriving home, the prince discovers that the guests have already gathered, although he did not invite anyone. Evgenia Pavlovich reports that he has settled the case with the insulted officer, and he will not be summoned to a duel. Ippolit asks the society to listen to his written confession, from which it follows that, since he will soon die, then everything is allowed to him. He can commit any crime and not be punished, since he will die before the sentence is pronounced. Ippolit feels “miscarriage”, while all nature enjoys life. He is extremely hurt at fate and people, he is all disgusted, even loyal Kolya, who cares about his dying friend touchingly. In the “Explanation”, Hippolytus mentions one good deed he has done: through the connections of his comrade, he saves one doctor, who came with his family to Petersburg to seek justice and spent his last savings. Ippolit publicly read out the plan of his suicide to Lebedev’s dacha during the celebration of the birthday of the prince; pretext – do not worry the remaining two or three weeks.
Most listeners agree that Ippolit is just an absurd fool, but Lebedev is frightened of the scandal and insists that Hippolyt be confiscated. Hippolytus guides him on a false trail, and he pulls out a pistol and shoots himself in the temple. However, it turns out that the pistol did not even have a capsule. Everyone laughs. Ippolit cries, shows capsules, swears that he was sure that the pistol is loaded. Hippolyta is laid to sleep, and the prince goes to wander around the park and remembers how in Switzerland he was visited by the same thoughts as Hippolytus. Forgotten, he finds himself at the bench where Aglaya appointed him a meeting, and falls asleep. Aglaya awakens him, shames him for such strange things. The prince tells her about the end of the incident with Hippolytus, says that he simply wanted to be pitied and praised. In addition, Ippolit sent a copy of his ” Explanations “Aglaya, Aglaya suggests that the prince become her friend and help her escape from the house, where she is all teased with a romance with the prince, declares that she does not like the prince at all, is confused, asks about the prince’s feelings for Nastasya Filippovna and announces that Nastasya Filippovna is throwing her letters, which in all ways pushes to the marriage with the prince. “Aglaya gives these letters to the prince.” Lizaveta Prokofievna appears, requires the prince to explain. “The prince’s house turns out that Lebedev was stolen at night, and his suspicions are falling on Ferdyshchenko, who has stayed the night s after the birthday. Lebedev together with General Ivolgin embarks on a quest Ferdyshchenko. Prince reads letters Nastasya Filippovna to Aglaia, He was unbearably hard, he embarks wander Epanchnpyh comes to the house, but it’s too late, and Alexander invites him to come the next day. In the park, he encounters Nastasya Filippovna, she kneels before him, asks if the prince was at Aglaya, and promises to leave. Nastasya Filippovna asks if the prince is happy. The appeared Rogozhin takes her away, then returns and repeats the question. The prince answers in the negative.
Part Four
Ganya is “an ordinary man… with envious and impetuous desires and, it seems, even born with irritated nerves.” He expressed the fervor of his desires for strength. “With his passionate desire to excel, he was sometimes ready for the most reckless leap, but just now it came to a foolhardy leap, our hero was always too smart to make up his mind. ” Ganya is a “scoundrel in half.” He is insanely annoyed by his father’s eccentric antics, Ptitsyn’s prudence, mother’s humility, calmness of Vary. Varya also brings from the house of the Epanchins the news about the alleged wedding of Aglaya and the prince. Ippolit moves to Ptitsyn. He does not die, but recovers, constantly harassing General Ivolgin, incriminating him in lies. Gania joins this opinion. The general with shouts declares that he is leaving the family. Everyone begs him not to shame and return. Hippolytus also offends Gania in passing, reminding him then that he is dealing with a dying man. Ganya wondered why Hippolytus did not die. Despite Gani’s insistence to leave the house, Ippolit feels even more confident in the Ptitsyns. Ganya receives from Aglaya a note with an invitation for a date. He is triumphant. The prince finds out from Lebedev that his money was taken by Ivolgmn, then threw them back to him, and Lebedev pretended for a long time that he did not see the wallet lying in the most prominent place. Finally, Ivolgin pushes Lebedev’s money for a lining, deliberately ripping out his pocket. The prince asks Lebedev not to torment the general anymore, but to tell him that the money was, as it were, found. Ivolgin in his predilections lie to the point that he remembers an episode from his childhood, when he was allegedly chosen by Napoleon himself as a chamberlain and consulted him on various issues. In the evening with Ivolgin in the street, in the hands of Kolya, a blow happens. In the Epanchins’ house is restless. Everyone is wondering whether Aglaya loves the prince and will come out for him, and how it will look in the eyes of the world, without asking Aglaya herself. Aglaya becomes more and more eccentric, allows herself the most strange antics and even sends a prince a hedgehog as a gift. After that, the whole family wondered what that hedgehog could mean. With parents and sisters Aglaya herself asks the prince if he asks for her hands, and the prince replies that he asks. Aglaya elegantly raises him to laugh. She then laughs, then sobs, and the parents finally make sure that Aglaya is in love. The Epanchins convoke guests, including the god Aglaya, the old woman Belokonskaya. The prince must first appear before a society of this level. The supposed marriage was decided to be interpreted as a continuation of the Myshkin family name, from which Lizaveta Prokofievna herself occurs. On the eve Aglaya sees the prince, scolds him for his inability to behave and predicts that he will certainly spoil the evening and break the Chinese vase. The prince begins to fear that something really will break, first decides not to go, and then, having agreed that he can not refuse the invitation, decides to behave as quietly as possible.
