Hans Christian Andersen was born on April 2, 1805 in Odense on the island of Funen. Andersen’s father, Hans Andersen (1782-1816), was a poor shoemaker, the mother of Anna Marie Andersdatter (1775-1833), was a washerwoman from a poor family, she had to beg in her childhood for alms, she was buried in a cemetery for the poor. In Denmark, there is a legend about the royal origin of Andersen, because in his early biography Andersen wrote that in childhood he played with Prince Frits, later – King Frederick VII, and he had no friends among street boys – only a prince. Andersen’s friendship with Prince Frits, according to Andersen’s fantasy, continued even in adulthood, until the death of the latter. After the death of Frits, except for relatives, Andersen alone was admitted to the coffin of the deceased. The reason for this fantasy were the stories of the boy’s father, that he was a relative of the king. From childhood, the future writer showed a penchant for dreaming and writing, often arranged improvised home plays that caused laughter and mockery of children. In 1816, Andersen’s father died, and the boy had to work for food. He was an apprentice first to a weaver, then to a tailor. Then Andersen worked at a cigarette factory. In his early childhood Hans Christian was a closed child with big blue eyes, who sat in a corner and played his favorite game – the puppet theater. This is his only occupation he retained in his youth. then at the tailor. Then Andersen worked at a cigarette factory. In his early childhood Hans Christian was a closed child with big blue eyes, who sat in a corner and played his favorite game – the puppet theater. This is his only occupation he retained in his youth. then at the tailor. Then Andersen worked at a cigarette factory. In his early childhood Hans Christian was a closed child with big blue eyes, who sat in a corner and played his favorite game – the puppet theater. This is his only occupation he retained in his youth.
At the age of 14, Andersen went to Copenhagen; her mother dismissed him, because she hoped that he would stay there a little and return. When she asked why he was leaving, leaving her and the house, young Andersen immediately replied: “To become famous!”. He went with a view to getting a job in the theater, motivating it with his love for everything connected with him. He received money on the letter of recommendation of the colonel, in whose family he arranged his performances in his childhood. During the year of his life in Copenhagen, he tried to get to the theater. At first he came home to the famous singer and, bursting with tears, exclaimed, asked her to arrange it for the theater. She, to just get rid of the annoying strange lanky teenager, promised to arrange everything, but, of course, did not fulfill her promise. Much later, she will tell Andersen, that simply took him then as a madman. Hans Christian was a lanky teenager with elongated and thin limbs, a neck and the same long nose, he was a kind of life analogue of the Ugly Duckling. But thanks to his pleasant voice and his requests, and also out of pity, Hans Christian, despite his ineffectual appearance, was admitted to the Royal Theater, where he played minor roles. He was less and less involved, and then the age-related breaking of the voice began, and he was fired. Andersen meanwhile composed a play in five acts and wrote a letter to the king, convinced to give money for its publication. This book also included poetry. Hans Christian took care of the advertisement and gave an announcement in the newspaper. The book was printed, but no one bought it, it went to the wrapper. He did not lose hope and carried his book to the theater, so that after the play a play was staged. He was denied the wording “in view of the author’s complete lack of experience.” But he was offered to study because of the kind attitude towards him, seeing his desire. Sympathizing with the poor and sensitive boy, people petitioned the King of Denmark Frederick VI, who allowed to go to school in the town of Slagelse, and then to another school in Elsinore at the expense of the treasury. This meant that you no longer need to think about a piece of bread, how to live on. Students at the school were 6 years younger than Andersen. He later recalled years of schooling as the darkest period of his life, because he was severely criticized by the rector of the school and painfully worried about it until the end of his days – he saw the rector in nightmares. In 1827, Andersen completed his studies.
In 1829 Andersen published a fantastic story “Walking Journey from the Holman Canal to the eastern tip of Amager” brought the writer fame. Few things were written until 1833, when Andersen received a cash allowance from the king, which enabled him to make the first trip abroad. Since that time, Andersen wrote a large number of literary works, including in 1835 – the famous “Fairy Tale”. In the 1840s Andersen tried to return to the stage, but without much success. At the same time, he confirmed his talent by publishing a compilation “A book with pictures without pictures.” The glory of his “Fairy Tales” grew; The second issue of “Fairy Tales” was started in 1838, and the third edition in 1845. By this time he was already a famous writer widely known in Europe. In June 1847 he first came to England and was awarded a triumphal meeting. In the second half of the 1840s and the following years, Andersen continued to publish novels and plays, vainly trying to become famous as a playwright and novelist. At the same time, he despised his tales, which brought him well-deserved fame. Nevertheless, he continued to write more and more tales. The last fairy tale was written by Andersen in Christmas 1872. In 1872, Andersen fell from the bed, severely injured and no longer recovered from injuries, although he lived for another three years. He died on August 4, 1875 and is buried in the cemetery of the Assistant (“Assistens”) in Copenhagen. At the same time, he despised his tales, which brought him well-deserved fame. Nevertheless, he continued to write more and more tales. The last fairy tale was written by Andersen in Christmas 1872. In 1872, Andersen fell from the bed, severely injured and no longer recovered from injuries, although he lived for another three years. He died on August 4, 1875 and is buried in the cemetery of the Assistant (“Assistens”) in Copenhagen. At the same time, he despised his tales, which brought him well-deserved fame. Nevertheless, he continued to write more and more tales. The last fairy tale was written by Andersen in Christmas 1872. In 1872, Andersen fell from the bed, severely injured and no longer recovered from injuries, although he lived for another three years. He died on August 4, 1875 and is buried in the cemetery of the Assistant (“Assistens”) in Copenhagen.
Summary Andersen G. X