Summary “Badge of Trouble” Bykova

On the farm Yakimovschina, which is located three meters from the town of Vyselki, lived Stepanida and Petrok Bogatki. They had two children: the son of Fyodor (served in tank troops), and Fenya’s daughter (studied in a medical institution in Minsk). After the war began, and the front goes to the east, German soldiers appear on the farm and a terrible time arrives for the inhabitants. Initially, the Germans were in charge only in Vyselky and Yakimovschina, but soon to the Bogatyka family, they are “their own” – a former boy running errands with the village soviet, Polizei Guzh and Polizei Clodenok. Guzh is a distant relative of the Bogatko family, but this does not prevent him from humiliating them and demanding full submission from them. Petrok Bogatko, adequately endures all insults and insults, and his wife Stepanida keeps herself proud. The policeman Guzh reminds Stepanida that in the past she was a collective farmer and activist, and for this may suffer reprisals. After the policemen drank the brought drink, they leave, and Stepanida starts scolding her husband for behaving ingratiatingly.

The arrival of the Polizei was not an accident. Polizei Guzh, decided that the farm would be a perfect haven for the German officer and his team. A few days later the Germans arrived on the truck. They force to wash the house for the arrival of the officer and expel them to live in the boiler-house. Arriving at the farm the Germans begin to repair the complete rout. Spouses Bogatki watching this, expect even greater mischief. When Stepanida tries to show the Germans that the cow gives little milk, they are trying to milk her and beat the landlady for lying. Stepanida milked the milk in the grass and, for lack of milk, the German sergeant-major fires the animal. The Germans gut the carcass of a dead cow, and at this time Stepanida with a deaf-mouthed shepherd Yanka manage to hide a badger in the hole, a piglet that has survived. After sunset, Stepanida manages to steal the gun of the chef of the ion throws it into the well.

The officer praises Petroc for the robot and he decides to ask his violin back. The Germans give him the violin, and for this he plays various melodies for them all evening. In the nocturnal silence, the screams of the Germans “Banditen” are heard and a shot is heard. German soldiers, having killed the shepherdess Yanku, bring him to the yard. In the morning the messenger comes to the farm and the Germans hastily leave for the city. Stepanida after the experience, asks the same question: “Why did this car attack us” and her memory carries it to a few years ago. When organizing a collective farm in Vyselky, the commissioner from the district held a meeting. Then he scolded the inhabitants of the town for incompetence (only members of the kombed were registered at the time at the collective farm). A day later, a representative of Okrug Novik, decided to start the dekulakization of those who did not join the collective farm at the meeting of the Commander. For this, a vote was taken. During the voting, Novik tried to intimidate the members of the comrades in order that they vote for dispossession. PotapkaKolondenok was one of those who attended the meeting. At the end of the meeting, he used the information he had heard for his own purposes and wrote a note to the district newspaper. The notes, signed with the alias “Gramotey”, terrified the members of the comrade. The notes indicated that many of the townspeople (even those who were not kulaks, but simply had hired people) were dekulakized. signed with the pseudonym “Gramotey”, horrified the members of the comrade. The notes indicated that many of the townspeople (even those who were not kulaks, but simply had hired people) were dekulakized. signed with the pseudonym “Gramotey”, horrified the members of the comrade. The notes indicated that many of the townspeople (even those who were not kulaks, but simply had hired people) were dekulakized.

