In the house of Ivan Petrovich Shuisky, in the presence of many clerics and some boyars, they decide to divorce Fyodor Ioannovich with the Tsarina, Godunova’s sister, thanks to whom, by all accounts, Boris is holding. They make a paper, where, remembering the barrenness of the queen and the young Demetrius, they ask the king to remarry. Golovin hints to Shuisky on the possibility of putting Dimitry instead of Fedor, but receives a stern rebuff. Princess Mstislavskaya updates the guests, drinking Feodor’s health. Shakhovskoy, the groom of Mstislavskaya, matchmaker Volokhova calls the place of a secret meeting. Ivan Petrovich sends a petition to the metropolitan, lamenting the need to destroy the queen. Fedyuk Starkov, his butler, reports on the seen Godunov. He, having received from Uglich information about the intercourse of Golovin with Naked and seeing the threat of his power, declares his followers, Lup-Kleshnin and Prince Touraine, about the decision to reconcile with Shuisky. Fyodor comes, complaining at the stabbing horse. Queen Irene appears, to whom Fyodor slyly informs about the beautiful Mstislavskaya, seen by him in the church, and immediately assures the queen that she is the most beautiful for him. Godunov speaks of the desire to reconcile with Shuisky, and the king gladly undertakes to arrange the matter.
Fedor announces his intention to reconcile Godunov with Shuisky and asks for help from Metropolitan Dionysius and other clerics. Dionysius rebukes Godunov in the oppression of the church, condescension to heretics and the renewal of collection of taxes, from which the church was liberated. Godunov presents him with protective letters and reports on the undertaken persecutions for heresy. The king asks for support from Irina and the boyars. Accompanied by the people’s enthusiasm, Ivan Petrovich Shuisky comes. Fyodor reproaches him with the non-attendance of the Duma, Shuisky is dissuaded from the impossibility of supporting Godunov. Fyodor, remembering the Scriptures and calling on witnesses of clerics, speaks about the benefits of reconciliation, and humble Godunov offers Shuisky a concord. Shuisky reproaches him for not wanting to share the government of the state, that John bequeathed to five boyars: Zakharin, Mstislavsky, Belsky, Godunov and Shuisky. Godunov, justifying himself, speaks of the pride of Shuisky, that he took advantage of the individual power for the benefit of Russia, to which the evidence also leads; he adds that the difficult task of putting the disordered state in order has only been unsuccessful for Shuisky. And when Ivan Petrovich calls his metropolitan adherent, he reports on the actions of Godunov in favor of the church and inclines Shuisky to peace. Irina, showing the embroidered cover for the Pskov shrine, admits that this is her prayer vow for the rescue of Shuisky, besieged once by the Lithuanians in Pskov. The agitated Shuisky is ready to forget the former enmity, but demands from Godunov security guarantees to his associates. Godunov swears and kisses the cross. Invite the elective from the crowd brought Shuisky. Fedor talks to the old man and does not know how to stop him; in his nephew he recognizes the merchant Krasilnikov, who had recently been bears his bear, recalls his brother Dove, who won in the fist fight of Shakhovsky, – not once Godunov and Shuisky manage to return the tsar to what the elect have been called for. Shuisky announced a reconciliation with Godunov, the merchants are worried, Shuisky is annoyed by a lack of confidence in the man who just vowed on the cross. The merchants ask for protection from the tsar’s Godunov, but he sends them to Boris. Boris orders to write down the names of merchants.
