Summary “Naked Year”

The novel is preceded by two epigraphs. The first (to all the novel) is taken from the book “Being reasonable, or Moral view of the dignity of life.” “Every minute swears to fate in preserving a deep silence about our lot, even up to the time when it merges with the course of life, and then when the future is silent about our fate, every passing minute can begin with eternity.” The second epigraph (to “Introduction”) is taken from A. Blok: “Born in the year deaf, / The ways do not remember their. / We, the children of the terrible years of Russia, / Forget nothing.”

However, memory is absurd and meaningless. This is how the memories of the first revolutionary years (the “new civilization”) are represented compositionally and are constantly compared with a thousand-year history, with an antiquity that is difficult to forge. In the canon merchant town of Ordinin, for example, merchant Ivan Yemelyanovich Ratchin, “who in his house (behind wolfhounds at stone blind gates) is always silent, only in the evenings from the cellar where the clerks and boys live, suppressed singing of psalms and akathists comes. clerks are selected jackets and shtibleti, and boys have pants (so as not to be shameless at night). ” Once a son of Ivan Emelyanovich, Donat, left this house once for the first world war. After seeing the world and once submitting obediently to the Communists, he on his return certainly wants to change everything in a sleepy kingdom and first gives his father’s house to the Red Guard. Donat is pleased with all the changes in Ordinin, any destruction of the old. In the forests that stretch around the city, the red roosters of the mansions’ houses are on fire. Without fatigue, at least a quarter of the strength, changing the owners, work Taiga plants, where a long railway line. “The first train that stopped at Ordynin was a revolutionary train.”

Defines the face of the city and the present life of the old princely family of the Ordynins. “The big house, which was assembled for centuries, became a three-sided foundation, like on three whales, in one year, bald, fell down, fell down.” However, the Cain seal was sealed a long time ago. ” Prince Evgraf and Princess Elena, their children Boris, Gleb and Natalya were entangled in the whirlpools of their own destinies, which even more, until despair, was delayed by native Russia. One of them drinks, someone cries, someone confesses. The head of the house is dying, and one of the daughters is drawn to a new life, that is, to the Communists. Iron will, wealth, family as such are exhausted and scatter like sand. “Those of the Ordinin who are capable of thinking tend to believe that the path of Russia is, of course, special.” Europe pulled Russia to its side, but it led to a dead end, hence the Russian people’s desire for rebellion. Look at the muzhik story: like a forest millennium trail, wastelands, repairs, graveyards, millennia. A state without a state, but growing like a mushroom. Well, faith will be muzhichya. And Orthodox Christianity, along with the kings, came with someone else’s power, and the people from it to sectarianism, to the medicine men, wherever you want. On Yaik, – from power. Well, find out that in the fairy tales about Orthodoxy was? – scammers, witches, water, not Lord of hosts. “

Heroes involved in archaeological excavations often discuss Russian history and culture. “Our greatest masters,” says Gleb quietly, “are above Da Vinci, Correggio, Perugino, are Andrei Rublev, Procopius Chirin, and those nameless ones scattered throughout Novgorod, Pskov, Suzdal, Kolomna, our monasteries and churches. they had art, what skill they had, how they solved the most difficult tasks, the art should be heroic, the artist, the master-devotee, and we must choose for our works the majestic and beautiful. What is more majestic than Christ and the Mother of God? image of god ter as the sweetest secret, the secret of spiritual motherhood – motherhood in general. “

However, modern rebels, the innovators of the world, the authors of reforms in the Ordynian life are uncultured and alien to Russia. What is Commissioner Laitis, who came to Ordinin from afar with a quilted stitched mama satin blanket and a pillow that he at the instigation of declaring himself a Freemason Semyon Matveyich Zilotov spreads in the altar of the monastery chapel, to indulge there love with the servant, typist Olechka Koons, an unwitting informer on her neighbors. After a night of love in the altar, someone set fire to the monastery, and another cult building was destroyed. Read only a few Masonic books, Zilotov, like an old warlock, makes no sense: “Pentagram, pentagram, pentagram.” A happy lover, Olechka Koons, is arrested, like many other innocent people.

