“Good!” Mayakovsky in brief
The author says that past epochs have passed that the genres of “epics” and “epics” are over. The author approves a new style, “telegraphic”.
Telegram / flight / stanza!
Inflamed lip / fall / and drink
From the river / by name – / “Fact”.
The author says that his goal was to create a book, in the reading of which a happy witness of events from memories would have felt a surge of strength and enthusiasm.
We / crucify / pencil on the sheet,
To rustle the pages, / how the rustle of the banners,
Must be forehead / years / rustled.
The author recalls how, after the February Revolution, the people’s aspirations for the end of the war were not realized, that they would finally be given land, instead of “a bunch of Guchkovs and Rodzianka’s ministers on the neck…” The power is still “to the rich snouts “, so the people do not want to obey her and calls for her overthrow. Numerous parties are engaged mainly in chatter, and the Bolsheviks recruited “and pennies, and strengths, and voices.” According to the villages there is a rumor that “there are some” big boys “for the peasants.” “
In the royal palace, built by Rastrelli, “there is some sort of sworn attorney”. “His eyes are Bonaparte and the color of his protective jacket.” Words and words… “Kerensky himself is intoxicated with his glory -” drunk, than forty-degree. ” When Kerensky drives through Nevsky, “ladies and children-puzanchiki throw flowers and rozanchiki.” He appoints himself to the military, then to the justice, or some other minister… waving his signatures with dignity and diligence. ” Hearing about the riots, orders to send punitive detachment, to the report on Lenin and the Bolsheviks reacts like this: “Arrest and catch!” Kerensky wants to negotiate with Kornilov, with the English King George. Kerensky portrays a portrait of Brodsky and Repin.
Late evening. Petersburg. The author in a grotesque form describes the conversation between the aged Madame Kuskova and the comforting “moustached nanny” PN Milyukova. Dialogue parodies Tatyana’s conversation with the nanny from Pushkin’s “Eugene Onegin.” Kuskova complains that she is stifling, she asks the “nanny” to sit with her and talk about the antiquities, shares her opinion about who should be put on the throne. Miliukov in return promises to give people “freedoms and constitutions.” Kuskova, in response, admits that “I’m not sick, I, you know, a nanny… in love…”, “in love with Sasha, darling…”. Miliukov rejoices, answers: “Under Nicholas and under Sasha, we will save our income.”
They talk “agglomerate hung up to the navels” adjutant and staff captain Popov. They argue about power, Popov says that he is not for a monarchy “with crowns, with eagles,” but for socialism “we need a basis.” He believes that democracy should be introduced first, then parliament. “Culture is needed, and we are Asia-with…” Remarks that those who ride in a “sealed car” must be hanged. Lenin, in his opinion, is sowing turmoil. The adjutant believes that Russia is sick. They remember in conversation the Cossacks, General Kaledin, “the left-witted Levka.” And at this time “in the end at Лиговки” from cellars “other words” rose. A certain comrade from the “party bureau” distributes weapons – cartridges, Mausers, rifles, ammunition. This Bolsheviks are preparing for decisive action. Decide that tomorrow should perform:
October. Go “cars and trams, under the bridge on the Neva are sailing the Kronstadters.” “Former” run away in horror. Winter is taken in the ring. And at this time in the Smolny “in thoughts about the battle and the army, Ilyich makes up a step-sodden make-up, and in front of the map Antonov and Podvoisky put in flags”. The proletariat takes the Winter Palace. “And Kerensky hid – try to get him out!” The attack is preceded by the Aurora volley. “The junker runs in:” Fight foolishly! “Thirteen squeals: – Surrender! Surrender! – and in the door are pea jackets, overcoats, sheepskin coats.” “And in this silence, rolling into full strength, the bass, strengthened, over the edges of the yard:” Which are temporary? Slazz! Your time is running out. “In Smolny the victorious proletarians sing instead of” And it will be… “” This is our last… “As before, there were trams, cars,
Described by the Petersburg darkness, empty embankments, only among all this is “the vision of the whale carcass Aurorova.” Here and there are bonfires. At the fire, the author meets with Alexander Blok. To the author’s question what he thinks about everything that is happening, Blok looked around and said – “Very good.” “Blok’s Russia was drowning all around… Stranger, the haze of the north was coming to the bottom, like fragments of canned food and cans.” The people go “for bread, for peace, for will.” “Take a factory from the bourgeoisie! Take a field from the landowner!” The proletarians expropriate the property of the “bourgeois”: “The worse my Nina?! The ladies themselves! Throw a piano in the house, a gramophone with a clock!”
This whirlwind, / from the thought to the trigger,
And the construction, / and the smoke smoke
Tidy up / party / to the hands,
Directed, / built in the ranks.
A very cold winter. But the Communists, in spite of the cold, are pricking firewood on a labor subbotnik.
In our cars, / on our way,
Our / load / firewood.
It is possible / to leave / two hours,
But we – leave late.
Our comrades / our firewood
Are necessary: comrades freeze.
“Socialism: the free labor of freely gathered people.”
The capitalists can not understand that the republic is so socialist, what its characteristic features are – “what kind of fruit-oranges are growing in your Bolshevik paradise?” They are interested, “why do you go, if you order -” fight “”? Point out that there are too many difficulties. The poet replies:
Listen, / national drone, –
Our day / so and it’s good that it’s difficult.
This song / song will be
Our troubles, / victories, / Buden.