In society, he very inappropriately makes a speech in which he admits that everything he liked very much, that the princely class does not degenerate, but there are still quite decent and kind people. He suddenly attacks Catholicism, declaring him an even worse sin than just atheism. During his passionate speech, the prince somehow imperceptibly appears near the Chinese vase and really breaks it. Despite Aglaya’s predictions, no one is angry with him, everyone is encouraging the prince. Myshkin continues to speak standing up, calls not to be afraid of being ridiculous, forgiving each other and resigning. He knows that words will not change anything, and he himself intends to set an example, says that he is happy, looking at the tree, at the child, at his beloved eyes. With him, an attack occurs, and the prince falls backwards. The prince is transported home. The next day the Epanchins visit him. Slowly, Llagaya asks the prince not to go away during the day and soon comes after him alone. They go to Nastasya Filippovna, who came at the request of Llan. In the house, in addition to their three, Rogozhin is present. After both women exchange views full of hatred for each other, Aglaya asks Nastasya Filippovna to stop taking her with the prince. She says that Nastasya Filippovna herself can not love a prince, and can only torment herself that she is justified in being unhappy, that she has been flaunting her long-standing “disgrace” for many years and constantly reminds everyone that she was once insulted. Aglaya is wondering if it was easier for Nastasya Filippovna to leave and leave all alone. She understands that she does not go beyond Rogozhin just because then she has no one to be offended. According to Evgeny Pavlovich, Nastasya Filippovna read too many books and received too good education for her position. Nastasya Filippovna rejects the accusation of inability to work, and herself calls Aglaya a Belorussian. She declares that Aglaya specially came to her with the prince, because she was afraid that her prince, Nastasya Filippovna, loved more than Aglaya. She screams that Rogozhin will be banished, and the prince will remain with her, and she will only beckon her with a finger. Nastasya Filippovna is carrying out a threat. The prince hesitates, can not figure out what’s going on. This minute doubt is enough for Aglaya, and she runs out onto the street alone. The prince rushes after him, but Nastasya Filippovna overtakes him and falls into his arms. Myshkin does not go anywhere, remains with her, strokes her face, comforts and forgets about Aglaya. Rogozhin is removed. Two weeks later, the wedding of the prince and Nastasya Filippovna was announced. Epanchichi leave for St. Petersburg. The prince repeatedly tries to visit Aglaya, but he is denied this. Evgenie Pavlovich tries to explain to the prince how ugly an act is, he insists that nothing can justify Nastasya Filippovna, her “devilish pride, such impudent, so greedy her egoism.” However, the prince still believes that she is “compassionate”. Myshkin agrees to the fact that he confesses to Eugene Pavlovich in love with both women at once. Before the wedding, Nastasya Filippovna tries as much as possible to amuse the pensive prince, but on the eve again she beats in hysterics and sends for the groom to calm her down. On the day of the scandalous ceremony, a huge crowd gathers to the people. When Nastasya Filippovna in a magnificent dress appears on the porch of her house, a roar of approval and admiration passes through the crowd. She is about to enter the wedding crew when she suddenly turns around, notices Rogozhin in the crowd and screams to him to take her away. Rogozhin fulfills her demand, and both of them disappear. The prince quite calmly endures the flight of the bride from under the crown and goes to look for her in Petersburg. He comes to the apartment of Rogozhin, and to the apartment of Nastasya Filippovna; nowhere does he find the fugitives. He walks the streets when Rogozhin approaches him and orders him to follow him. They enter Rogozhin’s gloomy house from the back door. At home Rogozhin shows the prince Nastasya Filippovna, who was slaughtered to him. Both of them are arranged to sleep on the floor near the slain. Rogozhin falls asleep, mutters something in his sleep. Myshkin strokes his head, crying over him and finally going crazy. Rogozhin’s conclusion after suffering an inflammation of the brain was sentenced to fifteen years of exile. Prince Myshkin sent by Eugene Pavlovich for treatment in Switzerland. Hippolytus died. Aglaya married a Polish emigrant, and Adelaide married Prince Shch. Aglaya became a member of the committee for the liberation of Poland and became Catholic.
A summary of the work of Fyodor Dostoyevsky “The Idiot”