Severely ruled Demetrius from the very moment he sat on the throne: he executed many people, imprisoned the boyars, left the country without a penny. But the limit of his cunning reached when, in 1606, he decided to convert all the Orthodox into the Catholic faith, and even give the lands of the Russians to the power of the Poles. King Parman’s confidant could not reason with Demetrius, only evil deeds were in the king’s thoughts. His only weakness is his love for Xenia, the daughter of Boyar Shuisky. However, he does not disdain the use of force, and does not consider his current marriage an obstacle, intending to poison his wife. Learning about this, Parmen decides to protect the king’s wife from evil intentions.
The chief of the guard appears and reports that the people are excited, there are rumors among him that the tsar is not at all Demetrius, and the impostor is the monk of Otrepiev. The king suspects the Shuiskys in fomenting insurrection, and demands that the boyar of Shuisky be brought along with his daughter Ksenia.
Shuisky tries to persuade Demetrius that there are no hidden thoughts for her, and in order to prove her loyalty, she offers Xenia to marry the tsar. But she gives a tough refusal, even under pain of death, she will not betray her fiancé George. Boyar also gives the floor to instruct her daughter.
Left alone with Xenia, Shuisky reveals to her his intentions to overthrow the liar, but for this she must pretend. that is obedient to the will of the pretender. Ksenia gives his consent for the good of the fatherland, and soon George agrees.
Believing deception, Dimitri begins to scoff at George, he does not stand up, and calls the king in the face of a tyrant and impostor. When he is taken away to the dungeon, Xenia releases her own character. Demetrius is going to execute both in fury, but in time Shuisky comes to his rescue, soothing the king’s wrath, promising that Xenia will no longer resist his will. Wanting to convince the king that he is his true support, Shuisky is also going to calm the people, angry with the capture of George. Demetrius gives his consent, but at the same time gives the decree to increase the number of personal guards.
Although the king and realizes that his actions only shortens the term of his power, setting up his own vassals against himself, but nothing can be done about his cruelty.
Demetrius decides to free Georgi, yielding to the persuasion of Parmen. In a dialogue with Shuisky, the confidant says that, even if he was an impostor, he would be faithful to him if he cared about the state and its people. Nevertheless, Shuisky is not in a hurry to trust Parmen and does not share his plans.
Shuisky takes from Xenia and George the promise that they will no longer be angry with the king. They also promise to remain faithful to each other even in separation, and if they are not destined to live together, then they lie together under the ground.
Now they managed to deceive the king. All their kind showing suffering, they tell Dimitry that they will overpower their love. Dimitri enjoys their pain, and their power over them.
Then the chief of the guard comes with the news that the boyars and the people are worried, and that treason will be accomplished this night. Demetrius immediately decides to talk with Parmen. Despite Xenia’s requests to spare his father and lover, despite Parmen’s advice to show mercy, Dimitri does not change his evil temper, and orders the boyars to be executed.
Shuisky and George declare their readiness to accept death, but Shuisky asks only for the fulfillment of his last desire – to say goodbye to his daughter. The king does not mind knowing that this will bring them even more suffering. Xenia says goodbye to her father and beloved. Having lost all those who were dear to her, the girl asks to kill her. In the meantime, Parmen is already leading the boyars to the conclusion. Xenia begs him for mercy, reproaching him for indulging the tyrant. The confidant is only crying out to heaven so that his dream of overthrowing the liar is fulfilled.
At night, Demetrius wakes up from the ringing of a bell announcing the beginning of a popular revolt. The terror gripped him, the tyrant understands that he has nowhere else to run. In fear, he instructs the guards first to break up the rebels, and then at least not to leave it. But his death does not frighten him, but that his enemies will go away from righteous vengeance. The only way out of his fury he sees in Xenia, which he is going to kill, if the others managed to escape.
The rebels, led by Shuisky and George, break into the king’s chambers, where they find that he has already brought a blade over Ksenia. Demetrius only in one case agrees to leave the girl’s life – he should return power and no longer encroach on it. But Shuisky understands that the welfare of the people is more important than the life of one person, even if it is his daughter, and answers what the king should answer for his sins. George rushes to Dimitry, although he knows that Xenia can not be saved any more. The former king enters the blade, but suddenly Parmen appears with a sword in the air and saves the girl from imminent death. Cursing all, the impostor pierces his chest with a dagger and dies.
Author – Krashchenko A. V.
Summary “Demetrius the Pretender”