A summary of Shakespeare’s “A Midsummer Night’s Dream”

The play takes place in Athens. The ruler of Athens is Theseus. On the queen of the Amazon tribe, Ippolite, Theseus wants to marry.

The wedding of the Queen of Amazons Hippolyta and the Duke of Theseus, was to take place on the night of the full moon day. At the palace, the angry Aegeus, the father of Hermias, comes to the duke, who accuses Lysander of using his sorcery to make his daughter love him, and she was already promised to another – Demetrius. Hermione says in her love for Lisandra. The Duke says that she must fulfill the will of her father by the laws of Athens. He gives the girl time, but when it comes on the new moon day she will have to marry someone he chose or die for. The lovers together want to escape from Athens and agree to meet next night in the nearest forest. They talk about her plan to Hermione’s friend Elena, who once loved Demetrius. She wants to tell about the escape of Demetrius in love, hoping to receive from him gratitude. At this time, the craftsmen’s company is preparing to stage a play on the occasion of the Duke’s wedding. Carpenter Peter Pigwa, chooses the work “A Serious Comedy and the Cruelest Death of Piram and Fisby”. Nika’s weaver Principle agrees to play the role of Pyramus. Francis Dudke, who is the instigator of the bellows, plays the role of Fisba. Tailor Robin Zamorysh gets the role of Fisba’s mother, and Tom Ryla’s copper-copper man plays the role of Father Piram. The role of the Lion is chosen by the carpenter Milyage, since he does not remember words well, and here it is only necessary to roar. Pigwa asks everyone to memorize the roles and come to the forest, tomorrow night for a rehearsal, to the ducal oak. Francis Dudke, who is the instigator of the bellows, plays the role of Fisba. Tailor Robin Zamorysh gets the role of Fisba’s mother, and Tom Ryla’s copper-copper man plays the role of Father Piram. The role of the Lion is chosen by the carpenter Milyage, since he does not remember words well, and here it is only necessary to roar. Pigwa asks everyone to memorize the roles and come to the forest, tomorrow night for a rehearsal, to the ducal oak. Francis Dudke, who is the instigator of the bellows, plays the role of Fisba. Tailor Robin Zamorysh gets the role of Fisba’s mother, and Tom Ryla’s copper-copper man plays the role of Father Piram. The role of the Lion is chosen by the carpenter Milyage, since he does not remember words well, and here it is only necessary to roar. Pigwa asks everyone to memorize the roles and come to the forest, tomorrow night for a rehearsal, to the ducal oak.

Not far away in the forest from Athens, quarrel over the child, the king of the elves and the fairy Oberon and his wife Queen Titania, who was adopted by Titania, and Oberon wants to take to him to make him a page. Titania is not going to submit to her husband’s will and she leaves with the elves. Elf Pack Oberon asks to bring a small flower, which recently fell arrow Cupid, after he missed the queen ruling in the west. (a comparison with Queen Elizabeth). If you lubricate the eyelids sleeping, this juice from the flower, then when he wakes up, he will fall in love with the first seen by him a living being. Thus, Oberon wants Titania to fall in love with some wild animal and forget about the boy. Peak flies in search of a flower, and at this time Oberon becomes a casual witness to a conversation between Demetrius and Elena.

He is looking for Lisandra and Hermione in the forest, but rejects Elena. Returns Pak with a flower, and Oberon asks him to find Demetrius, and smear his eyes, but so that when he wakes up with poison, he finds himself in love with him. Oberon, finding a sleeping Titania, is beating eyelids with the juice of a flower. In the forest, Germia and Lizandra lost their way and lay down to rest, but at Hermione’s request they lay far apart from each other, since the girl can not sleep with the boy before the wedding. Peck, takes Lysander for Demetrius, and smears his eyes with juice. Elena comes, Demetrius fled from her, and she awakens Lysander, who immediately falls in love with her. Elena believes that he laughs at her, and he runs away, and Lizandra runs after her. forgetting about Hermia.

Not far from the place where Titania slept, the company of the craftsmen came to rehearsal. The basis suggests writing, to the play two prologues, in order not to frighten ladies-spectators. The first prologue is that Piram is not really Piram, and he is the weaver of the Foundation and that he does not kill himself, but the second prologue is that Leo is not a leftist, but a joiner Milyaga. Watching the rehearsal, Paek, sham – he bewitch the Basis, and now he has an ass’s head. Other craftsmen for the werewolf – after accepting the Base, all run up. Titania calls the four elves – Sweet Peas, Mustard Grain, Moth and Spiderweb and orders them to serve as the Base. Pack tells Oberon how Titania fell in love with the scarecrow.

Oberon is delighted. But when he learns from Pak that he has drunk juice in Lizandra’s eyes, instead of Demetrius, he is very unhappy. Oberon, correcting the mistake of the elf Peck, Demetrius lulls, and Elena lures closer to the sleeping Demetrius. When Demetrius woke up, he swears in his love to Elena. Elena believes that young people Demetrius and Lizandra laugh at her. She also thinks that Hermione is at the same time with them, and she reproaches her friend for guile. Lisandra insults Hermia, and she believes that Elena stole from her beloved Lysander. Demetrius and Lizandra want to fight in a duel for Elena. Pak likes all this confusion, but Oberon orders his elf Peck to bring both men far into the woods and knock them out of the way so that they do not meet with each other. When the exhausted Lizandra falls asleep, Paek drips the juice of the plant for ever, which is an antidote to a love flower. Demetrius and Elena, too, fall asleep close to each other.

Oberon got his baby, having seen Titania, who is sleeping next to the Base, and he felt sorry for her and he drips her eyes with a flower-antidote. The queen of fairies wakes up and again loves Oberon. Pack is ordered to return the Base to his head. Fly over the elves. In the woods Theseus, Hippolyta and Aegeus come, they see sleeping young people and they wake up. Lizandra says that she and Hermia fled to the forest because of the harsh Athens laws. Demetrius says that she loves Elena. Theseus reports that there will be two more couples today to get married with them. The base wakes up to the house of Pigua, where friends are already waiting for him.

Theses is surprised at the very strange story of lovers. Philostratus, who is the manager of the fun, shows him the list of entertainments. The Duke points to a play by the craftsmen. Under the sneers of the audience, Pigwa reads the prologue. The snout clarifies that it is the wall through which the lovers of Piram and Fisba speak, and that is why it is smeared with lime. Appeared Leo and in verse says that he is not a real lion. Actors confuse the words and say different nonsense and this will make the audience laugh. The play is over. Everyone leaves. It’s midnight. Appears Pak, he and other elves, they first dance and sing, and then by order of Titania and Oberon and fly to the palace for the blessing of the newlyweds’ beds. Pak in his address to the audience says that if he could not make you laugh, then imagine that you fell asleep and you had a dream.

A summary of Shakespeare’s “A Midsummer Night’s Dream”