At night in the garden of Shuisky Princess Mstislavskaya with Vasilisa Volokhova waiting Shakhovskoy. He comes, talks about love, about the impatience with which he waits for the wedding, laughs at her and jokes with her. Krasilnikov comes running, letting in, Shakhovskaya disappears, calls Ivan Petrovich and informs that all those who were with the tsar were seized by the order of Godunov. Stunned Shuisky ordered to raise Moscow to Godunov. He hiccupped about Dimitri Golovin, he abruptly breaks off and, stating that Boris deceived himself, he goes to the king. The remaining boyars meanwhile discuss the petition, seeking a new queen. Vasily Shuisky calls the Princess Mstislavskaya. Her brother does not decide at once, wanting to find at least an excuse for a quarrel with Shakhovsky. While he hesitates, Golovin inscribes the name of the princess into the petition. Appears Shakhovskoy, declaring that the bride will not give up. The princess and Volokhova are also found. With a general scream, mutual threats and reproaches, Shakhovskaya grabs the letter and runs away. Godunov presents the state papers to the tsar, whose contents he does not give into, but agrees with Boris’s decisions. Tsarina Irina talks about a letter from Uglich from the widowed tsarina with a request to return with Dimitri to Moscow. Fedor was entrusting the case to Boris, but Irina requires the decision of “family business” from him; Fedor argues with Boris and is irritated by his persistence. Shuisky comes, complains of Godunov. He does not open, explaining that the merchants are not taken for the past, but for trying to upset the world between him and Shuisky. The Tsar is ready to forgive Godunov, believing that they simply did not understand each other, but the inexorable demand that he leave the Tsarevich in Uglich finally angers the king. Godunov says that he gives way to Shuisky, Fyodor begs him to stay, Shuisky, hurt by the behavior of the king, leaves. Kleshnin brings a letter from Golovin Nagim sent from Uglich, Godunov shows it to the Tsar, demanding that Shuisky be taken into custody and, perhaps, be executed. In case of refusal, he threatens to retire. Shocked Fedor after a long hesitation refused Godunov’s services.
Ivan Petrovich Shuisky consoles Princess Mstislavskaya: he will not allow her marriage with the tsar and hopes that Shakhovskoy will not report on them. Having dismissed the princess, he accepts the boyars and fleeing Krasilnikov and the Dove and, assuming the displacement of the feeble Fedor and the enthronement of Demetrius, determines each task. The defunct Godunov, sitting at home, asks Kleshnin about Volokhova, and repeats many times, “so that she bears a prince.” Kleshnin sends Volokhov to UGLICH with a new mother, orders him to take care, and hints that if the suffering tsarevich, the sufferer, kills himself, she will not be asked. Meanwhile, Fedor can not understand the papers presented to him. Kleshnin comes and informs that Boris is sick of the disorder, and Shuisky must immediately be imprisoned for intending to elevate Dimitri to the throne. Fyodor does not believe. Enter Shuisky, to whom Fedor speaks of the denunciation and asks him to be justified. The prince refuses, the king insists, Kleshnin teases. Shuisky confesses to the insurgency. Fyodor, fearing that Godunov would punish Shuisky for treason, declares that he himself ordered the prince to be placed on the throne, and displaces the shocked Shuisky from the room. In the royal chambers bursts into Shakhovskaya and asks him to return the bride to him. Fedor, having caught the signature of Ivan Petrovich Shuisky, weeps and does not listen to Irina’s arguments about the absurdity of the paper. Barring Irina from the insults, he signed Borisov’s order, plunging into horror her and Shakhovskoy. On the bridge across the river the old man rebels the people for Shuisky, the gusliar sings about his valor. A messenger is passing by with the news of the Tatars’ advance. Prince Tourainein with the archers leads Shuisky to prison. The people, pummeled by the old man, want to free Shuisky, but he talks about his guilt before the “saints”
Kleshnin reports to Godunov that the Shuiskys and their supporters are imprisoned, and introduces Vasili Ivanovich Shuisky. He turns the matter as if he had started a petition for the good of Godunov. Realizing that Shuisky is in his hands, Godunov lets him go. Tsarina Irina comes to intercede for Ivan Petrovich. Godunov, realizing that Shuisky will not stop him contradicting, is adamant. On the square in front of the cathedral beggars talk about the change of the Metropolitan, who was not welcome to Godunov, about the execution of merchants who stood behind Shuisky. Tsarina Irina leads Mstislavskaya to ask for Shuisky. From the cathedral goes Fedor, having served a requiem for Tsar Ivan. Princess rushes to his feet. Fedor sends Prince Touraine for Shuisky. But Toulinin reports that Shuisky struck himself at night, he blamed that he had overlooked. Fedor rushes to Touraineau, accusing him of killing Shuisky, and threatens him with execution. The messenger brings a letter from Uglich about the death of the Tsarevich. The shaken king wants to find out the truth himself. There comes a message about the approaching khan and the imminent siege of Moscow. Godunov proposes to send Kleshnin and Vasily Shuisky, and Fyodor is assured of Godunov’s innocence. Princess Mstislavskaya says she intends to get a haircut. Fyodor, on the advice of his wife, is going to hand over the brunt of the government to Boris and, remembering his intention to “all agree, smooth everything,” mourns his fate and his royal debt.
“Tsar Fyodor Ioannovich” by Tolstoy in short summary