Biography Serafimovich Alexander Serafimovich


Serafimovich (real name – Popov) Alexander Serafimovich (1863 – 1949), the prose writer.
He was born on January 7 (19th century) in the village of Nizhne-Kurmoyarsk. Areas of the Don Army, in the family of the Cossack captain. He spent his childhood in the Cossack regiments in Poland. In 1873 the family returned to Don to the village of Ust-Medveditskaya. I went to study in a classical gymnasium.
His father’s death and material hardships complicated life, but graduated from high school and in 1883 entered the mathematical department of the Physics and Mathematics Faculty of St. Petersburg University. Feeling a lack of knowledge, attends additional lectures of individual professors at the law and natural faculties and studies social and economic sciences. Closer with revolutionary students. In 1887 he was brought to the inquiry into the case of A. Ulyanov and exiled to the Arkhangelsk province under the supervision of the police, where he stayed for three years.
Returning to the Don (1890), he established contacts with the local Narodnaya Volya groups, which carry out propaganda among the workers.
Impressions from the link were reflected in his first stories – “On the Ice” (1889), “Snowy Desert”, “On rafts” (1890), marked Uspensky and Korolenko. In these years he works in provincial publications “Don Life”, “Priazov Region”, he lives with lessons. In 1901, Serafimovich’s first book, Sketches and Stories, was published, which decided the fate of the writer: he moved to Moscow (1902) and devoted himself entirely to literary and journalistic work.
He gets acquainted with Gorky, collaborates in the publishing house Znanie, which in 1903-08 produced a three-volume series of his stories.
During the First World War he was at the front as part of a medical detachment, which he later wrote in sketches and stories.
From the very first days of the October Revolution he actively joined the cultural construction of the young republic: he was in charge of the Literary and Artistic Department of Izvestia, the Moscow Soviet’s agitmass department, and was a military correspondent for Pravda.
Serafimovich’s book became the novel “The Iron Stream”, which he wrote two and a half years (published in 1924), trying to convey the truth “… not photographic, but… synthetic, generalized.”
In the 1930s, Serafimovich made a series of essays on collectivization – “On the Don Steppes,” with tales of the past and the present.
During the Patriotic War, despite his advanced age – more than 80 years – went to the front in the area of ​​the Battle of Orel. A. Serafimovich died in Moscow on January 19, 1949.
A short biography from the book: Russian writers and poets. A short biographical dictionary. Moscow, 2000.



