In the house of the wealthy squire Olverti, where he lives with his sister Bridget, throw up the baby. Squire, a few years ago, lost his wife and children, decides to raise a child as a son. Soon he manages to find the mother of the foundling, a poor country woman Jenny Jones. Olwerti can not learn the name of the boy’s father from her, but since Jenny repents of her deed, the squire does not refer the case to the court, but only sends Jenny out of her native places, having previously lent her a large sum. Olwerty continues to search for the father of the child. Suspicion of his falls on the village teacher Partridge, in which Jenny for a long time took lessons in Latin. At Olverti’s insistence, the case is brought to court. The teacher’s wife, who had long been jealous of him for Jenny, accuses her husband of all mortal sins, and no one doubts that the teacher is the father of the boy.
The squire’s sister, Bridget, is married to Captain Blayfil, and they have a son. Tom Jones, a foundling who has won the love of Olverti, is brought up with the young Blayfil, but the greedy and envious captain, fearing that Olwerty’s fortune will pass to the foundling, hates him, trying to discredit the boy in any way in the eyes of his named father. After a while the captain suddenly dies, and Bridget becomes a widow. From an early age, Tom is not distinguished by exemplary behavior. Incidentally, Blayfilu – not for years restrained, pious and diligent – Tom does not show zeal in his studies and his prose always brings anxiety to Olverty and Bridget. Despite this, everyone in the house loves finding for his kindness and responsiveness. Blayfil never takes part in Tom’s games, but condemns his tricks and does not miss the opportunity to read for improper pastime. But Tom never gets angry with him and sincerely loves Blythil as a sibling.
Since childhood, Tom is friends with Sophia, the daughter of a neighbor, Olverti – the wealthy squire of Western. They spend a lot of time together and become inseparable friends.
For the education of young men, Olwerti invites the theologian Twakoma and the philosopher Screweur to the house, who present to their pupils one requirement: they must mindlessly cram their lessons and not have their own opinion. Blayfil from the very first days of winning their sympathy, as diligently learns by heart all their instructions. But Tom is not interested in repeating behind the arrogant and arrogant mentors written truths, and he finds other activities for himself.
Tom spends all his free time in the house of a poor caretaker whose family is dying of hunger. The young man tries to help the unfortunate as far as possible, giving them all his pocket money. Learning that Tom had sold his Bible and the horse Olverti gave him, and the money he had given to the guardian’s family, Blayfil and the two teachers angrily attacked the young man, considering him an act worthy of blame, while Olverty was touched by the kindness of his pet. There is another reason that makes Tom spend so much time in the caretaker’s family: he is in love with Molly, one of his daughters. Carefree and frivolous girl immediately takes his courtship, and soon her family learns that Molly is pregnant. This message is instantly distributed throughout the district. Sophia Western, who has long loved Tom, is in despair. He, however, accustomed to seeing in her only a friend of her children’s games, only now notices how she blossomed. Imperceptibly for himself, Tom more and more attached to the girl, and over time, this attachment grows into love. Tom is deeply unhappy, because he understands that now he is obliged to marry Molly. However, the business takes an unexpected turn: Tom finds Molly in the arms of his teacher, the philosopher Squire. After a while, Tom learns that Molly is not pregnant at all from him, by virtue of which she considers herself free from any obligations to her. However, the business takes an unexpected turn: Tom finds Molly in the arms of his teacher, the philosopher Squire. After a while, Tom learns that Molly is not pregnant at all from him, by virtue of which she considers herself free from any obligations to her. However, the business takes an unexpected turn: Tom finds Molly in the arms of his teacher, the philosopher Squire. After a while, Tom learns that Molly is not pregnant at all from him, by virtue of which she considers herself free from any obligations to her.
Meanwhile, squire Olverty is seriously ill. Sensing the approach of the end, he gives the last orders about the inheritance. Only Tom, who fervently loves his named father, is inconsolable, whereas all the rest, including Blayfil, are concerned only with their share in the inheritance. A messenger arrives in the house and brings a message that Bridget Olverti, who had been away from the estate for several days, died suddenly. By the evening of the same day the squire is getting better and he is clearly on the mend. Tom is so happy that even Bridget’s death can not overshadow his joy. Wishing to celebrate the recovery of the father named, he gets drunk drunk, which causes condemnation of others.
Squire Western wants to marry his daughter to Blayfil. This seems to him an extremely profitable business, since Blayfil is the heir of most of the state of Olverti. Even without being interested in the daughter’s opinion. Western is in a hurry to obtain consent for marriage from Olverti. The wedding day has already been appointed, but Sophia unexpectedly for her father announces to him that he will never become the wife of Blayfil. An angry father locked her in the room, hoping that she would come to her senses.
