A brief summary of the novel “Fathers and Sons” by IS Turgenev


Nikolai Petrovich Kirsanov, sitting on the porch, awaits the son of Arkady at the inn. Nikolai Petrovich owned the estate, his father was a military general, and he himself was brought up in childhood as a governess only, since mother was one of the “commanders.” The elder brother of Nicholas Paul chose military service.

Nikolai Petrovich could also become a military man, but he broke his leg and therefore entered the university. After the death of his parents he married a nice educated girl and moved with her to the village. The couple lived very amicably, the son Arkady appeared, and ten years later Nicholas’s wife died. When his son grew up, Kirsanov sent him to Petersburg to study. When Arkady approaches, his father runs to meet him.


Arkady comes with a friend of Eugene Bazarov and introduces him to his father, says that Eugene is a simple man. Soon the men go to the estate.


On the road Nikolai Petrovich can not look at his son, trying to embrace him. Arkady is glad to meet no less than his father, but hides this cheeky speech, says that Bazarov is fond of natural sciences, especially medicine. Nikolai Petrovich says that the girl Fenechka now lives with him on the estate, but if the guests want, she can move on for a while. The son says that he does not want to embarrass his father. Considering the neighborhood, Arkady understands that the estate needs transformation, admires the spring nature.


The men are met by Pavel Petrovich Kirsanov. Uncle Arkady has a beautiful face, well-groomed hands and a pleasant voice. Bazarov has a long and thin face with a broad forehead, and his green eyes radiate intelligence and self-confidence. Arkady and Eugene go to the rooms to rest from the road. The untidy appearance of Bazarov did not like Pavel Petrovich. Over dinner, gentlemen communicate little. In the evening, Eugene tells Arkady that his father liked him, but he does not understand anything on the farm. And Nikolai’s brother dresses for the village too carefully and tastefully. Arkady says that before his uncle circled the heads of many women, he was a real secular lion. Fenichka sits in her room, lulling her son with Nikolai Petrovich.


In the morning Bazarov woke up at dawn and, along with the courtyard boys, went to catch frogs, in order to carry out experiments on them afterwards. Fenichka tells Arkady and Nikolai Kirsanov that he is not well and will not go down to pour tea. Arkady goes to the girl and finds out about her younger brother, reproaches her father for not telling him anything. The father and son are so touched that they can not find words for each other. Pavel Petrovich comes, and everyone sits down to drink tea on the terrace. Pavel Kirsanov recalls that he heard about the doctor Bazarov, who probably belongs to Eugene’s father. Asked by my uncle about my friend

Arkady responds that Eugene is a nihilist, that is, there are no authorities for him. Pavel Petrovich does not accept nihilism. A young woman came out – Fenechka – and gave Paul cocoa. The field of her departure became silent, and then Bazarov approached the terrace. He promised to join the gentlemen as soon as he had finished the experiments with the frogs.


When Bazarov returned, the conversation turned to science. Bazarov considers the Germans teachers for Russian scientists. Pavel Petrovich complains that all present-day Germans are mostly engaged in science, forgetting about literature. Eugene also believes that a good chemist is much better and more useful than any poet. After tea, Arkady tells Bazarov that he was too harsh with his uncle and tells his story.


In St. Petersburg, the Kirsanov brothers lived together, but at the same time they led a completely different way of life. Paul did not miss a single social event; all women loved him, and men envied. Once a young man met Princess R. She had an old husband and a strange character; In the daytime she danced at balls and circled her head to the gentlemen, and sobbed at night in melancholy. Paul became attached to this mysterious woman and gave her a ring with a sphinx, saying that she really looks like a sphinx. The Princess fell out of love with the young man and left him, and Pavel, losing his head, left his military service and began to follow his beloved, wherever she went. Then he loses the lady out of sight, and soon learns that she suffered from mental illness and died. The princess handed him a ring with a sphinx, on which she scribbled a cross, saying, this is the answer. Approximately at the same time, Nicholas lost his wife, and Paul moved to live with his brother in the village. Bazarov after the story of Arkady did not approve of the fact that his uncle broke his life because of the vagaries of female love. He says that in the anatomy of the eye about the mysterious view nothing is said that “the mysterious relationship between a man and a woman” is just an art, a silly romanticism.


After talking with the manager, Pavel Petrovich looked into Fenechka’s room. The girl, seeing him, was embarrassed. When Nikolai Petrovich came, his brother hurried away. Nicholas kissed his son Mitya and his mother’s hand. Three years ago, the owner of the inn together with her daughter Fenechka moved to the Kirsanov estate to conduct business there. When a fiery spark hit the girl in the eye, Nicholas helped her and subsequently constantly thought about Fenechka. When the mother of the girl died, she herself began to run the farm, and they had an affair with Nikolai Petrovich.


