“Without guilt guilty” Ostrovsky in brief summary

The action takes place in the second half of the XIX century, in the provincial city, in a poor apartment on the outskirts. Lyubov Ivanovna Otradina, “a girl of noble birth,” who lives by her own labor, sews and talks with the maid. From the conversation it turns out that the beloved of the heroine, the father of her child Murov does not appoint a wedding day. Women are discussing the return to the city of a friend of Otradina, Shelavina, who received a dubious way a huge inheritance from a rich old man and preparing for a wedding. Comes Murov, says that he does not dare to say to the mother, on whom he completely depends, about the intention to marry a non-dowager, informs him of the need to leave for maternal affairs, shows indifference to his son, who has already been three years old and lives with the petty bourgeois Galchikha, who takes the children for education. During the conversation Shelavina comes. Murov, to the surprise of Otradina, hiding from her in the bedroom. Shelavina chats about the wedding, about the dress and shows her friend a photograph of the groom. Otradina recognizes Murov. After the departure of a friend, she angrily expels him. At this time Galchikha runs in with the news that her son Grisha is dying. “Well, now you are completely free,” says Otradina Murova and runs away. “I’m following you,” answers Murov.

The second action takes place in the hotel, after seventeen years. Rich master Dudukin, the patron of actors, awaits the return of the famous actress Elena Ivanovna Kruchinina, touring in the city. Appears prime minister of the local theater Korinkina. She reports on the scandal, arranged by a young actor Neznamov local rich man Mukhoboev. According to the actress, Neznamov “sharp and evil language and the most evil character.” Korinkina leaves, Kruchinina returns, tells Dudukin that she asked the governor to forgive Neznamov and not to expel him from the city. To her inquiries about the young man, Dudukin replies that Grigory Neznamov is illegitimate, was taken to education and taken to Siberia, received some education, but after the death of his adoptive father and second marriage, his widows began to offend and persecute in the house. He ran away, was returned to the stage, hardly corrected any residence permit, joined the troupe and now all the time feared that he would not be sent back to the stage. Kruchinina tells her story, says that when she saw her dying child, she lost consciousness, became ill with diphtheria, and when she recovered, she was told that her son was dead. She was taken to her by a rich distant relative, from whom she lived until her death as a companion, traveled with her, and afterwards inherited some fortune and decided to become an actress. Because she did not see her son in the coffin, everything seems to her that he is alive, she thinks about him, dreams of meeting him. Dudukin persuades her to cherish herself, to give up fantasy and go. no matter how it was sent back to the stage. Kruchinina tells her story, says that when she saw her dying child, she lost consciousness, became ill with diphtheria, and when she recovered, she was told that her son was dead. She was taken to her by a rich distant relative, from whom she lived until her death as a companion, traveled with her, and afterwards inherited some fortune and decided to become an actress. Because she did not see her son in the coffin, everything seems to her that he is alive, she thinks about him, dreams of meeting him. Dudukin persuades her to cherish herself, to give up fantasy and go. no matter how it was sent back to the stage. Kruchinina tells her story, says that when she saw her dying child, she lost consciousness, became ill with diphtheria, and when she recovered, she was told that her son was dead. She was taken to her by a rich distant relative, from whom she lived until her death as a companion, traveled with her, and afterwards inherited some fortune and decided to become an actress. Because she did not see her son in the coffin, everything seems to her that he is alive, she thinks about him, dreams of meeting him. Dudukin persuades her to cherish herself, to give up fantasy and go. at which she lived until her death as a companion, traveled with her, and then inherited some fortune and decided to become an actress. Because she did not see her son in the coffin, everything seems to her that he is alive, she thinks about him, dreams of meeting him. Dudukin persuades her to cherish herself, to give up fantasy and go. at which she lived until her death as a companion, traveled with her, and then inherited some fortune and decided to become an actress. Because she did not see her son in the coffin, everything seems to her that he is alive, she thinks about him, dreams of meeting him. Dudukin persuades her to cherish herself, to give up fantasy and go.