Stepanida’s memory comes up with pictures; As a large number of families were driven out of the house in the winter and taken to an unknown destination. Vasya Goncharik (Yanka’s elder brother shepherdess) worked as a local policeman. After he was forced to dispossess his beloved family, he shot himself. Also, Stepanida remembers how she and her husband went to the farm. The farm belonged to the old priest Yakhimov. When they began to dekulakize the rich pans, the farm was given to the Gods. Stepanida, after some time after owning the land, went to ask forgiveness from Pan Jachimovsky for the fact that they own his property. Pan responded to the woman: “Pan Jesus Forgive.” After the woman tried to justify herself, the old man said with a pain in his voice: “But you did not refuse.” Sin is screwed up on someone else’s. ” Stepanida and Petroc courted the old man, still a couple of days of hunger strike, he was found hanged in a barn. Before this event, the couple found a dead lark in their fields. Stepanida realized that this sign would bring them trouble. And it happened. The spouses have started, there will be various misfortunes: the land did not bring a crop, the horse was lost and their life was bleak. After that, collectivization began. It brought a lot of grief and suffering to people. And after a while the war began. The body of the dead shepherdess comes Kolodenok and Guzh. Arriving at the farm, they give Petroc’s order that he go to build a bridge that was bombed. Petrok exhausted comes from work and decides to pay off the Germans moonshine. He exchanges a self-made apparatus for his violin, but moonshine does not solve the problem. Petroc is forced to work. that this sign will bring them trouble. And it happened. The spouses have started, there will be various misfortunes: the land did not bring a crop, the horse was lost and their life was bleak. After that, collectivization began. It brought a lot of grief and suffering to people. And after a while the war began. The body of the dead shepherdess comes Kolodenok and Guzh. Arriving at the farm, they give Petroc’s order that he go to build a bridge that was bombed. Petrok exhausted comes from work and decides to pay off the Germans moonshine. He exchanges a self-made apparatus for his violin, but moonshine does not solve the problem. Petroc is forced to work. that this sign will bring them trouble. And it happened. The spouses have started, there will be various misfortunes: the land did not bring a crop, the horse was lost and their life was bleak. After that, collectivization began. It brought a lot of grief and suffering to people. And after a while the war began. The body of the dead shepherdess comes Kolodenok and Guzh. Arriving at the farm, they give Petroc’s order that he go to build a bridge that was bombed. Petrok exhausted comes from work and decides to pay off the Germans moonshine. He exchanges a self-made apparatus for his violin, but moonshine does not solve the problem. Petroc is forced to work. It brought a lot of grief and suffering to people. And after a while the war began. The body of the dead shepherdess comes Kolodenok and Guzh. Arriving at the farm, they give Petroc’s order that he go to build a bridge that was bombed. Petrok exhausted comes from work and decides to pay off the Germans moonshine. He exchanges a self-made apparatus for his violin, but moonshine does not solve the problem. Petroc is forced to work. It brought a lot of grief and suffering to people. And after a while the war began. The body of the dead shepherdess comes Kolodenok and Guzh. Arriving at the farm, they give Petroc’s order that he go to build a bridge that was bombed. Petrok exhausted comes from work and decides to pay off the Germans moonshine. He exchanges a self-made apparatus for his violin, but moonshine does not solve the problem. Petroc is forced to work.

One day, the “alien” policemen come to the farm for the moonshine, which was taken by Guzh, not finding moonshine, they heavily beat the spouses of Bogatko. Petroc realizing that moonshine brought only harm, breaks the apparatus and brings home, for the treatment of Stepanida, dug in the forest a bottle of pervach. Near the farm he is waiting for Guzh. Delivered to despair, Petroc starts screaming curses addressed to German soldiers and policemen. Petroc was beaten by policemen for this, and he was taken to the town, where he disappeared forever. After Stepanida came to her senses after the beating, she begins to invent revenge for German soldiers and policemen for her husband, who is in prison. Stepanida remembers that near the bridge, one of the inhabitants of the town took a bomb that did not explode and Stepanida is sure that it is Kornila. Stepanida goes to the town to give her husband some food and ask Kornily for a bomb. But, she is taken away from her prison and prepared for her husband. Kornila, who was very cunning, suggests that Stepanida bring a bomb, and in return requests a hidden pig. Stepanida agrees.

Kornila brings her a bomb and Stepanida digs it in the ground. Walking through the streets of the town, Stepanida notices that the police are taking Kornil away somewhere. Frightened, she returns home and wants to hide the bomb in a safe place. After getting out of the way, she lies down to rest in the boiler-house, but at this time the police begin to break into the door, demanding to give them a bomb. Seeing that Stepanida is not going to open the door, the policemen begin to break her and shoot him. Stepanida makes a decision and pours the source with kerosene. After she set fire to the outfire, the policemen, thinking that inside the bomb, run away. But, the hidden bomb still awaited its time “



