Pushkin loved Russia with all his heart. He studied history, reading ancient tales. It inspired him to create amazing literary masterpieces. What are at least such historical works as “Boris Godunov” or “Song of the Wise Oleg”. The latter, in fact, will continue to be discussed, and a short summary will be presented later. “Song of Oleg’s Wise” is in itself quite a unique work. It will carry the reader to the distant past of our ancient ancestors – the Eastern Slavs, who before the baptism of Rus were pagans.
Immersion in the history of Russia
But before touching on the theme “The Song of the Wise Oleg” (a short summary will be given a little later), we will present a little background. All that surrounded then people in ancient Russia – the virgin nature with its rivers, stones, forests and herbs, the Slavs endowed them with human qualities and treated them as living beings. And they explained various kinds of natural phenomena by the action of supernatural forces, which they called gods and bowed before them. One of the host of idols was the god of thunder and war – Perun. According to pagan beliefs, the souls of those who perished on the battlefield of the soldiers and after death continued to live. Therefore, on the grave of the fallen warrior a burial mound was filled. Together with him, all his military equipment and weapons were put in the grave. Nearby also buried a loyal companion, who accompanied him in military campaigns – a battle horse.
After the funeral, in honor of the warrior, a trifle was arranged – a feast, on which his exploits were glorified. And afterwards there were military games.
Our ancient ancestors also believed that there are among them special people who can predict fate, guess the will of the gods, perform miracles and turn into animals. They were called wizards, sorcerers or magicians.
Historical Character
Now we will get acquainted with the very work “Song of the Wise Oleg”. The summary of the legend contains very interesting facts from the life of the Novgorod and Kiev prince Oleg. At the beginning of the 10th century numerous Slavic settlements were united into a single Kyiv state, and Kiev became the Center of Russia. The ruler of the state was the Novgorod prince Oleg. He was a strong and powerful warrior, who more than once reflected the attacks of the nomad tribes of the Khazars who attacked Russia and went to conquest campaigns against their neighbors. The chronicle describes the story of how once Prince Oleg even captured the capital of the Byzantine Empire, the city of Constantinople. Leaving the city, he nailed his shield on the gates of the city. Prince Oleg was called a prophet, a wise man and a sorcerer.
After the campaign against Byzantium and the conclusion of a trade agreement with the Greeks, very beneficial for Russia, in 912 he would die. His throne will be taken by Prince Igor, and after the death of Igor – the prince’s wife, Grand Duchess Olga.
Pushkin “The Song of the Wise Oleg”. Summary
It is this legend that was preserved in the ancient chronicle, it also formed the basis of the work “The Song of the Wise Oleg”. Pushkin knew this story from childhood, but poetically processed his version only in 1833. And we learn only its brief content. “Song of the Wondering Oleg” – a truly great work worthy of its author. But what prompted Pushkin to write it? All this contributed to his southern exile, the punishment for freedom-loving poetry. In Pushkin, at once the poetic imagination will wake up when he visits the rich Kiev and the Schekavitsa mountain, where Kiev princes and princesses Oleg and Olga were once buried.
“Song of the Wonderful Oleg”: very brief content
The story of the legend begins with the fact that Prince Voevoda Oleg goes to his next military campaign. But this time he wants to take revenge on the careless Khazars for raiding robberies and fires. Driving with his druzhinoyu across the field, he sees a gray-haired old man suddenly emerging from the forest. Prince Oleg decided to ask him about his fate, the whole truth, as promised the horse, but he refused. The wise elder began to predict the prince great victories and military valor. And then suddenly he began to say that the knight of the prince’s death would be responsible for his horse. Prince Oleg was very attached to the animal, but nevertheless said goodbye to him, ordered him to take him to the meadow and look after him with dignity.
Death from a horse
What is the continuation of the ballads short? “Song of the Wise Oleg” further narrates that when Prince Oleg returns from the next campaign, he will inquire about the fate of his horse and suddenly learns about his death. This news will greatly grieve the old warrior, he will consider that he has been deceived by the false sorcerer, and at the same time he will go to the remains of his military friend. When he ascends the hill and approaches closer to the horse’s skull, a serpent will suddenly crawl over to his foot and sting the prince. Prophetic Oleg will die of poison. Yet a prophetic prediction will come true.
So ends this historical legend with a brief summary. “The Song of the Wise Oleg” must be read to feel all the mighty talent of Pushkin, the general mood, admiration and tear.