The action of the first novel of the trilogy “Sign of the Leuvencheldes” takes place at the estate of Hedeby, which the old General Lewenscold receives as a reward from King Charles XII for his faithful service in the war. After the death of the famous general, carrying out the will of the deceased, the ring, also a royal gift, is placed in his coffin. The family crypt remains open for several days, which allows the peasant Bordson to steal a jewel at night. After seven years, the illegal owner of the ring is dying. All these years he was haunted by misfortunes and misfortunes: the manor was burned, the cattle fell from the pogo and the Bordsson became impoverished like Job. The pastor, who confessed the peasant before his death, finds out about his sin and receives the missing ring. The son of the deceased, Ingilbert, who overhears a confession, causes the pastor to give the ring to him. In a few days, Ingilbert is found dead in the forest. Three travelers, accidentally passing by and discovering the body, are suspected of murder, and although they do not find a ring, they are sentenced to death. About thirty years later Marit, the bride of one of the executed, suddenly finds a knitted cap at the bottom of the chest, in which the ring of Levenskiold was sewn. How did he get there? Martha, Ingilbert’s sister, recognizes the brother’s hat. Marit decides to return the ill-fated ring to the young Levensheld, Baron Adrian, sewing a jewel in his cap. Since that time, Hedebyu’s estate has been disturbed. Both the maids and the masters are convinced that the ghost of the old general lives in the house. Baron Adrian is seriously ill. The doctor says that he has only a few hours left to live. But in the house lives in love with the young Levenskiold housekeeper Malvina Spaak, who does everything possible to save his beloved. On the advice of Marit, she relates Adrian’s clothes and puts it in the grave of the old general. As soon as the ring returns to its real owner, Hadrian’s illness passes, peace reigns in the house.
Action of the second novel of the trilogy “Charlotte Levensheld” occurs in Karlstad, its heroes are the family of Baroness Beata Eckenstedt of the genus Levensheld. This educated, charming and surrounded by universal worship of a woman has two daughters and a son. Son, Karla-Arthur, she worships. He passes the entrance exams to the famous University of Uppsala brilliantly, standing out among his classmates with intelligence and erudition. Once a week he sends letters home, and the baroness reads them aloud to all relatives at Sunday lunch. The son is convinced that his mother could become a great poetess, she did not consider it her duty to live only for children and her husband; love and admiration are imbued with all his letters. At the University, Karl-Arthur meets Freeman, an ardent supporter of pietism, and falls under his influence. Therefore, having received a master’s degree and becoming a doctor of philosophy, he also stands the test of the pastor. Parents did not like that son had chosen such a modest career.
Karl-Arthur takes a place in a pastoral manor in Korschurk and becomes an Adjunct Pastor. The pastor and the pastor are elderly people, they wander about the house like shadows, but their distant relative, Charlotte Levencheld, the gay, cheerful, lively, brisk tongue, taken into the house by her companion, breathed new life into them. Charlotte is well versed in everything relating to pastoral duties, so she teaches Karl-Arthur how to baptize children and how to speak in prayer meetings. Young people fall in love with each other and announce their engagement. Charlotte understands that a decent salary is needed to marry Carl-Arthur, and she tries to convince the groom to talk about the teaching post, but he does not want to hear about it. Therefore, one day, wanting to intimidate Karl-Arthur, the girl publicly declares that, despite the love of the groom, if the rich man-owner Shagerstrem woo to her, she will not refuse him. Karl-Arthur, along with the guests, laughs at the words of Charlotte, taking them for a joke.
Before the Shagerström, incautious words are dropped, dropped by the girl, and he decides to get acquainted with her. In the pastor’s homestead, the Shagerström is warmly welcomed, because both the pastor and the pastor are against the engagement of Charlotte with a man who resolutely refuses to think about the maintenance of the family. But the proud Charlotte is offended and throws with indignation Shagerstrem: “How did you dare come here and ask for my hand, if you know that I’m engaged?” The worthy rebuff of the Freken Lewenscold is even more available to her the richest man in Korschurk. Carl-Arthur also doubts the bride and suspects that she refused Shagerström only because she hopes to see the pastor-adjunct in the future as the abbot of the cathedral or even the bishop. Charlotte, after listening to accusations of double-dealing and self-interest, does not consider it necessary to justify himself. Young people quarrel, and Carl-Arthur exclaims angrily that now he will marry only the one whom God himself will choose for him, meaning by this that his wife will be the first unmarried woman to meet him on the way. The choice falls on Anna Sverd, a poor peddler from Dalakarlia, a remote mountainous area, a young and beautiful girl. She will not hesitate to join her fate with a man who would like to remain a poor man for life, rejecting wealth and earthly goods, – so argues Karl-Arthur. Dalekarlik, just barely recovering from the unexpected proposal, not believing his happiness, cherishes the dream of living in his own house in prosperity and contentment. The choice falls on Anna Sverd, a poor peddler from Dalakarlia, a remote mountainous area, a young and beautiful girl. She will not hesitate to join her fate with a man who would like to remain a poor man for life, rejecting wealth and earthly goods, – so argues Karl-Arthur. Dalekarlik, just barely recovering from the unexpected proposal, not believing his happiness, cherishes the dream of living in his own house in prosperity and contentment. The choice falls on Anna Sverd, a poor peddler from Dalakarlia, a remote mountainous area, a young and beautiful girl. She will not hesitate to join her fate with a man who would like to remain a poor man for life, rejecting wealth and earthly goods, – so argues Karl-Arthur. Dalekarlik, just barely recovering from the unexpected proposal, not believing his happiness, cherishes the dream of living in his own house in prosperity and contentment.