Bazarov met Fenechka and offered her her help in case the child falls ill. Arkady is of the opinion that his father should marry Fenechka. Eugene is convinced that now no one gives marriage any value. When young people heard Nikolai Petrovich playing the cello, Bazarov laughed, and Arkady Kirsanov smiled warmly.


After two weeks, the inhabitants of the estate got used to Eugene Bazarov: he treated Mitya when he had cramps, found a common language with the peasants, the owner of the estate sometimes asked his advice. Pavel Petrovich simply could not stand Bazarov and suspected that his antipathy was mutual. One day Nikolai Petrovich accidentally heard the conversation between his son and his friend. Eugene said that Nikolai Kirsanov is a very kind person, but his song is already sung. Father Arkady was very upset, as he struggled to keep pace with the times. During the evening tea Pavel Petrovich and Bazarov again quarreled. The subject of their dispute is aristocracy and nihilism. Pavel Petrovich says that the nihilists are destroying all the old foundations without offering anything new in return, but Eugene is trying to prove that they simply do not conduct pointless conversations while cursing the government. Finally, Bazarov stopped this senseless discussion. Nikolai Petrovich recalls that somehow he was arguing with his mother because they did not understand each other. Now he does not understand his son.


Before going to bed, Nikolai Kirsanov reflects in the arbor. He realizes what a gap has arisen between him and his son. A man does not understand how one can not love literature, nature, painting. Bazarov offers his friend to take advantage of his friend’s invitation and go to the city. The next day the young people left.


Matvei Ilyich, a friend of the Bazarovs, accepted the young people quite warmly. Soon they received an invitation to the ball to the governor. Young people are met Sitnikov – a man who calls Eugene Bazarov his teacher. He invites friends to Evdokia Kukshina, and they agree.


Kukshina turned out to be a young woman wearing a slovenly dress. She constantly changes the subject of the conversation, asks questions, which are not waiting for an answer, but she continues to talk further. Bazarov is interested in pretty women, and Kukshina recommends him to his acquaintance Anna Sergeyevna Odintsov, saying that she is beautiful, but completely uneducated. Sitnikov during all conversation inserts silly cues and constantly laughs. When the mistress of the house begins to sing a romance, the friends leave.


At the ball, friends with Sitnikov do not dance at all, but sit in a corner. Soon Odintsov comes, a woman in a black dress, quite tall. Bazarov notices that she is not like other women. Sitnikov introduces her to Arkady and it turns out that the lady has heard many good things about his father. The woman is cold and strict when Arkady tells her about his father, about his uncle, about Bazarov. Anna Sergeyevna invites friends to visit her.


During the visit to Odintsov Bazarov was inwardly somewhat embarrassed and surprised himself. Anna Sergeyevna’s father – a card player – lost all his fortune and was forced to live in the village. His wife had died long ago, and he himself died, leaving the estate to his daughters Anna and Catherine. Anna married a rich man, Odintsov. After the death of her husband Anna became the owner of his estate. Together with her sister, she went to Germany, but then returned to the estate of Nikolskoe. Bazarov, usually silent, this time tried to occupy the lady with a conversation, which surprised Arkady. Odintsova invites friends to visit Nikolskoe, and they agree to go there the day after tomorrow.


Odintsova has an old princess and sister Katya on her estate. Anna Sergeevna speaks with Bazarov about whether people should be studied, about clever and stupid people. With the old princess during tea, sisters are treated rather respectfully and courteously, but they do not listen to her at all. Soon the neighbor Porfiry Platonovich arrives, with whom the owner of the estate often plays cards. Katya plays for Arkady a sonata and feels embarrassed. Anna Sergeyevna offers Eugene the next day to take a walk in the garden and talk about plants. Arkady likes Odintsov very much, Bazarov calls it “grated kalach.” Anna Sergeyevna feels a sense of curiosity towards Eugene. When the next day they returned from a walk, the ladies’ eyes glowed brighter, their cheeks burned, and Bazarov looked affectionate and cheerful. Arkady did not like it.


Friends lived in Nikolsky for about fifteen days and did not get bored, since the hostess always adhered to a special order. Arkady notices the changes in his friend and decides that he is in love with Odintsov. From the clerk of his parents, Evgeni learns that they are very worried about him and are waiting for him at home. Odintsov turns pale when he learns that Bazarov must leave. She admits that she is unhappy, because she has no purpose in life. To love a lady can not, because for this it is necessary to give oneself completely to the feeling and the beloved person, and this is difficult. Asked whether Eugene could devote himself to the beloved, he replied that he did not know.


