– In the ancient Indian law of King Narada, the following provision was made: “All contracts concluded by women, except in exceptional circumstances, are considered invalid, especially if the gift, lease or sale of a house or a field is involved, but such contracts are valid if they are authorized If there is no husband, son, if there is neither husband nor son, the king. “
– In ancient Rome, for a long time only the heads of large families had the right to dispose of property. The property that the sons used, even adults, belonged to the head of the clan. Children, regardless of age, could not give anything, sell, buy. If they inflicted damage on someone, all responsibility fell on the head of the clan.
– In the Russian Empire in the 18-19 centuries. there was a rule – the law according to which persons who passed military or civil service were forbidden to marry without the written permission of their boss.
– In the United States, married women received the right to property only in 1848.
– The Constitution of Ukraine states: “Everyone has the right to an adequate standard of living for himself and his family, which includes the necessary food, clothing, housing”; “Everyone has the right to health care, medical care and medical insurance”; “Everyone has the right to a safe and healthy environment and to compensation for damage caused by the violation of this right.”