Abstract: War of mice and frogs

In the hot summer afternoon the mouse prince Krokhobor drank water from the swamp and met the frog king of Vzdulomord there. He turned to him, as Homer turned to Odysseus: “Wanderer, who are you from what kind of family?” And came from where? ” Word for word, they met, the frog planted a mouse on its back and was lucky to show the wonders of the amphibian kingdom. We sailed peacefully, when suddenly the frog saw ahead of the water snake, was frightened and dived into the water from under the comrade. The unfortunate mousy drowned, but managed to utter a terrible curse: “… you can not escape the terrible from vengeance of rat mouse!”

And indeed, the mice, having learned of the death of their prince, were agitated. King Khlebogryz delivered a touching speech: “I am a poor father, three of whom I lost sons: the elder died from a cat, the middle from a mousetrap, and the younger, beloved, dies from a frog! So let us fight, friends, and burst into a campaign against frogs! ..” Mice Armed with all the epic rules, only instead of lat they have pods, instead of needle copies, instead of helmets halves of a nut. Kagushki too: instead of shields – cabbage leaves, instead of copies of a reed, instead of helmets, snail shells. “We went out to fight in full armor, and everyone was full of courage…”

Zeus, as in the Iliad, convokes the gods and invites them to help whoever he wants. But the gods are careful. “I do not like mice or frogs,” says Athena. “The mice bite my tissues and inject me into the expense of fixing them, and the frogs do not let me cry…” the first heroes: “The first hero of Slastolysis strikes the womb with a spear – / With a roaring dread he fell and rattled on fallen armor.” To the enemy of revenge, Norolaz strikes with a spear of Mud Straightly into a mighty chest: flew from the dead body Vivid soul, and fallen black death Sonny Bolotnogo death caused Dlyudoliz impeccable the Drot having set off, and the darkness has always covered his eyes… “

The mice are overwhelmed. Especially among them is the “famous hero Blyudozap, the famous son of Khleboskreba.” Zeus himself, looking at his exploits, says, “shaking his head with a broken heart”: “Gods, a great wonder I see with my own eyes – Soon, perhaps, this robber will beat me too!”

Zeus throws lightning from heaven – mice and frogs shudder, but do not stop fighting. We have to use another means – crayfish come out against the belligerents. “Crooked crooked, vygnutospinye, skin – like bones,” they begin to mercilessly grab both mice and frogs; those and others run away in horror, and in the meantime the sun sets – “And the one-day war of Zeus’s will ends.”