At this time, Blayfil, who from the very childhood secretly hated Tom, since he feared that most of the inheritance would pass to the foundling, the treacherous plan is ripe. Exaggerating, he tells the squire about Tom’s misbehavior on the very day that Olverti was a hair’s breadth from death. As all the servants were witnessing the lush fun of Tom’s drunk, Blayfil manages to convince the squire that Tom was happy with his near death and that he will soon be in possession of a considerable fortune. Believing Blythefil, the angry squire expels Tom from the house.
Tom writes a farewell letter to Sophia, realizing that, despite his fervent love for her, now that he is doomed to wandering and beggarly life, he has no right to count on her location and ask for her hand. Tom leaves the estate, intending to go to the sailors. Sophia, desperate to beg her father not to marry her to Blaifil, hates her, runs away from home.
In a provincial hotel, Tom accidentally meets Partridge, the same teacher whom Olverti once expelled from his village, considering him the father of the foundling. Partridge convinces the young man that he suffered innocently, and asks permission to accompany Tom in his wanderings.
On the way to the city of Upton, Tom rescues a woman, a Mrs. Waters, from the hands of a rapist. In the city hotel Mrs. Waters, who immediately liked the handsome Tom, easily seduces him.
At this time Sophia, who is heading to London, hoping to find shelter with an old friend of their family, also stops at the hotel in the Eton and gladly learns that Tom is among the guests. However, hearing that he betrayed her, an angry girl, in a sign that she knew everything about the behavior of her lover, left his muff in his room and left Upton in tears. By a fluke, Sophia’s cousin, Mrs. Fitzpatrick, who had escaped from her husband, scoundrel and debauchee, also stopped at the same hotel. She offers Sofya together to hide from the pursuers. In fact, right after the departure of the runaways, the infuriated father of Sophia and Mr. Fitzpatrick arrive at the hotel.
In the morning Tom guessed why Sophia did not want to see him, and left the hotel in despair, hoping to catch up with her lover and get her forgiveness.
In London, Sophia finds Lady Bellaston. She accepts the girl warmly and, hearing her sad story, promises her help.
Tom and Partridge soon also arrive in London. After much searching, Tom manages to attack the lover’s track, but her cousin and Lady Bellaston prevent him from meeting Sophia. Lady Bellaston has her reasons: despite the fact that she is fit in Tom’s mother, she falls passionately in love with him and tries to seduce the young man. Tom guesses what the lady wants from him, but nevertheless he does not refuse to meet with her, and even takes money and presents from her, for he has no choice: first, he hopes to find out where Sofia is, and secondly, he has no means of subsistence. However, in relations with Lady Bellaston, Tom manages to keep the distance. Finally, Tom accidentally meets the beloved, but she, after listening to the assurances of eternal love and faithfulness, rejects Tom, because he can not forgive him treason. Tom is in despair.
In the house where Tom and Partridge rent a room, Mr. Nightingale lives, with whom Tom immediately became friends. Nightingale and Nancy – the daughter of their mistress, Mrs. Miller, love each other. Tom learns from a friend that Nancy is pregnant with him. But Nightingale can not marry her, because she is afraid of her father, who found a rich bride for him and, wanting to take his dowry, insists on an immediate wedding. Nightingale obeys fate and secretly moves away from Mrs. Miller, leaving Nancy a letter explaining the reasons for her disappearance. Tom learns from Mrs. Miller that her Nancy, who is fond of Nightingale, having received his farewell letter, has already tried to put her hands on herself. Tom goes to the father of his frivolous friend and announces to him that he is already married to Nancy. Nightingale Sr. resigns before the inevitability, and Mrs. Miller and her daughter are hurriedly preparing for the wedding. From now on, Nancy and her mother consider Tom their savior.
Lady Bellaston, madly in love with Tom, constantly demands from him visits. Realizing how much he owed her. Tom can not refuse her. But her harassment soon becomes unbearable to him. Naidenysh offers a friend a clever plan: he must write her a letter with a proposal of the hand and heart. Since Lady Bellaston believes with the opinion of the world and does not dare to marry a man who is half her age, she will have to refuse Tom, and he, having taken advantage of this, will have the right to stop all relations with her. The plan succeeds, but the angry lady decides to take revenge on Tom.
For Sophia, who still lives in her house, the rich Lord Fellamar is courting. He makes her an offer, but receives a refusal. The insidious lady Bellaston explains to the lord that the girl is in love with the poor beggar; If the lord succeeds in getting rid of the opponent, Sofia’s heart will be free.
