Teffi (real name – Lokhvitskaya) Nadezhda Alexandrovna (1872 – 1952), a prose writer.
She was born on May 9 (21st century) in her parents’ estate in the Volyn province to a noble professorial family. She received a wonderful home education.
Began to publish in 1901, and in the first literary experiments, the main features of her talent manifested: “I loved drawing cartoons and writing satirical poems.”
In 1905 – 07 she collaborated in various satirical magazines and newspapers, publishing poems, comic stories, feuilletons, which were very popular among the mass reader.
In 1908, from the time of A. Averchenko’s foundation of the journal Satirikon, Teffi became together with Sasha Cherny, a regular member of the journal. In addition, she was a regular employee of the newspapers “Stock Exchange Gazette” and “Russian Word” and other publications.
In 1910 two volumes of “The Humorous Stories” by Taffy come out, which had a great success among readers and caused positive responses in the press. Then the collections “And it became so…” (1912) followed; “Smoke without fire” (1914); “Animate the Beast” (1916). I wrote critical articles and plays.
The October Revolution did not accept and in 1920 emigrated, settling in Paris. Collaborated in the newspapers “The Latest News”, “Revival”, appeared with feuilletons that denounced the hopelessness of the existence of emigrants: “Our Abroad” and “Kefer?”. A. Kuprin, who appreciated the talent of Teffi, noted the inherent “irreproachability of the Russian language, ease and variety of speech speed.”
Teffi did not express a hostile attitude toward the Soviet Union, but did not return to her homeland. Last years I spent in need and loneliness. She died on October 6, 1952 in Paris.
A short biography from the book: Russian writers and poets. A short biographical dictionary. Moscow, 2000.