The next day Odintsov asked Bazarov to go to her office. She wanted to continue their conversation yesterday. A woman does not believe that such an outstanding person with ambitions, like Bazarov, will be satisfied with the fate of the district doctor. The young man replies that he does not want to talk about the future in vain. Anna Sergeevna asks about the reason for his tension, and Yevgeny Bazarov admits to her in love. A young man feels passion in his heart and attracts a woman to himself. She is not immediately released from his embrace and says: “You did not understand me.” Bazarov leaves and soon sends a note in which he promises to leave if the lady wishes. “Why leave?” – Asked Odintsov and did not leave his room until dinner. She reflects on what could have answered Eugene in return, but a quiet life is more dear to her.


After lunch, everyone goes to the garden for a walk. Bazarov apologizes to Anna Sergeyevna and is going to leave as soon as possible. Sitnikov arrives and asks for forgiveness for being an uninvited guest. Arkady is sorry to part with Katya, but he saves to leave with Eugene, as he realizes that something is happening between Odintsov and his friend. When the mistress of the house said goodbye to the guests the next day, she said that she hoped to meet with Bazarov. All the way Arkady and Eugene were silent.


At the house of friends who arrived, Vasily Ivanovich, the father of Eugene, met him. He carefully concealed his joy, for he knew that his son did not like sentimentality. Vasily Ivanovich’s wife, Arina Vlasyevna, almost fainted at the sight of her son. At dinner, the father of the family constantly spoke about something, and Eugene’s mother only looked at her son, hardly noticing Arkady.


In the morning Vasily Ivanovich and Arkady talk about Bazarov. My father is pleased to hear warm words about his son, he is proud of him. Around noon, young people are left alone. Bazarov remembers his childhood, speaks of his parents. Arkady admires how the beautiful maple leaf falls to the ground. His friend says that he becomes like his uncle, whom he immediately responds unflatteringly. Arkady intercedes for Pavel Petrovich. The young people almost got into a fight, but Vasily Ivanovich came and called them for dinner. The next day, Eugene Bazarov decides to go to the estate to the father of Arkady, since his parents do not let him work, all the time. The old people are very upset with the departure of his son.


At the inn, Arkady asks a friend where to go: to his father’s estate or to Nikolsky. Bazarov gives the right to choose Arkady and turns away. Kirsanov decides to go to Odintsova. When they arrived, the friends realized that they were not expected at the estate. Anna Sergeevna Odintsova apologizes for the cold reception and offers to come after a while. Young people go to Kirsanov, where they were very happy. Nikolai Petrovich complains that things at the estate go very badly: the harvest does not have enough labor for the harvest, the peasants do not pay the obrok and are completely lazy, the manager steals and does not work either. Arkady constantly thinks about Nikolsky. A few days later he went to Odintsova under a fictitious pretext. Katya and Anna Sergeyevna are giving the young man a hearty welcome.


Bazarov understands why his friend left and goes to work with his head. Pavel Petrovich is trying with Eugene no longer to quarrel, sometimes even watching his experiments. With Fenechka the nihilist is friendly, but Pavel Petrovich is afraid of a woman, especially when he suddenly appears. One morning, Fenechka dismantled the roses in the gazebo. Bazarov saw her, and they start talking about old age. Eugene asks a woman to sniff a flower and kisses her. Behind the lilac bushes, Pavel Kirsanov’s cough is heard, which leaves with a dark face. Fenechka also leaves the gazebo, saying: “It’s sinful for you, Evgeny Vasilievich.” Bazarov is tormented by conscience, as he recalls such a scene with Odintsov.


