Art is an integral part of the life of every state, city and person. The word “art” has many definitions, characteristics and features, but each person presents it in their own way.
In my opinion, art is a figurative reflection of reality, the main purpose of which is to familiarize the person with the beautiful, sensual, interesting and beautiful, sometimes even inexplicable and contradictory. I think that cinema, painting, architecture and other arts should evoke different emotions, feelings and thoughts in the soul and mind of a person. Undoubtedly, the same work of art can evoke absolutely opposite feelings in the souls of people.
Art plays a huge role in our life, as long as it makes us think about important problems and things happening around us, while art excites the mind of a person and does not leave us indifferent.
I enjoy reading. Reading widens my horizons, makes me more erudite. From books I learn many new interesting things about the world around me, about the life of a person, about his values, feelings. Classical literature educates character, instills moral traits. Reading works of classics such as Pushkin, Lermontov, Tolstoy, Turgenev, Dostoevsky enrich my inner world, give an idea of such values as honor and dignity. Also from books we learn about friendship, love, betrayal, hatred, sympathy and other things. But I believe that it is necessary to read not only classical world literature, but also books by contemporary authors. Still, in their works all feelings, problems and values are adapted to modern society. From the books of our contemporaries, we can find a concrete solution to the problem in our society, in this century.
If we talk about the feeling of beauty, the development of taste, then I like the art of photography. Through the photo the author expresses his inner world on the objects of the surrounding world, in nature. In the works of photographers, we see their style, their taste, their outlook on life, and thus we can reconsider their values, and sometimes use their worldviews for self-improvement. Very often I look through the works of modern photographers, photographers of different styles and directions and I can say that each of them sees the world in their own way. Photography for them is a way of self-expression. For me, it means the same thing.
In addition to literature and photography, I am also interested in cinema. Movies are like books. They perform the same function. For me, films are not only a way to have a good time, but also an occasion to reflect on the relevance of the problem affected in it.
In conclusion, I want to say that art has a huge impact on my life. Without art, my life would be boring, monotonous and meaningless. Art brings a beautiful note to my life.