Intervention. Float “from Marseille, from Dover… to Arkhangelsk.” “With a song, with whiskey, eaten like a pig.” The capitalists are robbing, “by the hands of others, the heat of rowing.” From the north goes Admiral Kolchak, in the Crimea, on Perekope Wrangel sat. Colonels talk during dinner about how they fight bravely with the Bolsheviks, one tells how “a dozen Bolshevik monsters” killed and, “like a dandy,” saved the girl. The Bolsheviks are in the ring, “Moscow is on an island, and we are on an island.” We are hungry, we are beggars, with Lenin in his head and with a revolver in his hand. “
The author tells that he lives in the houses of Staheev, in which the Supreme Economic Council is now located. Hungry, cold, “in the winter in a stove-bee they put Shakespearian volumes”. The author is a witness to all that is happening. In his house, like in a boat, he “sailed three thousand days.”
Near the institution go speculators, “hug, kiss, kill for a corpse.” Secretaries “stamping boots”, for the bread cards stand lumberjacks, but no one expresses discontent, as they understand, the main thing is to discourage whites. Past the “irreplaceable” worker – “goes for rations – the board gave out apricots and jam.” Scientists are also living hard because “they need phosphorus”, “butter on a saucer”. “But, as luck would have it, there is a revolution, but there is no oil.” Lunacharsky gives people, useful to the cause of the revolution, “sugar, fat, birch firewood, deeper logs… and a fur coat of wide consumption.”
The author sits in the room with Lily, Osei and the dog Puppy. Cold. The author dresses and goes to Yaroslavsky. “I took the fence that was broken down,” loaded it on a sled, brought it home, lit a fire. The author remembers that he happened to wander a lot in warm countries.
But only in this winter,
understand the warmth of Lubove, / friends / and families.
Only lying / in such an icy place,
With teeth / together / prolyaskav –
You will understand: / it is impossible / to regret people
No blankets, / no caress.
The author concludes that the land, “with which he froze, can never cease to love.”
The author again remembers those not very well-fed, not very warm times, remembers his beloved.
Not home, / not at the soup,
but to the beloved /
two guests / carrot / bear
for the green tail.
I / gave a lot / candy and bouquets,
I remember / more / all / expensive gifts / carrots precious this
and the floor – / logs / birch firewood.
The author remembers how he ate horse meat, as he shared his salt with the younger sister Olya, with a “pinch of damp”. Behind the wall a neighbor says to his wife: “Go sell your jacket.” The author recalls that “America is behind the cloud”. “Lying, lapping coffee, cocoa.” But the poet still says: “I love this earth… The land with which I was starving together – you can never forget.”
Locomotives are standing. The path was covered with snow. People clear the shovels with snow. Five people froze, but the locomotive still went ahead. At this time, “philistine rumors are circulating: Denikin is coming to the Tulskaya itself, to the powder core.” The Reds are catching up with Mamontov, they are fighting. The poet remembers Kaplan’s attempt on Lenin:
Wind / rip off / lists of those shot,
tears, / spins / and lets them into the pipe.
And the paw / class / lies on the predator – the
Lubyanka paw of the Cheka.
“A million-strong class stood behind Ilyich,” the townsfolk “were buried in the kitchens, behind the nappies.” The author says that he saw many places, “where figs and quince grew without difficulty at the mouth of mine.”
But the land that you conquered
and the half-dead / nursed,
Where with the bullet rise, / with the rifle lie down,
Where the drop / lean with the masses –
With such / earth / go / to life,
To work, / to holiday / and to death!!
Wrangel is fleeing from the Crimea. Shouts, swearing. Run “volunteers”, “pure public and soldier”. All this public has forgotten the decorum, “threw fashion”, whoever runs like: “a man is beating a lady in the face, a colonel’s soldier is knocked down from the bridge.” “Yesterday’s Russians” flee abroad to “milk the cows in Argentina, measure in the pits of Africa.” I had to get out and the interventionists. The Reds enter the Crimea with the song “And Voroshilov is with us, the first red officer.” After the victory, everyone remembered – “it is not enough, it is not enough for whom.”
I am with those who came out / build and revenge
in the continuous / fever / boden.
Fatherland / I praise, / which is,
but three times – / which will be.
I / our plans / love gromadye, Span
/ steps sazhen.
I rejoice / march, / which we go to
work / and into battle.
The author sees how instead of a pauperized agrarian country, Russia turns into an industrial power, “rotten hearts turn to tractor farmers.”
I, / as the spring of mankind,
Born / in work and in battle, I
sing / my fatherland, / my republic!
The poet says that “nine october and mai” tempered his spirit. Evidence of those distant events are monuments that have already been built, and Lenin’s mausoleum. The poet remembers those who gave their lives for the cause of the revolution – Krasin and others. Now foreign countries recognize the power of Russia: “Your teenager country every spring is dazzling, stronger, stronger and slim…” Many are interested in “complete the commune from the light and steel your republic today’s resident?” The poet is also concerned about this question and asks if people are not attracted by “all-powerful slander,” “the bureaucracy in the brains has not twisted the web?”
Tell me – is it intact? / Say – / one?
Is / party strength ready for battle?
I / the globe /
almost all / went around –
and life / is good,
and live – / good!
And in our buche, / fighting and ebullient, –
And that’s better.
Winds / street-snake.
At home / along a snake.
The street is mine.
The houses are mine.
The stores are opened again, the products are sold, “cheeses are not overcast,” prices are falling, “my co-operation began to be flattered.”
My / surname / in the poetic rubric.
I rejoice – this / my work is
pouring into the work of my republic.
The poet is aware of his involvement in everything that is happening around him, he is the sovereign master of the country, like every citizen. The author gives the epithet “mine” and deputies, and officials traveling to the meeting, the police, which “protects me”, pilots, military men who are always ready to repel the enemy.
Life is Beautiful and amazing.
Years to a hundred / grow to
us / without old age.
Year after year / grow
Our cheerfulness.
Praise, / hammer / and verse, the
Land of Youth!