The summary of the play by AN Ostrovsky “Poverty is not a vice”

Main characters:
Gordei Karpich Tortsov is a rich merchant.
Pelageya Yegorovna is his wife.
Lyubov Gordeyevna is their daughter.
We love Karpich Tortsov – his brother, got lost.
African Savzhich Korshunov – the manufacturer.
Mitya is the steward of Tortsov.
The action takes place in a county town, in the house of merchant Tortsov, during Svyatok.

Mitya in her room misses her lover. Appeared Pelageya Yegorovna tells him about the friendship of her husband with the manufacturer Korshunov. Mitya confesses to Guslin Yasha, nephew of Gordei Karpich, that he loves Lyubov Gordeevna, who then in a note speaks about the reciprocity of his feelings. Mitya wrote her poems. Then Lyubim Tortsov, brother of Gordei Karpich comes to him, asks him to let him get warm and tells his story. When he was about twenty, he shared his father’s inheritance with his brother: Gordei took himself an institution, and gave him his share of money, tickets and bills. Lyubim went to Moscow to get money on tickets, but squandered all his fortune. He entrusted the remaining last money to his friend Afrikan Korshunov on parole, but he deceived him. It was necessary to Lyubim Tortsov to go to the street with a buffoon to beg. Once in the winter he caught a cold, good people took him to the hospital, where he realized that it was no longer possible to live like this. I decided to go to my brother, so that he took him even at the janitors. He fell at his feet, saying that now he wants to take up his mind, but his brother drove him away.

Gordei Karpych Tortsov agrees to extradite her daughter to Moscow factory owner Afrikan Savchich Korshunov, who offers them to move to Moscow. Lyubov Gordeyevna agrees, because she is afraid to contradict her father, although the groom is much older than she. Mitya decides to leave forever from the house of Tortsov to his mother, says goodbye to everyone. She suggests Lyubov Gordeevna secretly to go with him and get married, but she refuses to do it without a parental blessing.

But then suddenly Lyubim Karpych Tortsov appears and tells all the guests the truth about Korshunov in his presence. African Savvich resents himself and declares that Gordei Karpich must now come to him and bow himself so that he agrees to marry his daughter. Indignant Tortsov shouts that this will never happen, he is ready to give his daughter in marriage for anyone and arrange a magnificent wedding. At this time Mitya appears and forgives Lyubov Gordeevna’s hands for him, admitting that they love each other. He agrees after some hesitation.

The summary of the play by AN Ostrovsky “Poverty is not a vice”