Biography Dudin Mikhail Alexandrovich

(born 1916)

Dudin Mikhail Alexandrovich (born 1916), translator.
He was born on November 20 in the village of Klevnevo, Ivanovo region, in a peasant family. The Dudin family is a kind of buffoons, wandering artists and poets, and probably this determined his vocation. He studied at the school of peasant youth for an agronomist, but the agronomist did not come out of it. He graduated from the Ivanovo textile factory-school, received the specialty of an assistant to a weaving master, but did not become a weaver either. He began to write poetry early, from 1934.
When I was 18, I was drafted into the army, studied in the regimental school of junior commanders, but did not manage to finish it. The war with Finland begins. He was sent to the front (1939 – 40). Creativity became for him “a salvation from fear and savagery”. The first book of poems “Downpour” was published in Ivanovo in 1940.
From May 1940 to December 2, 1941 serves in the garrison of the Gangut peninsula (the Russian name of the peninsula of Hanko), heroically defended from the Finnish troops. In December the garrison is evacuated to Kronstadt. The beginning of the Patriotic War finds Dudin in Leningrad, where he had to survive the beginning of the blockade. Later he works in front-line newspapers.
During the war the collections “Flask” (1943), “Fire at the Crossroads” (1944) were published. In the post-war years he publishes collections: “Consider me a Communist” (1950), “Bridges: Verses from Europe” (1958), “On Demand” (1963).
In the 1970s he worked a lot and successfully, releasing collections of poems quite regularly: “Tatarnik”, “Poems”, “Frontiers”, “Tubercle”, etc. In 19/7 there was a book of essays –
He translates a lot from Georgian, Bashkir, Balkar, Latvian (the collection “5 Sisters and 32 Brothers – All Together. My Anthology”, 1965). In 1986 he published a book of poems and poems “Songs of My Time”.
In 1987 – the poem “Zerna”, in 1989 – the book of poems “The Twentieth Century Ends” and the book published in Yerevan – “Promised Land” (Initiations, Translations, Essays, Verses); in 1991 – poems and poems “Fate”; in 1995 – “Dear blood on the road to God” (poems 1986 – 93). M. Dudin lives and works in St. Petersburg.
A short biography from the book: Russian writers and poets. A short biographical dictionary. Moscow, 2000.

Biography Dudin Mikhail Alexandrovich