In life there are many activities that are fun. Camping, cycling, computer games. However, you can not always do what you want with your favorite activities.
Every member of society has certain duties that everyone must fulfill. Not depending on your own desire. Everything: children, adolescents, adults and old people do what they are told is a harsh necessity. Children want to kindergarten and school, although with great pleasure they would spend time at home for exciting games. Adults are required to work to obtain financial resources for the maintenance of the family. Elderly people take care of the younger generation, give wise advice, are ready to come to the rescue in a difficult moment.
If everyone did only what he wants, the deep meaning of leisure would be lost. After all, when people are doing what they like, they get a lot of pleasure from it. If the joy of such pastime will be available daily, it will simply disappear. There is no need to organize your time in such a way as to save a small part of it for a walk or a shopping trip for your favorite toys.
A reasonable balance between what one wants and what is needed, gives a person a push to get a lot of emotions. To ensure that the contrast of perception does not cause psychological trauma, one must treat boring and uninteresting duties without upsetting oneself. It should be remembered that any case will sooner or later be over, and the time will come for more pleasant pursuits.
Do not need to be perceived as a personal tragedy, a request from the parents to help the grandmother or the appearance of an additional lesson in the schedule. All these tests temper character, make a person more hardy and strong.