“Well-meaning speech” Saltykov-Shchedrin in summary

In the chapter “For the reader”, the author appears as a frontier worker, shaking hands with representatives of all parties and camps. His acquaintances are darkness-darkening, but they have nothing to look for, except “good intentions,” it would be good to understand them. Let them hate each other, but they often say the same thing. Everyone is concerned about ways to “curb”. The worldview of the vast majority of people is only on this idea and holds, although it is not sufficiently explored and even deceived by fanatics and hypocrites. Therefore, the urgent need of modern society is liberation from liars, for the true heroes of “curbing” are not theoreticians at all, but simpletons. Like lunatics, these latter are resolved to overcome any obstacles and sometimes even perform feats without intending to commit them.

“Why is the story written?” – the author asks the question in the first chapter, which is a road sketch. “Ah, if only then, dear sirs, to ascertain what kind of well-intentioned speeches there are.”

The Russian people became weak in all tiers of modern society. The man is weak, but the enlightened master is no better, the German is overwhelming him everywhere. It hurts we are simple! “But, as often happens, Russians are inflated when buying not because they are stupid, but because they do not come to mind that in a country where there are police everywhere, fraud is possible.” Do not be a fool! “This is pathetic and impudent the word “fool” directly and indirectly persecutes the author as a panegyric to fraud, which appropriates the name of the mind.

A good administrative official, to whom big bosses bet, is distinguished by the innate nature of conservative beliefs and the combat readiness for the first trumpet sound to go wherever they are sent. The bureaucrat of the newest temper is Derzhimorda, “a brushed, smoothed, straightened joker, ready to eat his own father with porridge.” It is impossible to imagine any Russian boss who would have treated him with irony, with reservations, this is a pompadour, which is always serious or recklessly amykoshonstvuet.

Good administration of Russia requires spies. But the Russian spy for some reason, crumbling, it’s about him said: “He is drying in the water dries.” He never knows what he needs, and therefore he overhears in vain. And once overhearing, everything falls into one pile. He is ignorant, amazed at trifles and frightened of ordinary things, passing them through the crucible of his unbridled imagination.

The candid confessions of Nikolai Batishchev in the letters to her mother let you know that in the civil service it is necessary to zealously, but to know the measure. Wanting to become a prosecutor, with one name whose criminals will tremble, Batishev, as an assistant from the heart, cooks cases for the innocent and categorically supports all the strict indictments. When asked to deal with the “Society for the anticipation of the Harmony of the Future”, in whose lists fifteen people, who call for patiently endure the calamities of the present, Batishev attracts up to a hundred people in this case. His diligence confuses even the tempted general. Having understood his worthlessness to the prosecutor’s case, the young man, cursing fate and his “honesty”, resigns.

Who are the pillars of modern society? Where are their roots, what is their origin, how much money do they own? Here is an example, Osip Ivanovich Derunov, who kept an inn, through which hundreds of people passed and passed. On a ten-kopeck piece, according to the five-atyty man, Derunov accumulated a considerable fortune, which enabled him to open his own large farm, to acquire a factory. At the last meeting with him in St. Petersburg, the narrator hardly recognizes him in a fur coat trimmed with light sable fur. Accepting the proud pose of an aristocrat, he slips two fingers in an inarticulate gesture in greeting. Inviting a writer who, unfortunately, not Turgenev, he wants to please a languid, white wife, who takes in the living room reclining in the expensive negligee of four “kalegvards”. Evaluating the society in which he fell, the writer has fantasized ” incident in the Abuzza mountains, “a story worthy of a Russian writer who fascinates the lady with his adventures. In spite of the luxury and wealth of the new situation, the narrator remembers with regret that Derunov, who did not take off the old-blue blue frock coat, helped him convince the German negotiator in his thoroughness However, with the disappearance of the former situation surrounding Derunova, the mystery of squeezing a penny from a guest, partner and interlocutor disappears, and now he arrogantly desires to plunder, and this can not be hidden in any way m means. helped him convince the German-negotiator in his thoroughness. True, with the disappearance of the former situation surrounding Derunova, the mystery of squeezing a penny from a guest, partner and interlocutor disappears. Now he arrogantly longs for robbery, and this can not be hidden in any way. helped him convince the German-negotiator in his thoroughness. True, with the disappearance of the former situation surrounding Derunova, the mystery of squeezing a penny from a guest, partner and interlocutor disappears. Now he arrogantly longs for robbery, and this can not be hidden in any way.