One of the characters is sure that one must resist the new life, one must resist the fact that so violently broke, one must break away from time, remain free internally (“give up things, have nothing, do not wish, do not feel sorry, be poor, just live with potato, with sour cabbage, anyway “). Another anarchist and romantic heroine Irina insists that in a new time it is necessary to live with a body: “No thoughts – the body grows languishing, as if the whole body is numb, as if someone is stroking it with a soft brush, and it seems that all objects are covered with soft suede : the bed, the sheet, and the walls, everything is covered with suede. Today, the days bear only one thing: the struggle for life is not on the stomach, but to death, so there is so much death. To hell with a fairy tale about some kind of humanism, I have no chill, when I think about it:

In this the heroine is mistaken. For the Communists, the young ladies they sing tea with the Landrin have always been and will be “interpolitic.” What is the chivalry, what a pedestal! On the screen, Faith Cold can die from passion, but in life, girls die of hunger, unemployment, violence, desperate suffering, inability to help loved ones, to create a family, finally. In the penultimate chapter “Com – mators, and co – operators”, the Bolsheviks are distinctly and categorically inscribed by the author with “leather jackets”: “Everyone is a handsome, handsome man, each strong, and a ring under his cap to the back of his head, folds at the lips, the movements of each are ironing. From the Russian loose and clumsy people – selection. Without leather jackets you can not wet. There so we know, so we want, and so they put – and the bust: Peter Oreshin, a poet, The truth said: “Or will to go to hell or in the field on the pole.” One of the heroes of this kind at meetings diligently reprimands new words: to constate, enegriche, lytephonogram, to fuktsirovat. The word “can” sounds to him like “magut”. Explaining in love to a beautiful woman, a scientist, from the former, he affirmatively says: “Both of us are young, healthy, and the children will grow in the right way.” In the dictionary of foreign words included in the Russian language, taken by him for study before going to sleep, he is looking in vain for the word “comfort”, this has not been placed. But in the very last chapter, without title, there are only three important concepts that determine the future life: “Russia, Revolution, Blizzard”. One of the heroes of this kind at meetings diligently reprimands new words: to constate, enegriche, lytephonogram, to fuktsirovat. The word “can” sounds to him like “magut”. Explaining in love to a beautiful woman, a scientist, from the former, he affirmatively says: “Both of us are young, healthy, and the children will grow in the right way.” In the dictionary of foreign words included in the Russian language, taken by him for study before going to sleep, he is looking in vain for the word “comfort”, this has not been placed. But in the very last chapter, without title, there are only three important concepts that determine the future life: “Russia, Revolution, Blizzard”. One of the heroes of this kind at meetings diligently reprimands new words: to constate, enegriche, lytephonogram, to fuktsirovat. The word “can” sounds to him like “magut”. Explaining in love to a beautiful woman, a scientist, from the former, he affirmatively says: “Both of us are young, healthy, and the children will grow in the right way.” In the dictionary of foreign words included in the Russian language, taken by him for study before going to sleep, he is looking in vain for the word “comfort”, this has not been placed. But in the very last chapter, without title, there are only three important concepts that determine the future life: “Russia, Revolution, Blizzard”. “Both of us are young, healthy, and the children will grow as we should”. In the dictionary of foreign words included in the Russian language, taken by him for study before going to sleep, he is looking in vain for the word “comfort”, this has not been placed. But in the very last chapter, without title, there are only three important concepts that determine the future life: “Russia, Revolution, Blizzard”. “Both of us are young, healthy, and the children will grow as we should”. In the dictionary of foreign words included in the Russian language, taken by him for study before going to sleep, he is looking in vain for the word “comfort”, this has not been placed. But in the very last chapter, without title, there are only three important concepts that determine the future life: “Russia, Revolution, Blizzard”.

The author optimistically depicts three China cities: in Moscow, Nizhny Novgorod and Ordynin. All of them go allegorically back to the millennial empire that existed for many millennia, which does not and will not end. And if the passing minute of eternity begins a bare year, after which, most likely, it will follow the same (irritated, gloom and chaos), this does not mean that Russia has disappeared, having lost its basic moral values.