Tom visits Mrs. Fitzpatrick to talk to her about Sophia. Leaving her house, he encounters her husband. A furious jealous who finally attacked the runaway track and found out where she lives, takes a young man for her lover and insults him. Tom is forced to draw a sword and accept the challenge. When Fitzpatrick falls, pierced by Tom’s sword, they are suddenly surrounded by a group of hefty fellows. They grab Tom, hand him over to the constable, and he ends up in jail. It turns out that Fellamar sent several sailors and ordered them to recruit Tom on the ship, letting them know that he wanted to get rid of him, and they, having caught Tom during the fight, when he wounded his rival, decided to just pass Tom to the police.
Sophia’s father comes to London, Mr. Western. He finds a daughter and announces to her that, until Olverty and Blayfil arrive, the girl will sit under house arrest and wait for the wedding. Lady Bellaston, deciding to take revenge on Tom, shows Sofya his letter with a proposal of the hand and heart. Soon the girl learns that Tom is accused of murder and is in prison. Alverty arrives with his nephew and stops at Mrs. Miller. Olverty is her longtime benefactor, he invariably helped a poor woman when her husband died and she was left without money with two young children in her arms. Learning that Tom is the adoptive son of a squire, Mrs. Miller tells him about the nobility of a young man. But Olverty still believes in slander, and the praises that Tom lavishes on him do not touch him.
Nightingale, Mrs. Miller and Partridge often visit Tom in prison. Soon the same Mrs. Waters comes to him, a casual connection with which led to a quarrel with Sophia. After Tom left Elton, Mrs. Waters met Fitzpatrick there, became his mistress and went away with him. Learning from Fitzpatrick about his recent encounter with Tom, she hurried to visit the unhappy prisoner. Tom is relieved to find out that Fitzpatrick is unharmed. Partridge, who also came to visit Tom, informs him that the woman who calls herself Mrs. Waters is actually Jenny Jones, Tom’s own mother. Tom in horror: he sinned with his own mother. Partridge, who never knew how to keep his mouth shut, tells Olverty about this, and he immediately brings Mrs. Waters to him. Introducing to his former master and learning from him, that Tom is the baby she threw into the squire’s house, Jenny finally decides to tell Olverty everything she knows. It turns out that neither she nor Partridge are not involved in the birth of a child. Tom’s father is the son of a friend Olverty, who once lived in the house of the squire for a year and died of smallpox, and his mother – none other than the sister of the squire, Bridget. Fearing the condemnation of his brother, Bridget hid from him that she had given birth to a child, and for a large reward persuaded Jenny to throw the boy in their house. Old servant Olverty, hearing that the squire had learned the truth, confesses to the master that Bridget on her deathbed opened her secret to him and wrote a letter to his brother, which he handed to Mr. Blayfil, for Olverty was unconscious at that moment. Only now Olverty guessed the treachery of Blayfil, who, concealing his squire’s condition, concealed from him, that they are with Tom – siblings. Soon Olverty receives a letter from the former teacher of the boy, the philosopher Squire. In it, he tells the squire that he lies at death and considers it his duty to tell him the whole truth. Squire, who never loved Tom, sincerely regrets: he knew that Blayfil had slandered Tom, but instead of exposing Blayfil, he preferred to remain silent. Olverty learns that one Tom was inconsolable when the squire was between life and death, and the cause of the youth’s so exuberant joy was just the recovery of his named father. but, instead of exposing Blythef, he chose to remain silent. Olverty learns that one Tom was inconsolable when the squire was between life and death, and the cause of the youth’s so exuberant joy was just the recovery of his named father. but, instead of exposing Blythef, he chose to remain silent. Olverty learns that one Tom was inconsolable when the squire was between life and death, and the cause of the youth’s so exuberant joy was just the recovery of his named father.
Olverty, having learned the whole truth about his nephew, sincerely repents of everything that happened, and curses the ungrateful Blayfil. Since Fitzpatrick did not bring any charges against Tom, he is released from prison. Olverty asks Tom for forgiveness, but the noble Tom does not blame the squire,
Nightingale tells Sophia that Tom was not going to marry Lady Bellaston, because it was he, Nightingale, who persuaded Tom to write her the letter she saw. Tom is with Sophia and again asks for her hands. Squire Western, learning about Olwerty’s intention to make Tom his heir, happily gives his consent to their marriage. Lovers after the wedding leave for the village and live happily away from the city bustle.
“The story of Tom Jones, foundling” Fielding in summary