Suddenly Neznamov and Shmaga appear in the room, waiting for Kruchinin in the buffet. On behalf of Neznamov, Shmag reproaches Kruchinin for her intercession, for which she was not asked. Kruchinina apologizes. Neznamov speaks of his grievances, of the reproaches that the comrades in the troupe will pester him. From his reasoning, one can see resentment, disbelief in any kind of good motives of people, since he “walked around the stage without any guilt”, only because of the lack of papers. Upset Kruchinina hotly says that he still saw little in life, kind people, she said, there are many in the world, especially women. She will not cease to help people, although this does not always end in good. Neznamov is struck and touched, and Shmaga demands that Kruchinina pay their bill at the buffet and give “loans.” Embarrassed Neznamov throws him out and apologizes to Kruchinina, which gives him money for a coat for Shmagi. Saying goodbye, he kisses her hand, and she kisses her head. Appears “crazy beggar,” in which Kruchinina recognizes Galchihu. She asks her to show her son’s grave, but the old woman says that the boy recovered, recovering, everyone called for “mom, mom,” and then she gave it to a childless couple for money, Murov approved it and added money to her from himself. More Galchikha can not remember anything. Kruchinina, crying, exclaims: “What villainy!” Murov approved this and added money to her from himself. More Galchikha can not remember anything. Kruchinina, crying, exclaims: “What villainy!” Murov approved this and added money to her from himself. More Galchikha can not remember anything. Kruchinina, crying, exclaims: “What villainy!”

The third action takes place in the theatrical restroom Korinkina. She complains to the first lover Milovzorov that the game Kruchinina captured not only the public, but also the troupe, and you “have your own actress, you must support her.” She conveys Dudukin’s story about Kruchinina’s life, cynically interpreting her fate as a woman’s story of free disposition. She proposes Milovzorova set on Kruchinina Neznamova, podpoiv it and “debunked” in his eyes Kruchinin. He agrees. To visit her Dudukin she advises to arrange an evening in honor of Kruchinina today. Appears Shmaga, assuring that Neznamov “lost the thread in life,” refuses tavern pleasures and admires Kruchinina. After the departure of Dudukin and Shmagi Neznamov appears. Korinkin accepted to flirt with him and persuaded him to go with her to Dudukin’s for the evening. Neznamov and Milovzorov remain alone and talk about Kruchinina, Milovzorov agrees to recognize her acting gift, but gradually retells the version of Korinkin’s life she composed. Neznamov is desperate, but still doubts whether this is true, decides to check everything in the evening and leaves.

Kerinkin, who arrived in Kruchinin, leaves in his closet, the best in the theater, and leaves. Appears Murov, expresses his admiration for the game Kruchinina and asks if she is not rejoice. Confirming his guess, she refuses to talk about herself and demands to say where her son is. Murov, hoping that she does not know about his recovery, is forced to report that he was adopted by a rich merchant. In his story, he mentions that he put on a baby a gold medallion, once given to him by Otradina. After that, he says that his family life was unhappy, but when he was widowed, he inherited the immense state of his wife, and when he saw Kruchinin, he realized what treasure he had lost, and now asks her to become Ms Murova. To all this, Kruchinina answers: “Where is my son? Until I see him, there will not be another conversation between us.”

Again appear Neznamov and Shmaga, talking about Milovzorov’s gossip, which Neznamov then believes, then doubts. He suspects an intrigue here, but Shmaga gradually strengthens him in disbelief to Kruchinina. Extremely excited Neznamov leaves with Shmaga in the inn “Meeting of merry friends.”

The last action takes place in the garden of the estate of Dudukin. Korinkin calls the actors to a snack and slowly instructs Milovzorov to properly “warm up” Neznamov. Kruchinina tells Dudukin about recognizing Galchikha and complains that she can not find any traces of her son. Dudukin tries to calm her down and considers the search hopeless. Appears Murov, Dudukin goes to sit down the guests for the cards, and Murov says that he made inquiries and found out that their son and his adoptive father fell ill and died. Kruchinina does not believe. Then Murov demands that she go away and by her search does not cast a shadow on his reputation in the city, where he has all the business and therefore he can not leave it himself. Otherwise, he threatens her with troubles. Kruchinina responds that she is not afraid of him and will continue to search.

Dudukin invites everyone to dinner. Kruchinina wants to return to the hotel, then she is asked at least to drink on the road champagne. Korinkina tells Neznamova and Shmage that they are not talking about children at the table at Kruchinina. Neznamov sees in this confirmation of the stories about Kruchinina and promises to say “about the adults”. After a solemn speech in honor of Kruchinina and her response speech, in which she shares her success with the whole troupe, Neznamov suddenly pronounces a toast “for mothers who throw their children,” and in a pathetic monologue describes the misfortune of children in need and, most importantly, ridicule. At the same time, he mentions that some people get worse by giving the abandoned child some golden trinket that constantly reminds him of the mother who threw him. Struck Kruchinina rushes to him and takes out of his chest his medallion, with the cry “he, he!” she loses consciousness. Shocked Neznamov promises not to take revenge on anyone for the evil intrigue, because he is now a “child” and asks Kruchinin, who came to himself, where his father is. Looking at the frightened Murov, Kruchinin tells his son: “Your father is not worth looking for,” promises that Neznamov will learn and, with obvious talent, become a good actor, and the mother’s name is no worse than any other.

“Without guilt guilty” Ostrovsky in brief summary