“There are no strings, no denouement, no strictly thought out plan in the novel, there are types and characters, there are scenes and pictures, and most importantly, through the fabric of the story there is a personal, profoundly felt attitude of the author to the derived phenomena of life. When reading the novel of Turgenev, we see in it the types of the present moment and at the same time realize the changes that have experienced the phenomena of reality, passing through the consciousness of the artist. “
“In his personality are grouped those properties, which are scattered in small shares among the masses.”
“As an empiricist, Bazarov recognizes only what one can feel with his hands, see with his eyes, put on his tongue, in short, only what can be examined by one of the five senses.” All other human feelings he reduces to the activity of the nervous system, , music, painting, poetry, love of a woman does not seem to him higher and purer than enjoying a hearty meal or a bottle of good wine. People like Bazarov can be indignant at heart’s content, but recognize their sincerity – resolutely necessary he does not label in the provincial Aces: if the imagination sometimes draws a future for him, then this future is somehow vaguely wide, he works without deliberation, for obtaining daily bread or out of love for the work process, and yet he dimly senses by the number of his own forces, that his work will not remain without a trace and lead to something. Bazarov is extremely proud, but his pride is imperceptible precisely because of his vastness. It does not take those little things from which the ordinary human relations are formed; It can not be offended by sheer disregard, it is impossible to please him with signs of respect; he is so full of himself and so unshakably high in his own eyes that it becomes absolutely indifferent to the opinion of other people. “
“Bazarov does everything in every way and in everything only as he wants or seems to him profitable and convenient: he is governed only by personal whim or personal calculations.” Neither above himself, nor within himself, does he recognize any moral law, no principle. high goal, in the mind – no high thought, and with all this – huge forces! “
“If the market is a disease, then it is a disease of our time, and it has to suffer.” “Treat the market as anything, it’s your business, and stop – do not stop, it’s the same cholera.”
“Bazarov is scolding – this is, unfortunately, just, he rejects things that he does not know or does not understand, he thinks poetry is nonsense, reading Pushkin is lost time, making music is funny, enjoying nature is ridiculous. Bazarov’s passion is very natural, it is explained, firstly, by the one-sided development, and secondly, by the general character of the era in which we had to live. “Bazarov thoroughly knows the natural and medical sciences; their assistance, he knocked out of his head all sorts of prejudices, then he was a man extremely uneducated, and he heard something about poetry, something about art, do not bother to think straight from the shoulder and said sentence on unfamiliar subjects. “
“Bazarov’s personality closes in itself, because outside and around it there are almost no related elements.”
“He is unable to maintain a compulsory relationship with a woman, his sincere and integral nature does not compromise and does not make concessions, he does not buy the woman’s position with certain obligations, he takes it when it is given to him completely voluntarily and unconditionally. we are usually cautious and prudent. In short, for Bazarov there are no women who can cause him serious feelings and for his part hotly respond to this feeling. “
“To die the way Bazarov died, it’s like making a great feat.” Bazarov’s rationality was forgiving and understandable in him, this extreme, which forced him to puzzle over himself and break himself, would disappear from the action of time and life, she disappeared for sure while he was approaching death, he became a man, instead of being the embodiment of the theory of nihilism, and, as a person, he expressed the desire to see his beloved woman. “
On the succession of Bazarov’s image:
“Onegin is colder than Pechorin, and therefore Pechorin fools far more than Onegin, rushes behind impressions to the Caucasus, seeks them in Bela’s love, in a duel with Grushnitsky, in fights with the Circassians, while Onegin languidly and lazily carries with him around his beautiful A little bit of Onegin, a little Pechorin has been and still is with us every little bit clever person who owns a wealthy fortune, grew up in an atmosphere of gentility and did not receive a serious education. Along with these bored drones were and still are crowds grustyaschie people longing of unsatisfied desire to benefit the Society of the Deaf, and inexorable;. a burning desire Rudin Beltov settle down to practice and see the fruits of their labor and donations remains sterile seemed rudinstvu comes to an end, and even the city. Goncharov buried his Oblomov and announced that under the Russian names there were many Stoltsov. But the mirage dissipated – Rudins did not become practical figures: because of the Rudins, a new generation has come forward, which with reproach and mockery related to its predecessors. They are aware of their dissimilarity with the masses and are boldly separated from it by actions, habits, all manner of life. Will society follow them, to
That they do not care. They are full of themselves, their inner life and do not restrain it for the sake of accepted customs and ceremonies. Here the personality achieves complete self-liberation, full of singularity and independence. In a word, the Pechorins have a will without knowledge, the Rudins have knowledge without will; Bazarovs have knowledge and will, thought and business merge into one solid whole. “
Turgenev’s attitude to Bazarov:
“Turgenev obviously does not like his hero, his soft, loving nature, striving for faith and compassion, warps from corrosive realism, his subtle aesthetic sense, not devoid of a significant dose of aristocracy, is offended even by the slightest glimpses of cynicism.”
“Unable to show us how Bazarov lives and acts, Turgenev showed us how he is dying, this is the first time it’s enough to form an idea of Bazarov’s forces, about those forces that full development could only be designated by life.”
“The meaning of the novel was this: the current young people are carried away and fall into extremes, but in the hobbies are a fresh force and incorruptible mind, this power and this mind without any extraneous benefits and influences will lead young people to a direct road and support them in life.”
“Bazarov treats him patronizingly and almost always mockingly.” Arkady does not like his friend, but somehow involuntarily submits to the irresistible influence of a strong personality. “
“Arkady, puts on the ideas of Bazarov, who resolutely can not fuse with him.”
“Uncle Arcadia, Pavel Petrovich, can be called Pechorin of small sizes, he does not really have convictions, but there are habits that he cherishes.” At heart Pavel Petrovich is as skeptical and empiricist as Bazarov himself ” .
“The young Sitnikov and the young lady Kukshin represent a marvelously executed caricature of a brainless progressist and a Russian emancipated woman: the Sitnikovs and Kukshins will always remain funny personalities: no sensible person will rejoice at the fact that he stands with them under the same banner.”