In oral speech, we can convey our words with the help of intonation. In one place we raise the voice, in the other we lower it, somewhere we make a small pause for the air intake, and at certain moments we pause long enough for our interlocutor to think, to comprehend everything that was said to him earlier.
In the written word, we can replace the intonation with punctuation marks. Enthusiastic statements are denoted by an exclamation mark. The question that we ask the interlocutor, it is customary to finish with a question mark. Every poet and writer in his work had his favorite punctuation marks. Surely, you noticed while reading the next work that the great classic placed signs in it that do not correspond to the rules of the Russian language. Where you need to put a comma – there is a dash. And in the event that the text simply needs quotation marks, they are missing. This was especially clear when we shave the book and start copying from it the phrases put out by someone in the notebook with the composition. As a result, by writing down the officially published information, we are hardly dragging on the “troika” for writing.
Do not think that the great classics did not know about the existence of rules in the Russian language. Just in their works, they made a greater emphasis on intonation. They clearly knew where to put a comma, so that we could run through the list of eyes, where there should be a dash, which with a sinking heart leads us from the beginning of the action to its rapid completion, or is a sign that after the word, his explanation will follow. The ellipsis as if breaks the phrase, leaves it unsaid by the author. This punctuation mark is designated by three identical points located on an equal, small distance from each other “…”. He introduced this punctuation mark Karamzin. He loved to use it in his works. However, initially the ellipsis was called the “sign of suppression”. Yes, this name fully reflects the meaning of these symbols. We say something to the interlocutor, but suddenly in the half-word we break off our thoughts, we leave the phrase unsaid. After dots, as a rule, there should be a long pause. Unlike a point, the ellipsis carries with it a certain semantic load, which can not be overlooked when reading a work. The point reduces the intonation to zero. After it, we immediately go on to read the next sentence. After the dots, we freeze in anticipation. It’s as if we want to hear what will happen next than the sentence ends. However, we will not know the answer to this question. the ellipsis carries with it a certain semantic load, which can not be overlooked when reading a work. The point reduces the intonation to zero. After it, we immediately go on to read the next sentence. After the dots, we freeze in anticipation. It’s as if we want to hear what will happen next than the sentence ends. However, we will not know the answer to this question. the ellipsis carries with it a certain semantic load, which can not be overlooked when reading a work. The point reduces the intonation to zero. After it, we immediately go on to read the next sentence. After the dots, we freeze in anticipation. It’s as if we want to hear what will happen next than the sentence ends. However, we will not know the answer to this question.
Also, with the help of ellipsis, we can indicate the omission of words in the text. For example, if we decided to take a quote, however, we do not need any words in it at all. These words can distract from the main idea, miss the desired moment in the text. In this case, instead of missing words, we put an ellipsis. If the words were omitted at the beginning, middle and end of the sentence, then the ellipsis is placed in each case. If we issue several sentences from the text, we enclose the sign in the angle brackets.