Pavel Petrovich Kirsanov comes to Bazarov’s room and summons a young man to a duel. The man says that he does not want to discover the real reasons for the challenge, they should already be known to Bazarov. He is convinced that there are enough disagreements between them, but for a kind, he offers them a public quarrel. Eugene refuses. Men stipulate all the formalities and instead of the second decide to call the valet Peter. After the departure of uncle Arkady Bazarov calls all that happened a beautiful comedy. He guessed that Pavel Petrovich, most likely, feels some kind of feelings for Fenechka. At dawn, men come to the place of the duel. Evgeny’s idea seems stupid, and he is not at all afraid. The first to shoot Pavel Petrovich, but he misses. Bazarov does not aim at all, but gets a man in the leg. Kirsanov suggests shooting more once, but Eugene Bazarov decides to postpone it until the next time and inspects the opponent’s wound. To everyone in the estate they decide to say that they were shooting for political differences. The wounded are taken to the estate, and Nikolai Petrovich is very afraid for his brother, but the doctor arrives to conclude that the wound is not dangerous. Evgeny farewells to everyone and leaves home. Pavel Petrovich once says that Fenechka is somewhat like a princess R. Nikolai Petrovich hears this and decides that his brother is delirious. Pavel Kirsanov, a woman says she loves Nicholas, and he asks his brother to marry Fenechka. Nikolay Kirsanov is surprised by such a request, as before Pavel Petrovich always had a negative attitude towards unequal marriages. Pavel Petrovich himself thinks that after the wedding he will go abroad forever. To everyone in the estate they decide to say that they were shooting for political differences. The wounded are taken to the estate, and Nikolai Petrovich is very afraid for his brother, but the doctor arrives to conclude that the wound is not dangerous. Evgeny farewells to everyone and leaves home. Pavel Petrovich once says that Fenechka is somewhat like a princess R. Nikolai Petrovich hears this and decides that his brother is delirious. Pavel Kirsanov, a woman says she loves Nicholas, and he asks his brother to marry Fenechka. Nikolay Kirsanov is surprised by such a request, as before Pavel Petrovich always had a negative attitude towards unequal marriages. Pavel Petrovich himself thinks that after the wedding he will go abroad forever. To everyone in the estate they decide to say that they were shooting for political differences. The wounded are taken to the estate, and Nikolai Petrovich is very afraid for his brother, but the doctor arrives to conclude that the wound is not dangerous. Evgeny farewells to everyone and leaves home. Pavel Petrovich once says that Fenechka is somewhat like a princess R. Nikolai Petrovich hears this and decides that his brother is delirious. Pavel Kirsanov, a woman says she loves Nicholas, and he asks his brother to marry Fenechka. Nikolay Kirsanov is surprised by such a request, as before Pavel Petrovich always had a negative attitude towards unequal marriages. Pavel Petrovich himself thinks that after the wedding he will go abroad forever. Evgeny farewells to everyone and leaves home. Pavel Petrovich once says that Fenechka is somewhat like a princess R. Nikolai Petrovich hears this and decides that his brother is delirious. Pavel Kirsanov, a woman says she loves Nicholas, and he asks his brother to marry Fenechka. Nikolay Kirsanov is surprised by such a request, as before Pavel Petrovich always had a negative attitude towards unequal marriages. Pavel Petrovich himself thinks that after the wedding he will go abroad forever. Evgeny farewells to everyone and leaves home. Pavel Petrovich once says that Fenechka is somewhat like a princess R. Nikolai Petrovich hears this and decides that his brother is delirious. Pavel Kirsanov, a woman says she loves Nicholas, and he asks his brother to marry Fenechka. Nikolay Kirsanov is surprised by such a request, as before Pavel Petrovich always had a negative attitude towards unequal marriages. Pavel Petrovich himself thinks that after the wedding he will go abroad forever. since earlier Pavel Petrovich always had a negative attitude towards unequal marriages. Pavel Petrovich himself thinks that after the wedding he will go abroad forever. since earlier Pavel Petrovich always had a negative attitude towards unequal marriages. Pavel Petrovich himself thinks that after the wedding he will go abroad forever.


Katya and Arkady are sitting in the garden, talking about Bazarov, a young man compares the girl to her sister. Katya asks not to compare her with Anna Sergeevna, as she would never become the wife of a rich man, and will marry only for love. Returning to his room, Arkady sees Bazarov there. Eugene tells him about the duel and says goodbye to him, he does not want to see Odintsov. But Anna Sergeyevna still met with Eugene. Bazarov says that he realized his mistakes, hints that Arkady is in love with a lady. Odintsov did not know about it.


The next day Arkady Kirsanov again talks with Katya in the summer-house. They hear the conversation passing by Anna Sergeyevna and Bazarov, in which the lady says that she is flattered by the feeling of Arkady. The young man decides to confess Katya in love and asks her to marry him. The girl accepts his offer. Odintsova allows Kirsanov to marry his sister. Bazarov leaves and before departure says that Arkady is not fit for the fact that he preached: “… you did not reach us…”.


Parents are very happy about Bazarov’s return and are trying their best not to interfere with his work. Eugene, along with Vasily Ivanovich begins to engage in medical practice. Evgeny is present at the autopsy of a peasant who died of typhus, and accidentally cuts his arm. The father worries and advises to burn the wound with iron. Eugene Bazarov says that this happened four hours ago, and if he got infected, then it’s impossible to cure. Soon Bazarov becomes ill. He is sick with typhus and understands that he will soon die, asks to be sent for Odintsova and tell her about it. Anna Sergeyevna comes and brings a doctor with her. He examines Eugene and concludes that the young man does not have a chance to recover. Bazarov tells Odintsov that he loved her, asks him to kiss him. Then the young man falls asleep and dies in a dream.


Six months later, Katya and Arkady are crowned in the parish church and Nikolai Petrovich with Fenechka. Pavel Petrovich leaves, and in his honor they arrange a farewell dinner. Anna Sergeyevna is getting married, but not for love. Arkady is engaged in an economy that begins to yield income. They have with Katya soon born son Nikolai, the girl is friends with Fenechka. Pavel Petrovich lives in Dresden, Kukshin also leaves abroad, Sitnikov marries a rich girl. On the grave to Bazarov often come two old men: they cry and pray on their knees, supporting each other.

A brief summary of the novel “Fathers and Sons” by IS Turgenev