Meanwhile, Shagerstrem, learning about the gap between Charlotte and Karl-Arthur, tries to reconcile the young, believing that their happiness is destroyed through his fault. He offers Karl-Arthur the place of the factory pastor in the mines, but the young man rejects such a profitable proposal. By this time, the assistant pastor had already managed to wake up in his ward. Possessing the gift of eloquence, the young priest attracts parishioners by heartfelt sermons that gather from afar for Sunday service and catch every word with a sinking heart. Charlotte, who continues to love Karl-Arthur and is seriously experiencing the termination of the engagement, nevertheless causes the surrounding dislike and serves as an object of ridicule and mockery. It’s Toa Sundler, the organist’s wife, in love with Karl-Arthur. A woman hypocritical and insidious, she sees her enemy in Charlotte. It was she who unequivocally hinted to Karl-Arthur that Charlotte had repented of her refusal to Shagerstrem and had quarreled with the bridegroom intentionally that he would terminate the engagement. In this malicious slander, Thea forced to believe not only Karl-Arthur, but all those around her. Charlotte tries to write to Baroness Eckenstedt, the only person in the world who understands her, a letter and tell the whole truth about what happened, but after reading it, the girl notices that, in order to prove her own innocence, she portrays the actions of Karl-Arthur in a very unattractive manner. Charlotte is incapable of inflicting grief on her adored unfortunate mother-in-law, so she destroys the letter and silently suffers in vain for peace between her mother and her son. But peace in the family of Ekenstedt has already been broken. When the Baroness finds out about the son’s intention to marry a far-flung, she, She saw Charlotte only once, but managed to fall in love with an independent and intelligent girl, in every way prevents this marriage. The unyielding Karl-Arthur, not wishing to yield to his parents and breaking with them, marries Anna Sverd.
The young wife hopes for a separate pastoral mansion with a servant in the house and a large farm. What was her disappointment when she saw the little house consisting of a room and a kitchen, and found out that she had to do herself, to cook, to heat an oven and everything else in the house. All hopes crumble in an instant. In addition, Thea Sundler, whom Karl-Arthur regards as his friend and trusted with the arrangement of his new home, causes sharp pain to Anne Sverd. The girl sees an old single sofa in the kitchen, and Thea explains that it will be convenient for her to sleep here. The unfortunate farkarlyka immediately understands that in this house she is destined for the role of maid. She despairs, not finding understanding and love from Karl-Arthur, and only her strong, hardworking nature helps her to withstand the test. She has no time to delve into her own spiritual torments,
Now Anna Sverd comes to life: she gives all her strength and love to the children, and the kids pay her back. The house is full of work, laughter does not stop, but Karl-Arthur is unhappy with the fact that children’s noise interferes with his studies. And one day he informs his wife that he gives the children their distant relatives who do not mind it. Anna is heartbroken, the burden of parting with children is unbearable for her, and she leaves Karl-Arthur. Learning that she will have a child, she goes to the baroness and gets the money she needs to buy her own house.
Charlotte Leuvencheld, who married Shagerstrem, nevertheless is interested in the life of Karl-Arthur. Therefore, upon learning that he had decided to distribute orphans, she was very surprised by this inhuman behavior. The astute Charlotte realizes that Karl-Arthur did not have this influence without Thei Sundler. She meets with Karl-Arthur, trying to protect him from this cruel and vindictive woman, but sees that before her is another person and it is unlikely to save him.
Once Charlotte invites to visit her distant relative, Baron Adrian Levenscold, the wealthy owner of Hedeby. He tells her about the terrible death of his brother, Yeran, who has long led a dissolute life, wandered with gypsies and froze at night in his tent. Yearan had a daughter left, and Adrian, knowing that Charlotte had no children, suggested that she take the girl to be raised. Charlotte agrees with pleasure, but the child is kidnapped. Charlotte and Adrian are haunted by thieves, and on the way Adrian recounts his memories. In his father, Adrian, was in love with Malvina Spaak, and she owed her life. Therefore, Adrian the elder sharply condemned his sons when he realized that they disliked Teja Sundr, the daughter of Malvina. Moreover, when Yeran began to frighten Teja with the ghost of the old general, and she told her mother about everything, except exit from home,
From that very time, the vagabond life began in Yeran. Adrian believes that it was little Teja who condemned Yeran to death in a ditch by the wayside. In addition, Adrian reports that the kid was kidnapped by none other than Karl-Arthur. It turns out that he has long since descended, mired in lies, crimes, poverty. This is promoted by Thea Sundler, who has long shared his destiny. Saving the child, Adrian perishes, Karl-Arthur miraculously remains alive thanks to Charlotte. Teja tries to return Karl-Arthur by force, but Charlotte saves him and takes him away from this low, capable of suffering women alone.
Eight years passed, and in 1850 Carl-Arthur returned to Korschyurk from Africa, where he was a missionary. At last he has found his real place in life, now he has learned to love his neighbors. When Anna Sverd heard his sermon and felt the kindness in every word of his, she realized that this was the same person “to whom she had once sent bows with migrating birds.”
“The Trilogy of the Levenscheeds” S. Lagerlief in brief