Summary of “The Tales of Uncle Remus” by Harris

“Tales of Uncle Remus” by J. Harris – these are funny and funny stories about the tricks of the resourceful Brother Rabbit, about the adventures of the cunning and insidious Bratz Fox, about the wise turtle and other very different animals, symbolizing relationships in the world of people. In Brother Rabbit, for example, the relationship with friends are complex and unstable: he and Brother Brother, and with Brother Bear, he is at war, then friendly.

Brother Rabbit is cute and lucky. He overcomes enemies who are stronger than him. However, when he is in danger, he can act and dishonorably (once, for example, blamed the good-natured Opossum).

The narrative is conducted on behalf of the old Negro Rimus. He tells them to the grandson of the owner, the little white boy Joel. Uncle Remus himself assesses the actions of the heroes. When Joel was indignant with Brother Rabbit, who killed Opossum, he said: “You are right, my friend!” It often happens in the world: one will do ill, and another will answer for them. “

The stories of J. Harris arouse in the reader good feelings. Simultaneously, they teach: be able to stand up for yourself, because life is so complicated and so contradictory.