The author, nicknamed Gambetta, that is, “a man who has been sung who does not recognize anything sacred”, has to talk on a woman’s issue with a responsible official from former classmates Te-Benkov, who calls himself a Westerner and a liberal. However, he is not even a liberal, but a conservative. In general, his ignorance is more precious to him in a woman, he sees in him well-intentionedness. Can a woman get any real benefit from all sorts of permissions, permits, knowledge? He can not, he is convinced, be a better woman than a man. Well, if more women are involved in reform and revolution, then there is nothing to write about. All their “dignities”, manifested at the level of the family, will come out. We will have to change all the ideas about virtue, the magnificent victories of women over adultery, the maintenance of family ties, the upbringing of children. ” And what will become of us who can not exist without pampering a woman? “The pillar of Russian liberalism Tebenkov is ready to accept on their behalf not any but an arbitration decision.” My system is very simple: never to allow anything directly and never “In his view, a woman, especially a pretty one, has the privilege of being capricious, wanting diamond jewelry and furs, but she should not talk about the amniotic fluid and Sechenov’s theories, otherwise she will seem” unintentional ” .

Maria Petrovna Volovitinova has three sons: Senichka, Mitenka and Fedenka. Senichka is a general, Mitenka is a diplomat, and Fedenka does not serve, he is simply “an empty little and positive Jerga.” And only the last child-loving mother wants to leave a large inheritance, so she is irritated by other children and relatives. The “robber” beginning in her last son is very pleasing to her, and she forgives him everything and is ready to give her, to fear and horror, the eldest son-general, who unsuccessfully dreams and during his lifetime receives something from her as a gift.

Correspondence of Sergei Prokaznin with his mother Natalie de Prokisnik shows how women are perceptive, know how to correctly instruct their sons and positively be intelligent. Wandering with his regiment Sergei Prokazin in his spare time from training exercises has the pleasure and love, and drag, and even have on sight a third older lady, a widow who shows him an unusual interest. A subtle observer and psychologist, the mother, not without knowledge of the female nature, instructs the son in his hearty politics, telling something about his French lovers. She does not particularly like the son’s intention without long conversations “to make” Trhrah! “And end it once and for all.” The salon of a true secular woman is not an arena or a refuge for miserable pleasures. Correspondence of the son with the mother could continue for a very long time,

The story of Maria Petrovna Promptova, cousin Mashenka, allows us to make a sad conclusion that the marriages of young girls with elderly, slow-thinking husbands do not do them good. From clever and pretty, benevolent and interested, they turn into calculating and sleepy-patriarchal, closed to good speeches. The stubborn observance of all the Old Testament prescriptions of the spouse, the assimilation of the passion for accumulation, makes once a cheerful cousin Mashenka a monster, crippling the fate of his own son. The airy creature turned into a hypocrite, a hypocrite, a miser.

In search of an ideal and an opportunity to lay the foundations of a new “unhealthy Russian life,” it would be good for fellow citizens to have a clear idea of ​​the state, about why it is needed at all. “On the question: what is the state? Some mix it with the fatherland, others with the law, third with the treasury, the fourth, the vast majority – with the bosses.” Public feelings are often absent, everyone is occupied with observing one’s own interest and own profit, so other suppliers can put on the Russian army in boots with cardboard soles, starve and send with a talentless boss to where there will be no return. Noise in talking about serving the country is a lot, but in fact patriotism turns into a gross betrayal, and those responsible for it are transferred to another job. The people are a child, kind, clever, but to deceive him, it’s worthless to circle your finger. Russia is overflowed with the withering forces and means of “well-intentioned” officials.

“Well-meaning speech” Saltykov-Shchedrin in summary